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originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:32 PM

No idea about the first question, if in doubt pick c.


I have taken alot of exams in my life so far and many more to come. My best was an English exam in year 12 where I got 98% correct even though I had little time to study due to a friend being in the hospital, my worst my year 12 Japanese speaking exam, where I literally gave up and said some weird things to the questions answered. 

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originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:34 PM

Alright everyone, sounds like we've got some exam pros out there 😛 Next Q...


What is it about exams that make us so stressed? 

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:45 PM

The possibility of failure is a big stress thing for me in regards to exams. And not just because it's in my nature to want to do well, but because other things are often dependent on our performance in exams e.g. if you fail a unit in uni you have to pay (eventually) to do it again, and in high school there was heaps of emphasis placed on exams being so important to our eligibility for future study

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Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:52 PM

What is it about exams that make us so stressed? 

For me it's the preparation that stresses me out. It's quite hard for me to concentrate and it's taken me a lot of practice to learn to get through chunks of study and preparation. So i can get into a bit of a cycle of worrying about studying and not doing enough study, and then getting stressed and distracted by this and then not studying enough and then being stressed about that.... etc. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 9:07 PM

Good point about the preparation being difficult in itself. I think I'd like to revise my earlier answer to include that idea too!


Also, @roseisnotaplant that is a great meme!! 

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Star contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:50 PM

First question is B. Yeah.....


What is it about exams that make us so stressed? 

Knowing that it plays such a big role and step in our lives probably is one of the reasons. No consequences = no sweat. When they start carrying weight, I feel like they exponentially increase in importance and stress. 

Consequences seem to be a huge factor, huh?

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:43 PM

What is it about exams that make us so stressed? 


I guess the fact that in Year 12 they determine what Unis you can get into or courses you can choose.  And there's also the fact that everyone wants you to do well and people close to you are always asking what scores you got so if you get a bad score people will know and judge you for it.

Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:17 PM

As for the second part, I don't rate exams. They fall into two categories. "Incomplete" and "Complete/forgotten"
Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:16 PM

@Ben-RO that had better not be the first question or everyone will just leave! 😛

How many exams have you done in your life? What was the best, what was the worst?
I am so not interested in counting.them but the answer is too many. Although at uni I've only done one/two exams per semester so that's pretty neat 😄

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:15 PM

How many exams have you done in your life? What was the best, what was the worst?


I've done a myriad of assessments - from SACs to NAPLAN to ICAS, as well as many other terrifying looking acronyms. My first proper 'exams' are coming up next week though. (I mean I technically did Year 10 exams last year but it's complicated 😛 I'm in a weird program where stuff happens out of order... I don't understand it either.)

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originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:01 PM

Bumpity bump reminder @roseisnotaplant @j95 @FootyFan26

Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:01 PM

Hellooooo everybody! 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 29-05-2017 8:05 PM

Hey-lo, lovely RO friends!! Smiley Very Happy I am totally ready to bust through my exams!

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