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Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:07 PM

How good are you at managing your money?

I would actually say too good for my own sake. I never spend money on anything. It's always save, save, save!
I have come around to the idea of occasionally treating myself now, but it's all managed very strictly. 😛
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:12 PM

@Alison5 I'm glad you're slowly coming around to treating yourself. It can be a nice self-care thing to do, as well. I find that when I let myself spend money, it might be when I've had a rough day so I treat myself to a hot chocolate or something like that

// Spiral outward, keep going. //
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:06 PM

How good are you at managing your money?


Better than I was, but still not as good as i could be!


I used to be reallllyy bad though. Like big credit card debt, no spare money bad.

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:08 PM

@Ben-RO No credit card = no credit card debt lol

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:14 PM

@loves netball an excellent strategy 😄

@letitgo I feel you there, I'm so grateful I can still live at home, otherwise I'd be screwed (especially since I can't drive :P)

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:13 PM

I'm with you @loves netball not having a credit card is the way to go, I reckon. It's worked for me so far... Smiley Very Happy

// Spiral outward, keep going. //

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:08 PM

@loves netball oh how i wish you had have said that to me when i thought about getting a card!

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:07 PM

Nice one @loves netball you're miiiileess ahead of  me! 


Where do you think the money saving skills came from? 

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:05 PM

Hey all 🙂


How good are you at managing your money?

Not super great 😛 I don't really like thinking about money and am not good at making big spending decisions, so I've got room for improvement haha

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:09 PM

@Bay52VU i have the opposite problem, great at making big spending decisions 😛 And deciding to spend hehehe

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:12 PM

Haha in that case @Ben-RO maybe later I'll get your ideas on a tablet purchase I'm looking at making 😛
Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:13 PM

Pixel C! @Bay52VU 


Oh dear i better not derail this convo by talking about buying things 😛 

Star contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:09 PM

Not to worry @Bay52VU! We're here to share tips!

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:05 PM

I don't buy want I don't need, just seems to be a habit. 

Uber contributor

originally posted on 14-11-2016 8:01 PM

Hey everybody!