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Aww @Gbear Baby animals are one of my favourite things in the whole world too!

I love animal families and all the ways animals show they love each other.


Other things I love/things that make me wholesome cry

- Childrens books, especially ones about female role models or celebrating diversity

- Generosity 

- When people who say they "hate cats" become cat people Cat LOL

- Introducing someone to a new food

- A few people have mentioned this one - when you/someone else makes a reference and you get it and you laugh and you are instantly more connected

- this thread. I read this thread often, I think it's really amazing.

- people sticking up for each other

- I love how my partner and I always start crying at the same time when we're watching something, i always know they are crying before I look at them because I am also crying.

- i love huge mugs

- The kindness shown at a medical centre I regularly attend. Everyone there knows we're not seeing each other on our best days so we all make an effort to smile or say nice things in the lift.

- when animals know we're sad and come to comfort us

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