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I haven't seen my Dad in 4-5 years and I really want to see him again 

My parents broke up when I was 3 

And I really miss my Dad

I really want to tell my Mum bu i'm worried about what she'll say

DylPosted 03-06-2019 08:35 PM

Comments (8 pages)

HelenEdwardsPosted 04-08-2019 04:33 AM

I think, you must talk to your mother about it. She loves you. And you will find the solution together.

DylPosted 05-08-2019 07:44 PM

@HelenEdwards @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy @TOM-RO @JanaG 

Hey guys

I am feeling better

It's hard not to think or look at the girl I like but I am pushing through

I am still stressing out over my grades and outside activities 

But me and my friends are getting better which is a positive 


dog_lover94Posted 06-08-2019 12:43 PM

Hey @Dyl 


Sorry I haven't been able to reply for a while.

I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better and your friendships are improving. 

I can completely relate to stressing about grades. Is there a particular class that stresses you out? 



WheresMySquishyPosted 22-08-2019 10:55 PM

@Dyl  I'm so glad you're keeping on. It's okay to have good and bad days. You're so resilient! Smiley Happy

Watching those videos now. Smiley Happy
I really admire Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson for turning his life around.
His story is a bit like rags to riches. It's really great to have a role model like that.

WheresMySquishyPosted 22-08-2019 11:03 PM

@Dyl  Loving these videos! Smiley Happy

I really like watching motivational videos on YouTube.

DylPosted 22-08-2019 10:53 PM

@dog_lover94 @Maddy-RO @HelenEdwards @MisoBear @WheresMySquishy 

Hey guys things getting  up and down ATM

Mixed emotions

But imma keep fighting 


Maddy-ROPosted 06-08-2019 11:53 AM

Hey @Dyl 


I'm glad to hear things are looking up Smiley Happy and that you are "pushing through" regarding the girl. 


Grades can be stressful. That's definitely something I can relate to. What are you studying? Are you at university/TAFE or highschool? 

DylPosted 22-08-2019 11:21 PM
high school
dog_lover94Posted 25-08-2019 06:38 PM

Great videos @Dyl! Thanks for sharing!

DylPosted 02-09-2019 10:27 PM

@dog_lover94 @MisoBear @Bre-RO @WheresMySquishy @Maddy-RO 

I am hating everything ATM

My closeest friends are turning on me I even feel like my best friends is as well

Forgetting everything

Teachers annoying me

People treating me like crap 

I just hate it!

dog_lover94Posted 04-09-2019 06:53 PM

Hey @Dyl,


Sorry to hear that things aren't going well for you. 

Are things better with your mum? Do you feel like you could talk to her about what's going on?


Have you tried any techniques to help you get to sleep? There are some tips here if you need them.


DylPosted 04-09-2019 06:56 PM

Things are getting better with my Mum

The things with my friends are slightly better 

However my friend is dating one of my other friends crushes 

She just told me today

I don't know what to do

DylPosted 04-09-2019 08:22 PM

This helps me realize their is always hope

As i'd also do this for my Mum

Jess1-ROPosted 05-09-2019 09:20 AM

Hi @Dyl,


It sounds like a difficult situation you are in with your friend dating another friends crush- it's always hard to be in the middle. Does your friend who has the crush know that their crush is dating someone else? What are your initial thoughts about the situation? 

DylPosted 05-09-2019 11:05 AM

@Jess1-RO @dog_lover94 @MisoBear @Bre-RO @WheresMySquishy 

It is hard not to say something 

She is a good friend of mine and her best friend is dating one of my mates it's really hard for me not to say some thing 

dog_lover94Posted 05-09-2019 05:14 PM

Hey @Dyl,


If it is going to make you uncomfortable and you feel like you should tell your friend then I think you should follow your instincts. You should do what you think is right for your friend and support them through it.

DylPosted 07-09-2019 08:12 PM

@dog_lover94 @MisoBear @Jess1-RO @Bre-RO @WheresMySquishy 

As I type this My fav AFL is playing in the finals for the 1st time in 10 years!

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