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I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say

DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:35 PM

Comments (8 pages)

MisoBearPosted 07-06-2019 09:12 PM

If you feel comfortable, you could maybe write some dot points about that here? How would you like your mum to respond to what you tell her?

LadybugPosted 03-06-2019 10:40 PM

Hi there @Dyl 

Sorry to hear that you haven't seen your dad in a long time. I can imagine how hard it must be for you.

I understand missing family as I am going though a somewhat similar experience. My parents divorced recently and its been tricky for everyone. I miss my sisters. The youngest is only 2 years old and I haven't seen her for about 10 days now.. She's coming for a visit on Saturday for a few hours and I can hardly wait. My parents can't stand each other so I get how even saying you miss one of them can cause a negative reaction.. the best thing would be for your mother to understand that children love and need both parents. I hope that this is the case for you so that talking to her about it can be easier.

When are you next scheduled to see your dad? How about you give him a phone call in the meantime?

My heart goes out to you @Dyl 

DylPosted 04-06-2019 11:06 AM


That must have been hard for you to

I just miss the moments I had with my Dad and being able to even call someone Dad


DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:43 PM

If you have gone through a similar thing

Please let me know

And give me tip on how to tell my Mum I want to see my Dad

@Dyl wrote:

I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say


scared01Posted 03-06-2019 09:07 PM
hey @Dyl and welcome
if seeing your dad is something youd like to do but to afraid to tell your mum in person, perhaps writing her a letter letting her know you like to see him might be a good starting point?

also if you put an @ in front of a members name itll tag them for you
DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:39 PM

If you have gone through a similar thing

Please let me know

And give me tip on how to deal with it

@Dyl wrote:

I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say


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