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Answer a question with a yes or no answer, then ask a new one!


Would you go skydiving?

lanejanePosted 06-09-2014 09:06 PM

Comments (63 pages)

ayrc_1904Posted 16-10-2022 11:58 AM



Do you like Summer? 🌞

Dem--ROPosted 21-10-2022 10:27 PM

No! It's too hot, I much prefer Spring 🌻 or Autumn 🍁


Do you like savoury foods?  

Courtney-ROPosted 22-10-2022 10:57 PM

Yes! I love me some savoury food 😍


Have you had, or do you want to try, Nutella / chocolate pizza? 

Eleanor-ROPosted 29-10-2022 09:07 PM

hmm! I'm not sure I'd enjoy dessert pizzas. I'd probably give Nutella pizza a miss (I love Nutella crepes though 💗)


What is your Hogwarts House and why do you belong in this house 🧙‍🌟

BlueberriesPosted 07-12-2022 09:36 PM

I don’t think that is a yes or no question 😅

so I think I’ll just skip it since I’m not too familiar with Harry Potter lol.


Do you like wearing caps 🧢?

Emily-ROPosted 25-08-2021 11:43 AM

Rebooting this game!



Yes or no? Do you like pineapple on pizza? 😉

MB95Posted 25-08-2021 08:55 PM

Big YES from me! 🥰


Now I want pizza...!! 



Next one: Have you ever let someone's secret slip after promising not to say a word? 

Emily-ROPosted 27-08-2021 10:02 AM

Hahaha that gif is hilarious!


Have I ever let someone's secret slip?
Honestly, yes! I did that once! When I was 10, my mum told me that we were getting a puppy and she wanted to surprise my brother. I had to keep the secret for a week and I was way too excited that I let it slip! 😅 I felt so bad that I haven't done it again.



Next one: Would you ever go sky diving?

MB95Posted 31-08-2021 11:07 PM

Haha I'm glad you liked it @Emily-RO 😂 I thought he was pretty funny! 


I love that you let that secret slip ahahaha and I also love that your mum thought you'd be able to keep quiet about it in the first place! I feel like telling a 10yr old they are gonna be getting a puppy and then to keep it a secret is just a recipe for disaster - love it! 😂 


Also, those puppies are hella cute!!! 😍 


Heck yeah I'd go skydiving!! I went paragliding off the Alps in Austria and it was the most incredible experience ever!!! Just floating in the air 🥰 Can't say I'd enjoy the free fall part and 200% gonna need to be pushed out of that plane, but once the parachute is out and my hysterical screaming has stopped I know I'd love it lol 



Next one: Would you ever try frogs legs?

Emily-ROPosted 01-09-2021 09:48 AM

Hahaha I know right @MB95 ! You can't expect a 10 year old to keep a secret about a puppy!

Oh my gosh you paragliding of the Alps sounds amazing!!! It definitely sounds a lot better than skydiving. 


Would I ever try frogs legs? Hmmmmmmmmm... Probably not hahaha! I've heard they taste like chicken though, if you did want to try them! I went to France for school exchange, and I was never offered them once! 



Next one: Would you want to be a celebrity?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 02-09-2021 12:18 AM

No I don't wanna be famous!


That's so cool you went paragliding @MB95!


If you had the chance to be reborn as someone else (completely roll the dice again), would you? (You wouldn't remember anything, this isn't dr who :p)


Emily-ROPosted 03-09-2021 02:17 PM

Hmmmmm Yes! I like experiencing as many things as possible! 😊



Next one: Can you touch your elbow with your nose?

MB95Posted 04-09-2021 12:53 AM

Yesh it was a pretty bloody amazing experience that's for sure 😍 Also you're right @Emily-RO, they do taste a bit like chicken and have the texture of mud crab.. I tried them when I went to Paris but can't say I'll ever eat them again 😂


No.. I can't! Can you guys?! 


Next one: Can you move your ears without touching them? (Totally one of my party tricks lol) 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 04-09-2021 11:06 PM

No, I can't touch my elbow to my nose OR move my ears without touching them! Being able to move your ears without touching them is so cool @MB95!


Next one: Are you double jointed anywhere?


Emily-ROPosted 08-09-2021 10:43 AM

I'm double jointed only in one of my fingers haha! 


Next one: Would you do a trip around the world?


MB95Posted 12-09-2021 10:58 PM

Heck yeah I would @Emily-RO !! I LOOVVVEEE to travel!! 🥰🥰🥰



Next one: Would you travel the world on your own? 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 13-09-2021 02:05 AM

I would like to but I'd be too scared so no!

Next one: Do you have any pets?

RattataPosted 13-09-2021 02:17 AM

YES! I have a rabbit that we rescued from street, wish I could have more pets though.



Do you enjoy doing puzzles?

Philippa-ROPosted 13-09-2021 04:16 PM

Yes... mostly... unless the cat steals the last piece. 😖


Do you like to read?



MB95Posted 13-09-2021 09:22 PM

Yes, when I am able to get my dumb brain to focus and concentrate!! 


Do you have any plant babies? 

Emily-ROPosted 15-09-2021 12:42 PM

Yes! I'm trying to keep him alive haha. 



Do you take things out of your burger?

deabreuPosted 15-09-2021 01:12 PM

@Emily-RO png to ico wrote:

Yes! I'm trying to keep him alive haha. 



Do you take things out of your burger?

YES, Tomato. Can’t stand raw tomatoes.


Next one: Do you have a favorite type of exercise?

Emily-ROPosted 15-09-2021 01:40 PM

Hahaha I feel that @deabreu ! Raw tomatoes are the worst! I'm glad to be a fellow tomato hater 😛


Yes! My favourite exercise is probably dancing! I feel like it's fun and often you do it with friends!



Next one: Do you sip your tea/coffee loudly? 

DrummaBoyPosted 20-09-2021 07:58 PM

Poor tomato! Getting left out of the burger 😂🍅😂


Hmm... well I try to slip my tea quietly, but yes I'm probably a bit loud 😂


On that note, are you a green tea person? 🍵

Philippa-ROPosted 21-09-2021 09:42 AM

Nope I'm definitely an English Breakfast tea person (or hot chocolate... 🤤)



Do you like marshmallows in your hot chocolate?

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