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Weekly Wellbeing: Life Admin

Weekly Wellbeing: Life Admin 


What is Life Admin? 

When we say “Wellbeing” we don’t usually think of filling out forms, booking doctors appointments or reorganising study space. However, these life admin tasks can help us: 

  • Feel organised and in control 
  • Ensure we follow up on our health 
  • Create mental space to better manage stress 
  • Clear physical space to increase peacefulness and productivity 


Doing all the little tasks “you’ve been meaning to do” can be a really practical way of reducing mental clutter. I know when I’ve left something on my to do list for too long it starts to weigh me down. Ticking off some of those tasks can be really satisfying! 





Share a task you’ve been meaning to do that you are going to cross off your “to do list” this week? 


I’ll start…  


I’m going to try and overcome my fear of the dentist and call to book an appointment this week. 


Now your turn! Looking forward to reading through your responses  Smiley Happy

Bre-ROPosted 07-08-2019 05:21 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 10-08-2019 07:29 PM

I've managed to get a few things done this week. I went shopping and I've also sorted out some study-related stuff like enquiring about applying for postgraduate courses. My sister was finally readmitted to the hospital with basically no notice (found out on the day), so I also helped sort out some of her supplies yesterday.

@scared01@dog_lover94  are we secretly related? I have so much junk piled up, it's not even funny. We managed to clean some of it but will probably have to organise one of those skip bins. We need to make room in our house because we are having an elevator built for my sister.

scared01Posted 10-08-2019 07:30 PM
lol @WheresMySquishy
maybe we are jsut good at hoarding stuff 😛

i havent managed to go to the tp wet as weve had dangerous weather conditions even just to drive in so definenetly wont take a trailor out yet
WheresMySquishyPosted 10-08-2019 07:40 PM

@scared01I'm kind of scared to look through some of the stuff because I'm scared of what I'll find. Some of it has been there for years. Once we found a headless rat in the shed. Smiley Indifferent

I heard that some places are snowing. Crazy weather we're having!

scared01Posted 10-08-2019 07:44 PM
oh god @WheresMySquishy
what a yukky find!

yeah we have 100k winds sometimes getting higher then that, snowing in surrounding areas but not at my place but we get the icy cold winds. hopefully to eases soon!
WheresMySquishyPosted 10-08-2019 07:52 PM

@scared01  That sounds insane. I really hate windy weather. I remember having to go to an interview once and there was flooding and insane rain and wind. My umbrella broke on the way to the building, so I just had to leave it somewhere. I was completely soaked.

I hope it eases too!

AschePosted 13-08-2019 08:44 PM
Normally I'd say I don't mind the wind much (a little love for a thick coat goes a long way), but I was constantly battered by it for about 7 hours when I went on a seaside hike last Friday and have been coughing ever since :'(

In terms of my own life admin:
Send those three emails I've been putting off. (Inbox never ends)
Work out my finances for tax season. (Adulting is hard, you guys)
Mark my students' essays. (I'm a tutor)
Respond to that facebook message I got two weeks ago but was too tired to get into at the time. (It's alright, we're penfriends, they're used to horrific response times)

Honestly if I get through three out of those four, on top of the other stuff that this week has undoubtedly got waiting, I'm calling that a win. I think one of things that holds me back from tackling my life admin in general, is how often there can seem like there's so much to do that if can feel pointless to try to address any of it. But that's losing sight of the fact that any progress is better than no progress at all, and besides- life happens! Sometimes you aren't going to get through everything, other priorities and challenges will appear that require your attention instead and you'll need to bench or even drop some things. That's okay. That's not a failure, that's just life. The perfect is the enemy of the good, and the done.
MisoBearPosted 14-08-2019 06:04 PM
Ah, life admin, the bane of my existence haha!
But seriously, does it ever end?
I think the main thing I make sure to do is try and make it as enjoyable as possible. So if I have to do laundry, I put on a podcast while I'm doing it. I was proud of myself because recently I booked a doctors appointment I've been meaning to book for ages. I find using apps like todoist and a physical, paper diary help me in prioritising, but I'm by no means an expert.
ecla34Posted 23-08-2019 07:09 PM

@MisoBear such a good idea! making things enjoyable where you can is really helpful in getting things done, it's almost like self-bribery haha Smiley LOL

scared01Posted 10-08-2019 08:04 PM
wow that sounds awful @WheresMySquishy
dog_lover94Posted 07-08-2019 07:04 PM

@Bre-RO I hate the dentist too!


My task for the week will be to clean out my desk draws of all the junk I have accumulated. I have been putting it off for weeks 😬

ecla34Posted 08-08-2019 08:17 PM

My task for this week was to see a doctor to get a referral and to visit the Vampire Doctors to get some tests done, mission accomplished!



The dentist might have to wait until next week lol 😉 😛

On a serious note, I've been churning through a lot of Adult Tasks (tm) that i've been dreading and procrastinating for so long, and it's such a weight off now that they're almost all done. Worrying about them was so much worse than actually doing them!! Smiley LOL I really like this WW @Bre-RO 😄

scared01Posted 07-08-2019 06:19 PM
good one @Bre-RO
im terrified of the dentist too but i believe in you. youve got this Heart

my task for this week will be to take the load of rubbish to the tip. its been sitting in my front yard for more then 2 weeks cause i keep putting it off but im going to take it this week.

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