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Struggling in life

I have been stressed since the news of military dictatorship announcement in my country, Myanmar on 1st of February. I currently live in Australia but for the past week, the internet and connection to my country has been cut off whenever the dictator wants and it was so hard for me to contact my family back at home. Now the connection is back but so many people are protesting and I saw military tanks, guns and soldiers online and this makes me worry about safety of friends and family living there. I have lived through military dictatorship during my childhood and I don't want my future to be like that again when I return back to my country. 

I just wanted to talk about things here and let it off my chest. If it is against community rules, feel free to edit it. 

WathanPosted 08-02-2021 10:19 PM


Oleg6578Posted 07-04-2022 12:08 AM

I understand your stress. I am from Ukraine from February 24, 2022 Russia attacked Ukraine and since then we have to leave our homes. For example I am from Kharkov and I hide 2-3 times a day...I really hope Putin will end this horror. This is not possible in a civilized country. I am very sorry

Portia_ROPosted 07-04-2022 01:41 PM

Hi @Oleg6578, I'm so very sorry to hear about what's going on for you at the moment and the state of constant fear you must be living in. Having to leave your home and hide multiple times a day sounds truly terrifying. I hope you know that the online community here at ReachOut stands with you, and that we too hope that this horror will end soon. I'm sure that in your current circumstances, it's incredibly hard to look after your mental health. What's keeping you going at the moment? Is there anything that gives you a sense of hope to hold onto? 

Oleg6578Posted 07-04-2022 04:55 PM

Thank you for care, I helped our army it's makes me more camply

Philippa-ROPosted 11-04-2022 02:13 PM

@Oleg6578 we're thinking of you and so sorry for all you're going through. 

As we are a service based in Australia, we wanted to share some services more local to you that may be able to help, or that may be able to refer you to another service that can: , Tellme or 

Best wishes 💛

unicorn123Posted 27-06-2021 01:28 PM

Hi Wathan, I have been following one of the Instagram accounts that post daily on the Myanmar situation and I can tell you deeply from the very bottom of my heart that I am very sorry about the situation your country is going through. It is incredibly inhumane and I wish I can do more to help you and so the least I can do is repost on my stories and bring awareness to it. Have faith in your family and I hope that they are all doing good. If you need anyone to talk to I am always here:) I pray that Myanmar will be at peace

SerahPosted 12-06-2021 03:43 AM

Hi Wathan, how are you doing? I hope things have eased in your country. It is sad to hear that you cant contact your family, esp at the time like this. I pray that your family is safe at this time and you are ok too 🙂 

celestialdreamerPosted 18-02-2021 12:12 PM
@Wathan I'm so sorry to hear this is happening, I honestly can't even imagine how scary this must be for you and your family, but just wanted to say I hope you and your family are going as best as can be in this situation and that you can still talk to them and that they are safe. I read that you were able to talk to them for a few hours which is great and you have some strategies in place like meditation to help you. I hope they are still helping you now. How are you going?
MacariaPosted 14-02-2021 11:09 PM
Hi @Wathan, that's a really tough situation and I think you are very brave on that since you've tried your best to regulate yourself in such horrible situation, I don't think I can cope with that stress better you. We can't do much with the politics, the best thing we can do is to keep ourselves mentally and physically safe. I hope your families are safe and the situation become under control soon 😞 and please feel free to ask for help if you feel bad, we are here supporting you (hug)
WheresMySquishyPosted 12-02-2021 07:45 PM

@Wathan  Wow, that must be so stressful. 😞 I have heard a bit about what's happening in Myanmar on the news. It's understandable that you would be worried about your family.
The country my parents came here from was involved in the Arab Spring. We still have family over there. I know it's not exactly the same situation, but it's scary being on the other side of the world when violence and bad events happen in the country your family is in. I really hope that your loved ones are okay. Heart
I don't have much to suggest, but it could be helpful to make a self-care plan when you feel like things are too overwhelming. I try to distract myself when there is nothing that I can do about something that I'm worried about.

