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hey @Rattata
i also have quite awful sleeping patterns which have turned into chronic insomnia now but ive tried lots of things and am happy to share with you!

some ideas to try:
-try to exercise in the late afternoon-i found if i done some exercise even a walk it helped to reduce some pent up energy before going to bed
-trying a sleep or relaxation guided meditation
-i found lavender essential oil in a diffuser and placed on certain parts of my skin (they are called trigger points for sleep) helped me to relax quite abit
-making sure youve done any chores or homework that needs to be done is finished. for me if i know something is sitting there waiting to be done i cant really sleep
-i know many people say to stay away from your device but ive found playing card games like solitaire or word search to be helpful as i start to tire out

hope this might help abit! i can think of other tips too but i dont want to overwhelm you
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