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Transgender Awareness Week

Trans Day Of Visibility Lgbt GIF by Kiernan Sjursen-Lien


It's Transgender Awareness Week from 13th - 19th November, which is an opportunity for us all to advocate for and celebrate with the trans community! 💙


What does it mean to be transgender?

Transgender is a term to describe people whose gender is different from the one they were assigned or presumed at birth. There are lots of different ways to identify as trans - transgender, Sistergirl, Brotherboy, non-binary, genderfluid, genderqueer, gender diverse, and more. Trans people sometimes decide to undergo gender affirming surgery, and some don't. This doesn't make their gender identity any more or less valid. You can learn more about what being trans means here.


I think I might be trans, what now?

  • First of all - congrats! It can be a bit of a journey to figure out your gender, so give yourself some acknowledgement for getting to whatever point you're at right now 🤗 
  • It can be helpful to listen to other trans people's stories. Ashley shares hers in this video and you can connect with other trans community members in our Gender space too.
  • If you're keen to do some more reading, Transhub have a whole array of information on everything from coming out, different ways to affirm your gender and more.
  • If you'd like to chat to a psychologist about how you're feeling, or a GP to get advice on whether medical transition is the right option for you - you can find a list of medical professionals that are committed to supporting trans people here.
  • There's also the option to get in touch with QLife if you'd like to talk to someone over the phone or via webchat.

My friend/family member is trans, how can I support them?

It's so great that you want to be there for the trans person in your life - your support is so important. There are lots of different ways you can do this, but one of the most impactful things you can do is listen. Listen to their experience, take some time to learn more from the links above and ask them how they would like you to support them. If they aren't sure what they need, you can check out some great examples of ways you can be an ally here.


We'd love to hear from you all, share your stories and experiences below 😊

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