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Thank you so much to those of you who participated and read along tonight. 


I hope that everyone got something out the chat. It seems like most of us share similar feelings about coming out - it's exciting, scary, freeing, uniting, confusing - all in one. 


My wish for everyone is that there comes a time in your life where you feel safe to come out and accepted by people in our community. Whether that is a large group or your friendship circle. But most importantly to feel accepted by yourself. It doesn't happen overnight and it comes with practice! 


I thought we'd end with something fun. I love this question that came through: 


What are your favourite coming out/pride songs? 


Here are some of mine and hope to see all of yours:


Free - Ultra Nate


Freedom - George Michael 


True Colors - Cyndi Lauper (written for her friend when they came out 😍


Born This Way - Lady Gaga 

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