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originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:18 PM


 you come to reachout when you're feeling pessimistic too! that's positive. we can always find something good 🙂

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:19 PM

Yeah I do @lanejane because I can look back on things I have gotten through and there are people here who see the good in me when I don't see it in myself
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:03 PM

@FootyFan26 i rekon the word "pessimistic" has a really negative connotation on it. don't know how it got that way.... but as i said - if you're never pessimistic, how can you ever be optimistic?


gotta have both for either to exist.


~~~~yeah thats me getting deep



Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:15 PM

You convert pessimism into action and optimism into happiness 🙂
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:05 PM

That picture, ah the lols @lanejane
//You can stay afraid, or slit the throat of fear and be brave//

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:03 PM

@FootyFan26 , I admit , i am not a very optimistic person either! Like i said, thats okay too! And being optimistic or pessimistic doesn't dictate how good of a person you are! there are so many other factors that play into it!! its never black and white 🙂

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:03 PM

Example: I have an assignment due on Friday:


Pos:   I have heaps of time to do it.

Neg: If I don't get it in I'll get a detention and a zero on my report.


I find the negative perspective more motivating than saying I have heaps of time.

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 9:13 PM

And why not other way around:
Neg: I have heaps of time to do it.

Pos: If I don't get it in I'll get a detention and a zero on my report.
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:49 PM

@Sveto so would I not be a very good human being becasue I'm pessimistic.  What if I struggle to see the positives?


I'm not entirely miserable either. 

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:55 PM

No, I don't think you are bad person for being pessimistic. But is it worth? Why pessimistic, does it protect you from bad things happening?
I think pessimism kills the joy.
Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:45 PM

I totally disagree. "Smile at the world and the world smiles back at you!"

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:39 PM

i vote you get a hugeeeeee high 5 for those bullet points @FootyFan26



and @AllyJane loved yours too!


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:31 PM

SOOOOO.... Even if you aren't really the optimistic type...

3. What do you think would be some of the benefits of practicing optimism??

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:23 PM

@bessie94 thats such a great way of looking at it! You should be super proud of yourself that you know it's okay to feel a little pessimistic sometimes. 


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:30 PM

@lanejane @AllyJane I like the point about being a mixed bag... Realistically speaking, my days fluctuate depending on whats going on. Sometimes I'm all spent and just retreat to my home pad, hide away and do lots of mindful self nurturing or lie back and zone out whilst listening to music . I dont particularly feel optimistic at that point. 

At best of times, I am pretty chill, and accepting of all. When i worry over sthing its good to make sense of it by talking through the negative thoughts- and when all is offloaded, optimism becomes the dominant lens again. Thanks X

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:32 PM

@SanguineSally talking about stuff definitley helps. that's something i'm working on at the moment too 🙂


originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:15 PM

Love the answers! Got me thinking..

a case in point - optimism is seeing potential whether you are in the dark or in clarity.

to me it is hand in hand with resiliency - ie. Never giving up!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:10 PM

@FootyFan26 smashed that response. i think you could say being optimistic is any or all of those things!

Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:04 PM

Hi lanejane, nice topic!
For me, optimistic and pesimistic is the quality of our thoughts. Things are neither positive nor negative as such, only our attitude towards them has this polarity.


Super frequent scribe

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:08 PM

(I don't know why my first post got so big font, I hope it is not my ego)

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:08 PM

@Sveto , awesome perspective! It is about our perception

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:04 PM

Optimism to me is always maintaining a sense of hope, no matter what the situation, and be able to find some small joy in every day, no matter how difficult it may be. It can be tricky at times though!

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:06 PM

welcome @Cheeselover85 & @Sveto


i don't think i have met you guys so i am EVEN MORE PUMPED that you are with us tonight for this chat.




originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:10 PM

Hey all!!! Going on the glass half full-half empty analogy...Optimism to me, sometimes means just being chuffed you HAVE a glass!!! 🙂

happy to be here..

originally posted on 14-09-2015 8:12 PM

@SanguineSally haha love that attitude!