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[SLOW-MO GR] Growing Up

There's nothing more terrifying than waking up one day to discover you're no longer a child, and that you suddenly have strange adult things like responsibilities.

(Okay maybe giant spiders are more terrifying, but you get my point).


If you, like me, are having major and/or minor crisis about your age, approaching adulthood, being an adult, and all the ups and downs of getting older, then this is the chat for you!


Come and join us for a chat about growing up, starting on Monday 20th August with a new question each day!

roseisnotaplantPosted 15-08-2018 10:18 AM


BirdeyePosted 23-08-2018 03:44 PM

As for the actual questions,


I am an adult.



I don't particularly like or dislike it. I feel more in charge of my life this way, and it's actually nice how some things (like getting a drink) don't have that element of criminality to them. But then, I am so in charge of my life that everything feels up to me. 

Really though, there are only two things I dislike:

1. I have to pay for things now

2. I keep getting older 😞 



What sort of things do you associate with adulthood?


Even though I've been legally an adult for a long time, I don't really associate myself with the things I associate adulthood with. In my mind that's all mortgages and full-time work and having a family where you're the parent. 


If I think more strictly 18+, it's all of the being responsible for yourself and your choices stuff that have been touched on a lot. 


How can we deal with the pressure to have everything "figured out"?


N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-08-2018 09:34 AM

Good morning everyone!! 😄  It's time for the first question(s) of the week! 


Are you an adult (over 18) yet?

If yes, do you enjoy being an adult? If no, are you looking forward to it?


BeePosted 21-08-2018 02:38 PM

Are you an adult (over 18) yet?

If yes, do you enjoy being an adult? If no, are you looking forward to it?

Unfortunately I am 😞

Sometimes I do because I can drive myself places (when I'm not injured like now) and can do what I want (within reason of course!) But things like responsibilities can sometimes be quite overwhelming and scary! But overall I guess it's okay..


Rugrats GIF

lokifishPosted 21-08-2018 02:52 PM

Really interesting responses so far! I'm also an adult (90s kids unite! :P) so can relate to a lot of what some of you are saying


Some of you have already kinda answered this (because you're just THAT good :P) but here's our next question:


What sort of things do you associate with adulthood?

BeePosted 21-08-2018 04:25 PM

What sort of things do you associate with adulthood?

Taxes, bills, car and car stuff, jobs, money, money management, cooking, grocery shopping, and probably so much more I'm forgetting atm 😛

cf GIF

litgymPosted 21-08-2018 05:12 PM

What sort of things do you associate with adulthood?

Bills, money, jobs, taxes, shopping and cooking. I guess any responsibilities you can’t do when your under the age of 18.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-08-2018 02:54 PM

These are some amazing responses so far! Adulthood can be quite a journey. So this is a bit late, but without further ado, here is today's question!


How can we deal with the pressure to have everything "figured out"?


BeePosted 23-08-2018 08:49 PM

How can we deal with the pressure to have everything "figured out"?

I love the gif @Birdeye attached

For me, I have regular sessions with my psychologist and a job search agency which usually keep me good with dealing with the pressures of adulthood. I also try to remind myself that it is okay not to have everything figured out. I have my whole life to have shit together, and right now I'm doing my best and progressing in the direction I want to. And I guess the important thing to remember is that different people want different things in life, so while one person may have everything they want in life, others may be working towards it, and it's also important to remember that each individual has different time frames, eg my friend had a baby at 20, where as for me, I wasn't ready (nor in a relationship) to bring a baby into the world. And while this is something I do want in life, it's also important for me to recognize that the timing isn't now. 🙂


Regardless of how old we are, we can all use people who look up to... who are some of your role models?

I've had different role models for different times in my life. I think some artists have been in my mind for a while and their work inspires me and helps me feel loved and okay.

I've had teachers, counsellors, job search people, peers, colleagues, friends act as role models at different times in my life. And it's kind of bitter sweet because it's bits and pieces here and there, and part of me just wants that stable role model who I can converse with and rely on for advice.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-08-2018 03:57 PM

Hey everyone! The questions are amazing so far! Unfortunately, it's now the weekend which means it's time to wrap up the GR. Naturally, you can still answer questions all weekend, or make your own thread on the topic 🙂 


Without further ado, the final question!

What is one thing you'll take away from this chat for the future?


LeoTheLionPosted 22-08-2018 08:35 PM

What sort of things do you associate with adulthood?


Paying the damn taxes! Ha nah jokes. Mainly just responsibility in general but yes, having to pay everything you need/want yourself. Let me tell ya, being an adult ain't cheap! 


