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Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:56 PM

Tonight we’ve spoken about all things success, failure, growth and learning:


Success is a result of staying true to yourself, achieving your goals. Failure is an opportunity to learn, and grow from our mistakes to lead us to success.


Sometimes at first glance, things may look like failures but they end up teaching us things, for example, burning food before mastering cooking, or learning to separate whites from colours after mixing the two whilst doing laundry.


Looking back on our mistakes with a growth mindset can help us to learn, we can do this through thinking optimistically and rationally, setting time frames for feeling down followed by a cut off time to move on and learn.


Being able to empathize can definitely take time—the greater the mental distance between now and the failure, the easier it is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Taking a moment to look at the grand scheme of things can help when we try to analyse our failures.


It’s not only us to make mistakes or fail, famous people and celebrities do so as well—from kanye west interrupting taylor swift to the hundreds of publishers who turned down Harry Potter to the people who fired Oprah and Steve Jobs.


We can help a friend who thinks they have failed by listening, being there for them, help to minimise their frustration, remind them that they’re human—and it is human to fail, encourage them, and keeping things POSITIVE!


This week, try and challenge yourself, if you make a mistake, try to learn from it J



Thanks for joining us tonight and we’ll see you next week for the next GR Sesh:


Want to read more about failure and learning from mistakes?

failure is just a detour

not so epic fail

failed not finished


life after bad moves

sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:58 PM

thanks guys, good chat...

good night
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:59 PM

Have a good week @chandelier @FootyFan26 🙂
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 10:01 PM

Awesome chat! Good night everyone! You all rock

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 10:11 PM

And here ends our chat for the night. Thanks so much for coming everybody 🙂


Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:57 PM

Thanks everyone! Tonight was good!!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:59 PM

Thanks everybody! See you at 8 next week!

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:58 PM

@j95 thanks for contributing, have a good night!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:58 PM

Thanks guys! Have a good night and stay safe!
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:19 PM

how are you @j95?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:21 PM

Freezing @tsnyder I just had footy training!
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:24 PM

@j95 how was it? Yeah man I had running and it was so cold and windy!


@ruenhonx that is an awesomely optimistic point of view!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:30 PM

Was good @tsnyder I am exhausted though
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//
Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:38 PM

I like where this is heading I am learning a lot about the different things we consider failure and success and HOW we learn from these things in particular. 



On to Question3:
There is a quote that says "you havent failed, just found a few ways that dont work". tell us about a time you learnt a few ways NOT to do something...

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:44 PM

Q: There is a quote that says "you havent failed, just found a few ways that dont work". tell us about a time you learnt a few ways NOT to do something...

learning to drive..... this is something i feel like i have failed at.... but looking back now i think i learnt that i need to not rely family & friends to teach me and instead save up for lots of professional lessons
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:47 PM

@chandelier i feel you! i've been struggling trying to learn with my dad and i only just had my first professional driving lesson on saturday and it was great!!!
sometimes it rains, sometimes it shines, this is how flowers grow
Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:41 PM

3. There is a quote that says "you havent failed, just found a few ways that dont work". tell us about a time you learnt a few ways NOT to do something...


Ahhhh killer question! I met a girl I really like recently and she told me that for the most part I'm really nice but occasionally I'm a bit of a dick.  I was really stunned because I honestly wasn't aware of this, so I told her that I'd appreciate it if she told me when I was not being nice so I could recognize these moments and learn.  It was actually a really good learning experience and it was nice to be called out like that!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:49 PM

That girl there is a very good communicator @tsnyder hope she's still talking to you, what a find! 


@chandelier I learned exactly the same thing exactly the same way!

Star contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 8:54 PM

4. to learn from our failures we need to examine our mistakes... that can feel uncomfortable if we look back with a "fixed"mindset (ie believing nothing can change) so how can we make it easier to look back at our mistakes with a "growth" mindset instead?


sometimes after a 'failure' I feel really down, so I usually give myself a time frame for feeling down and then a cut off time.  After the cut off I tell myself to move on and learn


i.e. I give myself a limited time to feel bleak and then I move on

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:01 PM

4. to learn from our failures we need to examine our mistakes... that can feel uncomfortable if we look back with a "fixed"mindset (ie believing nothing can change) so how can we make it easier to look back at our mistakes with a "growth" mindset instead?

For me the answer is almost in the question. Sometimes i remember an awkward moment from the past. Something i did that I think is embarassing now. For me it's imporatant to accept that this was where I was at at the time, that now I'm somewhere else and that I can pretty much decide where I want to be next and start working towards that. If I think about it like that, my mistakes become the first steps in a journey, not the end of the story 🙂

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:03 PM

nice! yes the mistake is the beginning not the end..

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:07 PM

@chandelier I really like that! "the mistake is the beginning not the end" ... awesome saying, definitely one to right down

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:12 PM

5. when we try to analyse a "failure" to learn from it, its hard to look objectively since we are emotionally invested in our own situation. is it possible to 'put yourself in someone elses shoes' to learn from it??


I think so, but again it takes a bit of practice to get the knack of it. Especially when there's a bit of stress going on from whatever just happened. I let those feelings happen, they're totally normal after all. Then i take a moment to think about it in the grand scheme of things. Kind of the same thing, but I don't know who's shoes i'm filling!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 24-08-2015 9:15 PM

Okay, there's some epic answers to the questions so far, thanks everyone! Now for something a bit more light hearted.

6. Can you think of any famous people who failed spectacularly at something?