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LIVE GR: Moving Out of Home (11th of November 7:30pm)
Moving out of home can be an exciting time. It can potentially enable us to experience a new culture, spend more time with friends, partners or extended family, be more closer to work or study or give us a sense of freedom and independence.
But it can also be challenging. Who knew there was so much to learn? Suddenly, you might have to learn new skills you've never had to use before. Other times, we might not get along with members of our new household or find ourselves struggling to pay the bills. What if we end up missing our old home?
So join us this Wednesday, the 11th of November at 7:30pm, where we'll be discussing all the ins and outs of moving out of home.
Can't wait to see you all then! 🙂
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Last question for the night!
Describe your dream home and/or living situation. Where would you live and who with? What kinds of furniture would you have? Would you have any pets? Feel free to add anything you can imagine!
Knew I had to get a Sims gif, hahaha.
I'm so sorry I couldn't join last night, I've been getting quite busy recently, especially with uni exams approaching. I read through the chat, so many great ideas being talked about
I really like the last question, since its something I think about a lot. My dream living situation would be living in a nice little house full of cats! I'd also love a house with a more modern aesthetic, and an open, grassy backyard. I also live a few hours away from my dad's childhood town, which we visit every year and has a special place in my heart. So, I'd love to move a bit closer to it. I tend to be a bit of a dreamer, so I really like talking about this
Describe your dream home and/or living situation. Where would you live and who with? What kinds of furniture would you have? Would you have any pets? Feel free to add anything you can imagine!
I've always said since I was young that I could not live on my own without owning a big dog (to protect me or to look like they'd protect me by being scary-looking but actually being a big cuddle bear). I haven't owned a big dog since I was a child though, so... . I'd want lots of pets (would love a snake one day), and I couldn't go without my cat.
Ideally I'd like to live with a partner or family, I don't think I'd be able to trust living with even close friends or other roommates.
I'd love to live in a bunch of different places during my life, to be honest. I'd love to even live abroad for a while some day. The dream would be to have lots of land for a dog + a garden (even though I currently kill every plant I touch ). I haven't thought much about wanting things in close range other than knowing I'd be difficult if I wanted to work as a university researcher when alll the major universities are pretty much in one tiny square in Australia!
In terms of furniture... I imagine my tastes would be very eclectic + retro, like something directly out of the Sims. If I can ever own a home I'm definitely getting rid of white walls. Like I said, a bright green fridge? Please!
My future house... probably
@Hozzles Haha, that kind of reminds me of a university lecturer I had once. I think he was from the US and he was able to get accommodation near our uni. Every lecture, he would tell us about something that went wrong in the apartment. One time, there was heavy rain and it flooded. All his belongings were soaked and he had to postpone a quiz. Another time, he managed to slip on a can of soup and injure himself. His family would also call him during the lectures too, which he would announce to everyone like 'Oh, my brother's calling now.'
@WheresMySquishy that's hilarious but at the same time I feel like that'd be me.
Thank you so much to everyone who joined the chat tonight 🙂 It was awesome to hear about all of the resources available to people! I will definitely be keeping them in mind for the future just in case 😛
Hope everyone has a good evening and does something nice for themselves
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 Hahaha he was so funny! I looked forward to his lectures every time. He would also ask us for recommendations of what to check out.
We've had such an amazing discussion tonight, with so many resources! I've learned so much. Thanks everyone who participated @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @Hozzles @panda_6940! 🙂
Remember, if you missed this chat, you can still answer the questions! 🙂
Here they are:
Goodnight everyone! 🙂
Describe your dream home and/or living situation. Where would you live and who with? What kinds of furniture would you have? Would you have any pets? Feel free to add anything you can imagine!
I've always imagined being able to live on my own. It would be cool to live near mountains and nature, but that wouldn't be very practical, so I'll go with a city instead so that I don't have to travel very far to access services. I would want to have lots of unusual decorations, such as bottled ships, sea globes, mobiles, terrariums, succulents, a star projector, cascading lights and hanging chairs. I would also want to have plants and marimo. I have a lot of these decorations in my Animal Crossing: New Horizons home. 🙂 I feel like my house would have such a chill vibe. I can imagine there being a lot of white and blue colours around the house.
In an ideal world, I'd have lots of pets! But I wouldn't be able to commit to looking after them all. I would perhaps get a rabbit or guinea pig because I've cared for rodents before.
@WheresMySquishy yes that's my biggest dilemma! Would love to live in nature but everything is in the city! The struggle
My dream home.. I'd have my cats, be in a stable environment. Furniture? Umm like a bed that's bigger than a single HAHA that's my dream. Ooh and some outdoor area. And with maybe someone with me who is supportive. Idk this is such an open question
https://www.twenty10.org.au/ (NSW)
That's an awesome list of resources @Lost_Space_Explorer5! 🙂
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 Such a great resource! I was going to suggest Centrelink on it's own but Centrelink can be absolutely daunting if you have no idea how to navigate it (I think people who have been on it for years barely know... I don't!).
Thanks for all the websites you guys have given! For people in my case, I think the university support networks could be a good place to look for help, whether that be for advice on where to live, or counselling if you're feeling homesick. Thanks for talking with me tonight everyone, it's been a great conversation! Sorry guys, I have to go now, see you all next time!
@WheresMySquishy Wow I've never heard of Moovit before! I'm gonna have to try it .
Also (on a bit of a tangent), I can't live without apps that help me navigate when I'm on-campus at uni!
@WheresMySquishy Let's you know how many seats are taken up! Whhaattt! thanks for these links!