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WW Activity - Random Acts of Kindness -16 Jan 2019

 Wellbeing Wednesday Activity - Random Acts of Kindness 

This week we are talking about Acts of Kindness. 

We all know this intuitively and through our own experiences, but there is now a lot of evidence for the benefit of performing acts of kindness! When you do something nice for someone else, it can really have a positive effect on your own well being.  And of course, when someone does something kind for you, it feels great!  



This week, do one kind act for a stranger, or someone you know, out of the blue. Share and report back if you'd like! 


Here's a list of ideas around acts of kindness  - what can you add to the list?! 

  1. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you 
  2. Send a postcard or letter to a friend you’ve not spoken to in forever
  3. Buy someone flowers just because 
  4. Apologise to someone
  5. Let someone know you are thinking of them
  6. Finally get around to calling your sister/besty/elderly aunt to have a chat
  7. Let someone know their strengths or how much you appreciate them
  8. Give a stranger your seat
  9. Leave a book in a public place with a “take me I’m free” note
  10. Who is your most selfless friend?  Do something amazing for them
  11. Listen, without interrupting, to someone’s story or problem.  Let them talk.  They’ll feel better
  12. Plant a tree or edible plant 

Let's share the love and kindness Heart


To get involved in more Wellbeing Wednesday Activities, you can check out this thread!

Jess1-ROPosted 16-01-2019 01:59 PM


annabethxchasePosted 17-01-2019 08:33 AM
One time last year I wrote little notes saying nice quotes and left them all around middle school. I dunno why I did it but it felt good when I finished 🙂
Naw that's lovely @mrmusic @scared01
gina-ROPosted 17-01-2019 02:11 PM

@annabethxchase thats so thoughtful  -making so many people's days . 


Does anyone have any ideas of things you could do this week as an act of kindess? 

I've been thinking about what I could do, and thought I would bake cookies for my housemates this week ! Smiley Happy

annabethxchasePosted 17-01-2019 04:11 PM
That sounds lovely @gina-RO ❤️
BeePosted 22-01-2019 10:02 PM
Okay so I was kind of struggling to think of something nice I'd done for others, and I felt a bit selfish... but then the other night I was out shopping around dusk with mum, and there was this couple of another nationality, and the mother was holding her son and he was so gorgeous! He just melted my heart, and I told her how gorgeous her baby was and she smiled the most beautiful and big smile and thanked me and I told her she was very welcome, even the dad seemed so impressed.

In my town there is often a bit of a divide between different nationalities and cultures, and when I can I always try to compliment them when I notice myself looking because most (I say most because I'm not perfect) of the time I'm looking with admiration and not anything else 🙂 Heart
nykePosted 24-01-2019 11:00 PM
I love random kindness! It makes someone's day, which then makes my day!

I cooked some fresh cookies for some friends who let me take care of there house and were returning from a long week away. It took two attempts but it was worth it. 😄

There's this really small act that someone did this week! Our safety switch broke so we had no power for the evening, and we hadn't had dinner yet. Then I left some belongings at someone's place and had to go get that, and when I went to get that, I left something else there, and had to go back AGAIN to get that. Then I decided to go get pizza at half past eight, but roadworks had just started and so I was in a pretty bad mood. There was this lady working at the roadworks who was just smiling and waving at everyone who drove past -- it's not much, but it made me smile all the way home.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-01-2019 01:12 PM
So many beautiful acts! To be honest, I thought I replied to this one already, but apparently not 😛

What I was going to add it, a few days before this (or was it a week before...) I took a roommate of mine to the movies because they wanted to see the movie I was seeing and I paid for them (because they don't have a job). Just because I wanted to see the movie and I thought, if they want to see it too, they may as well come with me 😛
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 25-01-2019 02:41 PM

I don’t know if this counts because it was a total accident but I COULD have not paid the difference and chose to so...

Anyway, I filled my car up and I went into pay and I was said it was number 8, the attendent thought I was just a dumbass and was like the black car right? And I was like um yeah, anyway I paid, and after I paypassed, I was walking out and thought hold on a minute that’s a lot more than it said on the petrol bowser, obviously I lack the brain capacity to think of these things at the time, checked then went to walk back in and question it before I saw some other guy really confused. Turns out I paid his petrol and he paid for mine which was nearly $15 cheaper. The guy was like I can give you cash to make the difference, I said no definitely not, and the attendent was like, look, as long as you both cars are paid do what you want, so I basically gave him $15 worth of free petrol🚘


that was one long winded story 

gina-ROPosted 25-01-2019 03:19 PM

It is making me so happy to read through all of these amazing acts of kindness!

