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Hi everyone! Thank you for all the love on this thread! I absolutely love hearing about the things in the world that make you smile. I've been away from the forums for a bit to look after myself because I just felt so overwhelmed with uni, an internship and lots of other life things that just piled up! Done with exams though! And I'm very happy to be back here with this wonderful community. 


I wanted to give some new things that I love about this world!


1) The smell of rain

2) My oodie!! OMG it is SO comfy I've literally been living in it 😆 So perfect for cold weather!

3) Being with my sister again! She went to college in Melbourne and she came back before COVID struck again- super blessed! 

4) Treating myself to a fancy dinner out in the city- I've been so busy that I haven't been able to go far into the city for ages! I went out with my boyfriend last night as a treat for post-exams and it was so lovely to just sit watching harbour view without a care in the world

5) Daydreaming and finding shapes in the clouds

6) Steam from a hot drink warming your nose and face

7) Listening to calming music- anyone else listen to lofi music or quiet jazz while studying or just relaxing? Lately, I've been finding youtube clips where they have a nice background like a cafe or a meadow, and it's raining in the background and there's soft nature sounds and calming music. 

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