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originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:31 PM

yay optimistic RO friends @AllyJane & @Sveto


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:22 PM

@AllyJane i think it's super normal to be a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to optimism VS pessimism. it's hard though when you struggle to be optimistic about yourself. it can make you feel down! but it's awesome that you recognise this and are working on it.


hopefully you have a friend who helps you with optimistic advice when you need it!


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:21 PM

@AllyJane , good point! Sometimes its easier to be optimistic for other people, than for yourself.
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:16 PM

I think accepting things is the key, things that can not be changed. Our feelings should only initiate our action, they should not find a refuge in our head and stay there forever.


Frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:09 PM

1. We’ve all heard the phrase “a glass half full” before when talking about optimism, but that doesn’t cover all of what it can be. What does optimism mean to you?


I guess its just about trying to see the light in things, especially when things are a little tough. Positive outcomes shape our perspective on a situation, and sometimes it can be used as a bit of a coping mechanism which can in turn shape how the situation turns out! 

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:13 PM

welcome @AllyJane! nice to meet you 🙂


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:16 PM

Nice to meet you too @lanejane!


Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:07 PM

A glass half full of water is just that and nothing else.

Casual scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:02 PM

I see the glass as half full of air and half full of water. Like... the way things are, not too bad or too good. I think you can be too optimistic as much as you can be too pessimistic. You got to see it just the way it is. 

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:04 PM

@Derpington good one!


your response reminds me of this pic:


Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:01 PM

Hi everyone!

Tonight we are going to be chatting about OPTIMISM! This is a really interesting topic because for some people optimism might come naturally, and for some it might be a little bit harder - or you may only feel optimistic about certain things! So I can't wait to see what you think about our chat tonight and i'm hoping you all get involved in answering the questions we have for you Cat Tongue



The chat tonight will be moderated by me (lanejane) and @bessie94. We’d like you to remember to have a read of the community guidelines before starting and remember that if you feel at any point like you need to take a break or talk to someone we have a section for emergency help.

Our first question for tonight is:
1. We’ve all heard the phrase “a glass half full” before when talking about optimism, but that doesn’t cover all of what it can be. What does optimism mean to you?

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:08 PM

Hey @lanejane hey @Chessca_H


1. We’ve all heard the phrase “a glass half full” before when talking about optimism, but that doesn’t cover all of what it can be. What does optimism mean to you?


Optimism means a lot of things to me. I guess the trickiest thing for me sometimes is not so much seeing the positive side of things which i reckon i do okay, but then i can focus a bit too much on the negatives, even while seeing the positives!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:07 PM

1. We’ve all heard the phrase “a glass half full” before when talking about optimism, but that doesn’t cover all of what it can be. What does optimism mean to you?


  • Having a positive mindset
  • Looking forward to the future
  • Not being negative
  • Always seeing the light in a dark situation
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:11 PM

Positive means not being negative. And why do we sometimes have negative thoughts? Because we have expectations and the life doesn't always go with our expectations.

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:15 PM



"And why do we sometimes have negative thoughts? Because we have expectations and the life doesn't always go with our expectations."




originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:17 PM

alright! Cat Surprised so we all seem to be on the same page about what optimisim or being optimistic means! buttttttttttt....



    2.    Would you say that you’re an optimistic person? Why/why not?


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:22 PM

Questions that my friends and i discuss over Carcasonne nights: Is optimism something that can be developed over the years? Is it a mark of 'maturity' or of unrealistic madness? (Seeing as we live in a world of chaos). 

seeing as I play Carcasonne at all, YES! I MUST be an optimist! 😉

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:21 PM


    2.    Would you say that you’re an optimistic person? Why/why not?

Yes, I am, because I never (well, almost never) judge the situation or the person as good or bad. Everything and everybody is perfect and everythig and everybody can improve.

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:24 PM

nice one @Sveto - seems a bit like "whatever is meant to be will be" and that you dont let how a situation looks impact your future too much! cool.

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:22 PM

Improvement comes as opportunity and not as need.

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:25 PM

"Improvement comes as opportunity and not as need."


can you explain this a bit more @Sveto?

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:32 PM

@lanejane wrote:

"Improvement comes as opportunity and not as need."


can you explain this a bit more @Sveto?

Hm, I am not good with words. What I meant is that I think that our world suffers too much fixing, we humans are fixing everything, our lives evene ach other. The world is perfect and need not fixing.
And the best improvement would be in stopping this "fixing things" behaviour.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:19 PM

I think I am a fairly optimistic person... but it is not something that comes naturally to me and is something I have to work at.

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:18 PM

@lanejane, i try to be, but sometimes you can't always be.. and thats OK

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:23 PM

    2.    Would you say that you’re an optimistic person? Why/why not?


NO! Smiley Surprised


  • I dwell on things too much
  • I can't be bothered trying sometimes
  • I make assumptions that are negative
  • I can get pretty aggressive and angry and I sit with that so I pretty much always feel like that
  • I don't try to be positive often
  • I didn't grow up with much optimism from my stepdad
  • I didn't see it often when I was young
  • I think about the bad things that could happen