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GR:Many hands make light work, 23rd Sep. 7:30 pm AEST

Hey everyone!


This coming Monday we're having a live Getting Real chat to do with Group Work!


I know for a lot of people, doing group work can bring out the good, the bad,and the ugly! It can be hard to share the workload, communicate what you're thinking, and speak out if you feel like you're being left with the nuts of bolts of the task you need to do! 



But at the same time, it's not all bad! There's a lot of opportunity for some laughs and good times, as well as the chance to work on ideas that you'd never have thought of on your own! 😄


We'd love you all to join us on Monday the 23rd of September 7:30 pm AEST for our GR on how to get the most out of group work! 😄


See you then! 😄 Heart

ecla34Posted 20-09-2019 07:03 PM


BeePosted 23-09-2019 08:21 PM

What skills do you reckon are most beneficial for group work/activities?

4 that come to mind are

  • Communication
  • Patience
  • Understanding
  • Listening

But any skill can be beneficial if they help create a supportive and productive atmosphere in the group

ecla34Posted 23-09-2019 08:20 PM

What skills do you reckon are most beneficial for group work/activities?


Good communication skills! Being a good listener and having an open mind 😄 Heart


katurianPosted 23-09-2019 08:22 PM
@ecla34 All very important skills!

I think empathy is also an important one too.
ecla34Posted 23-09-2019 08:10 PM

hey @Pasta ! 😄
we're having a live chat (we call them Getting Reals) about group work!
we host them a couple times a month about different topics Heart questions get posted and then we have a discussion about them 😄

Milkninja222Posted 23-09-2019 08:16 PM

Speaking of which guys, I forgot to mention that when conflicts arise, it is important to negotiate with partners on what can be done differently. If problems arise because of people feeling their strengths could be put elsewhere and valued, it could build better outcomes and relationships. A win-win I think 🙂  

PastaPosted 23-09-2019 08:14 PM

Okay sounds like a really good idea! I haven't worked on a group project in a while now but talking about who wants to do what and then come together at the end and put it all together, no conflicts really arose but I feel the only way to deal with it would be to talk about it.

katurianPosted 23-09-2019 08:17 PM
Hey @Pasta, thanks for joining in!
Talking in person is really invaluable since words are less likely to be misinterpreted, since you can each other's body language as well, something that's pretty hard to communicate via text (although you can try to simulate it with emoticons!)
Jess1-ROPosted 23-09-2019 08:13 PM

Welcome @Pasta!


Great question! Every two weeks the community lead a discussion about a topic nominated by the community. Tonight's is a live chat where we will be talking all things group work from 7:30 🙂 Getting Reals (or GRs) can be a great way to get to know the community members too!


Every few minutes we post a new question on the topic and you are welcome to answer them if you would like to 🙂 We would love to hear your thoughts! 


There is a new topic for every GR, so keep an eye on the calendar as there may be topics you are interested in in future 🙂

katurianPosted 23-09-2019 08:09 PM
Hi @Pasta,

The theme for today's discussion is group work, and the question right now is
What are some strategies to prevent unnecessary conflict? If it does arise, what are some ways of managing conflict in a group?
What do you think?
BeePosted 23-09-2019 08:00 PM

What are some strategies to prevent unnecessary conflict?/If it does arise, what are some ways of managing conflict in a group?

Preventing conflict can be achieved by allowing an open discussion around tasks and ideas. Ensuring that you're not cutting someone off, or ignoring their ideas.

Managing conflict can be as simple as letting each person voice their concern and having everyone hear them out.


I think a big thing in group work is to also remember that while you may not agree with everyone else's ideas or opinions, you're in a group together and thus it's a collaboration of all of your efforts together. So there is often give and take, you may have to forego an idea or way you'd do something because another way works better for the group as a whole.

Milkninja222Posted 23-09-2019 07:59 PM


Here are a few ways I know to manage conflict that people can employ 🙂 

  1. Avoid judgement first, and allow plenty of room to clarify what everyone is experiencing individually. As people I have found to be more receptive in explaining their concerns without letting the conflict escalate to dangerous levels. 
  2. Like the above point, use 'I' language to convey personal thoughts and feelings on the process of the problem. Focus on the problem, not the person.
katurianPosted 23-09-2019 08:03 PM

@Milkninja222 I agree,that's a good way to make sure people don't take things personally, and impact their self esteem. It also makes them more likely to continue to engage in the group work see through it till the end 🙂

BeePosted 23-09-2019 08:01 PM
@Milkninja222 avoiding judgement is a good one! And I statements help too! Both excellent points!
Jess1-ROPosted 23-09-2019 07:34 PM

Hello everyone!  Looking forward to this GR Smiley Happy

Milkninja222Posted 23-09-2019 07:17 PM


Thanks again :). Makes more sense now. I better type fast for this! Hahaha 😛

Welcome back!

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