WathanPosted 24-03-2021 10:53 PM
@WheresMySquishy @Macaria @celestialdreamer @November13
Hi all,
Thanks so much for checking in with me and sending me heartwarming wishes. Sorry for the late reply. I was out for a while on this platform since the news of so many people dying in my country was so upsetting for me that I needed to take a break. I did self-care and tried to take care of emotional health but I got physically sick and had to see the doctor. So things had been hectic for me past weeks.
Now I am finally physically better and have started to cope with the loss and what is happening in my country. Things are still bad but I try to be positive and hopeful for the future of my country.
celestialdreamerPosted 04-06-2021 07:57 PM

Hi @Wathan I just wanted to check in and see how you have been going these past couple months. Glad to see you have been taking care of your physical and mental health 🙂

Andrea-ROPosted 25-03-2021 01:24 PM

I'm so glad to hear that you were able to do some self-care @Wathan, and take care of your physical health as well. I know exactly how hard it can be to be seperated from your family and loved ones in another country while there is unrest. My family and I also left our country when I was born because of a civil war, but I still have family there so I always worry when something bad happens and I can't be there in person to support my family and friends.


I think it's very important to try and stay positive right now, both for yourself and your loved ones 

Hannah-ROPosted 11-02-2021 12:21 PM

Hey @Wathan 

I wanted to check in and see how you're doing at the moment? 

I'm glad you've been able to have some contact with your family, I have some family members in Myanmar too and hearing from them has been really comforting. We're here for you anytime you need to get things off your chest Heart

WathanPosted 11-02-2021 02:04 PM
Thanks for checking in. It’s tough but I’m doing my best to not get caught up in it so much. I try to eat well, sleep well and connect with people to talk about what I can do to help the country. I’m feeling better. I hope we will be able to get through this.
November13Posted 19-02-2021 08:14 PM

Hi @Wathan, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and taking care of yourself! I hope things get better for you and the people in your country soon Heart

Hannah-ROPosted 11-02-2021 04:32 PM

Hey @Wathan I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and you're taking time to make sure you look after yourself Heart

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 09-02-2021 11:27 PM
That's really intense @Wathan 😞 It must be so scary not being able to stay in touch with your family whenever they cut off the connection. And hearing about the protests- I can't even imagine what that would be like- it's understandable to be worried about your family and friends, I would be really stressed too. I'm glad you got to talk to your family again and you have some understanding supports in Australia. Of course you're always welcome to talk about things here, we're here to listen
Tiny_leafPosted 09-02-2021 12:30 PM

@Wathan that sounds like a horrible situation to be in...

I hope your friends and family are staying safe...

Do you know any other people from Myanmar living in Australia?

WathanPosted 09-02-2021 03:41 PM
Yeah it’s so horrible.. I have my boyfriend with me and it helps a lot. I talk with other Myanmar people living in Australia too to how to deal with this situation.
Andrea-ROPosted 09-02-2021 10:07 PM

I'm so so glad you were able to speak to your family @Wathan, my family also mostly lives overseas, so I know how scary it can be when there's conflict or political stress happening where they live, and not being able to know whats going on fully or how to help. It's also so good that you can talk to other people from Myanmar - what sort of stuff have they said?

Janine-ROPosted 09-02-2021 02:06 PM

Hey @Wathan , I just wanted to say how sorry I am that your family and loved ones are friends are having to go through such a scary and uncertain time, I imagine it must be a really powerless feeling being so far away, especially if communications are being cut like that. We're always here if you need to chat. Have you been able to get back in contact with your loved ones? 

WathanPosted 09-02-2021 03:39 PM
Thanks for comforting me. Luckily I got my contact back with my family since the government have opened up connection. We talked for 3 hrs and I am feeling better.
Eden1717Posted 08-02-2021 10:40 PM

@Wathan  that is a lot to be dealing with and is a super stressful situation. I must say I am not up to date with what exactly is going in in Myanmar but it does seem very scary and military dictatorships are often quite harsh regimes. I really hope your family is doing ok and that is all gets sorted out in the most peaceful way possible. is there anything you can do to help yourself to relax or feel less stressed out about the situation? we are always here to listen if you want to talk more about how you are feeling.   

WathanPosted 09-02-2021 03:37 PM
Yeah I’m trying to eat well and sleep well. I do meditation and listen to relaxing music. Thanks.

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