EDIT: I just find it so funny that everyone associates paying taxes with adulthood. 


How can we deal with the pressure to have everything "figured out"?


Interesting question, I'm not too sure actually. I can't afford to 'break down' otherwise I'd be behind all my bills and stuff and I rather not be homeless ha. 

BirdeyePosted 23-08-2018 03:34 PM
I find your point, @LeoTheLion, about not being able to afford to 'break down' a really good one, and it's certainly something I've related to.

Once you're an adult you're responsible for yourself, and you end up making commitments to things. You commit to your job, and to pay the bills, and to provide food for yourself, and everything else that you choose to or not to do. I break down as a kid, I don't go to school, and that's about the worst that I do. There are a bunch of people to pick up my slack, or who already have the responsibility of everything else, or are there to pick me up and put me on a track.

Have any other adults dealt with this feeling?
lokifishPosted 23-08-2018 12:02 PM

@LeoTheLion like the old saying goes: nothing is certain except death and taxes 😛


How can we deal with the pressure to have everything "figured out"?

I think just reminding ourselves of the fact that nobody truly has it all figured out. There's no class in school that teaches you how to be an adult (though there should be!) and so we're all just doing the best we can 🙂

lokifishPosted 23-08-2018 12:07 PM

Also guess what? It's time for another question! I really like this one 🙂


Regardless of how old we are, we can all use people who look up to... who are some of your role models?



gina-ROPosted 23-08-2018 01:53 PM

@lokifish I really like this question - it's so true that no matter how old we are we all need role models to look up to! 


Some of my role models include - my parents, who are great adults and great at making me feel better about being an "adult" while also giving me advice when I feel a bit lost! 

I also look up to a lot of my friends in different ways- there are different friends I would go about different things. 

I also look up to some people that I have never met - public figures, authors etc - I'm a big podcast fan, and I like listening to the wisdom and insights of others on podcasts, as well as reading them in books. 

I think it's important to seek out people that you admire, and that have traits that you want to develop in yourself, and learn from them! Spending time with people older and/ or wiser is invaluable in helping us along the growing up journey. 


Also kind of related because Beyonce is definitely an inspiration in many ways, but also just my fav music video that comes to mind when I think of growing up - I love at the end of the clip how she is sitting in a throne with her mum, and her daughter! 
Image result for grown woman gif


youcandothisPosted 20-08-2018 07:29 PM

Are you an adult (over 18) yet?

No, not yet! I'm 16 almost 17


If yes, do you enjoy being an adult? If no, are you looking forward to it?

I'm definitely excited and looking forward to the independence benefits of adulthood, such as having the freedom to go wherever I want, being able to work at a larger range of places, join more communities, etc. However, I'm dreading having to actually manage my money and sort out my future and career! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-08-2018 07:53 PM
@youcandothis welcome to the chat! 🙂
There are definitely some awesome benefits to adulthood! Trying to manage money though is so hard! I'm a few years into adulthood and I don't think I've sorted out anything yet 😛 (just recently my mum was getting concerned over the fact I hadn't done any taxes for a couple of years... turns out I didn't even need to :P) You've still got a year or two left to enjoy the not dealing with money though! 😄
N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-08-2018 07:15 PM

I guess I'll take the first question then? 😛


Are you an adult (over 18) yet? 

(yes :P)


If yes, do you enjoy being an adult? If no, are you looking forward to it?

I admit, the perks of being an adult include being allowed to buy myself shit that I wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Working isn't too bad either, because I have a job I actually enjoy. But overall? Ha, ha no I am not a fan.

(me trying to do anything)


I am not very good at the whole "adulting" thing. Thankfully I have my parents around to help me out with some of the things that adults are required to do. 

litgymPosted 20-08-2018 08:29 PM

Are you an adult (over 18) yet?

no, im not yet. im 14 🙂


If yes, do you enjoy being an adult? If no, are you looking forward to it?

 im not really sure if im looking forward to being an adult. i feel like it would be quite life changing and a lot of work. but im kinda excited because i get to make my own choices and do stuff by myself e.g make delicious vegetarian meals !! go to my gp without dealing with parents etc. exploring the world and no one stopping me 🙂



LeoTheLionPosted 20-08-2018 09:07 PM

Yes unfortunately I am over 18. Do I like being an adult? Hell no, sure being able to do things independently without parents having to say no is nice but growing up sucks. I wish I was still a kid. The amount of stuff you have to worry about when you get older is crazy stupid. Don't let this scary anyone haha. Just my opinion!


I think the cons out weigh the pros of growing up.

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