@Bee I love hearing about how encouraging and open you are to everyone! It does not surprise me - I see you doing the same on the forum all the time! 


@nyke That is so lovely of you to make cookies for your friends! I pledged last week to bake for my housemates - and I have to admit that I haven't done it yet! I feel like it's been too hot to bake - I might get them icecreams instead this weekend 🙂 


@N1ghtW1ng i love that you paid for you roomate to see a movie with you. Such a generous thing to do!! 


@Saltwaterdreamtime Wow that is super generous!! I don't think many people would have done something so kind to a complete stranger! You must have made his day 🙂 


BeePosted 25-01-2019 05:01 PM

@gina-RO😄 It doesn't cost anything to be nice to those around us, you never know what their day has been like 🙂 And I can't help but aw at little kids - they're just so adorable! (That kinda makes me sound creepy - I promise it's in a non-creepy way!)
Maybe instead of making cookies, you could try looking up some non-back slice recipes there are a heap out there 🙂

@Saltwaterdreamtime that's so generous of you! I know it's happened in my town before where a guy paid for a whole tank of fuel for one of my old managers as she went to pay and couldn't find her card! It blew her away!

letitgoPosted 25-01-2019 07:22 PM

Ah, I love this idea!


Hmm... I got paid this week, and instead of treating myself to a CD, I donated to a fundraiser for a pregnant woman who needs to buy supplies for her and her baby. I really hope she reaches her fundraising goal. Part of me felt disappointed that I couldn't contribute more, but I reminded myself that every little bit counts.

BeePosted 27-01-2019 06:07 PM
The other night I was walking out of a shop and I had to pull the door, and I could see another person about to enter, so I stepped asside and held the door so they could walk in. They were appreciative and thanked me woth a smile. I smiled back. It was a nice little interaction 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 31-01-2021 08:34 AM
This week, I made friends with the new girls in my grade, because we share the same drama class. I figured that they looked a little lonely, and none of my friends were in my class, so I went and sat with them. Not sure if that's kindness, but I feel it was to me and them. I also rarely try and make new friends, trust issues lol. 😄
Hannah-ROPosted 02-02-2021 03:38 PM

I think that is definitely kindness @xXLexi_Lou122Xx ! It's lovely to sit with someone who is alone Heart

(This act of kindness was not done by me, but observed by me, I hope that is ok!) I was at an appointment yesterday and all the chairs in the waiting room were spaced out cause of covid and a lovely woman got up and moved seats so my partner and I could sit together, and even though she was wearing a mask I could tell she was smiling. I love when people smile in their masks Heart

scared01Posted 02-02-2021 04:07 PM
that was really nice of you @xXLexi_Lou122Xx sitting with someone who is alone is lovely

@Hannah-RO i often try and give up my seat for others if i possibly can esp elderly or parents with young kids or someone with an injury or if theyve been waiting for a while in the waitng room and look like they could use a chiar more then i do
SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 25-01-2019 03:25 PM
Thanks @gina-RO it was already all paid for I wasn’t going to take the money off him, easy to just let it go, you never know when it might come back around
scared01Posted 16-01-2019 05:01 PM
im not to sure if this counts but on monday i helped an elderly lady cross the road because she couldnt get her walker up and down from the guttering
gina-ROPosted 17-01-2019 01:59 PM

That absolutely counts @scared01  - what a kind thing to do for a stranger!! Heart


scared01Posted 17-01-2019 02:06 PM
thank you @gina-RO Heart
mrmusicPosted 16-01-2019 08:27 PM

I remember at the beginning of last month I was on the way back home from the city, and some random man approached me who said that he had his wallet stolen and asked for money to get home. After fluffing around for a little while, I got him an opal card with $10 on it and gave him another $10 for food. I think that was reasonable and I felt good about it afterwards.


(He also wanted my contact to pay me back, which I didn't give him, because I'd rather stay anonymous and have it be a random act of kindness).

gina-ROPosted 17-01-2019 02:01 PM

@mrmusic that is such a thoughtful and lovely thing to do for that man that approached you. 

Thanks for sharing with us. It feels pretty good to be kind , which is a great perk Heart


scared01Posted 17-01-2019 09:51 AM
that was really generous of you esp snce ive noticed people struggle to give gold coins away to those who ask. @mrmusic

that was really sweet of you @annabethxchase

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