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Weekly Wellbeing Activity: Creating a Cool Character!

Heya, everyone! As we're approaching the end of June (another month has gone just like that - how fast does time by?!), this is officially the last Weekly Wellbeing activity for this month! Shout out to @N1ghtW1ng for creating this cool idea! 😄

Do you know what's fun? Creating things! It can be a great distraction, lots of fun and give you lots of new children to have all kinds of fun with!
So today's activity is all about creating a fun character, complete with an epic backstory, cool traits and whatever else your heart desires!
The best part? There are no rules! Want your character to be a dragon? DO IT! Want your character to be an alien bent on destroying the human race? GO FOR IT! Want your character to be a sappy romantic who owns a flower shop? YES PLEASE!
Have some fun this week and create a character for yourself, to be whoever or whatever you want them to be. Because there are no rules in creativity 🙂





Esperanza67Posted 26-06-2019 02:30 PM


Esperanza67Posted 26-06-2019 02:34 PM

Tagging a few members who might be interested in this week's activity: @MisoBear, @Hozzles, @lennycat2017, @WheresMySquishy@Saltwaterdreamtime

HozzlesPosted 28-06-2019 04:55 PM

LOVE IT! Creating characters is absolutely one of my fav things to do. Beyond expressing your creativity it's a great pathway to research: whether deciding what mythology your vampire follows to general psychology. Sometimes characters have traits I see in myself (perhaps accidentally) and sometimes it's good to have an external part of yourself that you can examine in a way you can control. I will admit... I have some characters I've made myself that I absolutely love, and think of them in tough situations and what they would do in such a situation. I have more characters than stories to put them in, and I hope most find their way into one one day!

Super looking forward to see if anyone's willing to share who they made! The latest character I made a few weeks ago was a bikie/1950s greaser style necromancer (psychic + can communicate with the dead) who is studying to be a forensic anthropologist... Smiley LOL

letitgoPosted 28-06-2019 05:42 PM

Ooooh @Esperanza67 this activity would fit in so well with my fiction writing!!


I haven't written any new characters lately, at least not any that jump out at me, although I have been playing around with a few ideas for some.

One that jumps to mind is a girl named Erica who loves to draw 🙂

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