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There's skateboarding, there's football, there's books and now there is drawing! 😄


So, I need to draw daily and I need inspiration. Similarly to my other goals thread (wherever that went :P), this thread I am asking you to give me something to draw and I shall try and then I will share it here. Whether it's terrible or not, whether I scribbled over it or not. I think this is what I need, to share what I draw with people and build myself up. 🙂 Also, if you want to draw something suggested here and share it too, please do! We can never have enough art 🙂


Got any ideas? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-07-2017 09:27 AM

Comments (9 pages)

MidnightMomentsPosted 11-10-2017 01:41 PM

Ah congrats @redhead !!

redheadPosted 11-10-2017 01:39 PM
I had some of my work exhibited today 🙂
MidnightMomentsPosted 10-10-2017 11:41 PM

An original character I createdAn original character I created


Her name is Kyu Kazuwate 🙂

(the signature is different from the last as I came out as a transgender boy 🙂 )

honkyPosted 10-10-2017 11:36 PM

Looking forward to it @MidnightMomentsSmiley Happy

MidnightMomentsPosted 10-10-2017 11:34 PM
Aha I need to take photos of my recent drawings 🙂
honkyPosted 10-10-2017 11:33 PM

Very jealous of natural artist, excited to see future drawings @MidnightMomentsSmiley Happy

MidnightMomentsPosted 10-10-2017 11:29 PM
aw thanks a lot @honky !!
honkyPosted 10-10-2017 11:28 PM

omg that's amazing @MidnightMoments!! It looks so real, wow

MidnightMomentsPosted 10-10-2017 11:25 PM

Did this when I was 13 :)Did this when I was 13 🙂


Did this one last year took 5 hours and no I didnt just use those 3 pencils aha I just wanted the photo to look cool 🙂

scared01Posted 08-10-2017 04:19 PM

oh they are cute! @N1ghtW1ng


has anyone else done some recent art stuff?

honkyPosted 02-10-2017 01:29 PM

That's amazing @N1ghtW1ng !! Much better than what I can do..Smiley Tongue

N1ghtW1ngPosted 30-09-2017 06:26 PM

So I am very naughty and also bought myself these felt tip paint pens that are lovely and 48 colours of oil pastels 😛 Oops? 


I did a thing the other day though! Wanna see? 


based on



And this I did with my new pens


It's so bad but *shrugs* I'm trying not to be perfect (gosh that sounds so shallow 😛 I definitely mean I'm trying to make my art not look exactly like what I'm drawing :))

mspaceKPosted 29-09-2017 03:14 AM

No, sorry @scared01. I've been reading, playing internet games and doing a lot of uni work recently.  I'll let you guys know when I do any art projects. You? 

scared01Posted 28-09-2017 08:11 PM

paint palettes are handy @N1ghtW1ng Smiley Tongue


hello everyone, any recent projects? @honky@mspaceK@j95

N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-09-2017 02:36 PM
Guess what I bought today! Paint pallete! Maybe soon I'll try painting with my acrylics 😛
honkyPosted 26-09-2017 09:00 AM

Did you end up drawing @j95? Would love to see itSmiley Happy

j95Posted 24-09-2017 04:16 PM
Well I got everything our but I'm not sure what I will do
j95Posted 24-09-2017 04:06 PM
I'm doing some drawing now 🙂
Mona-ROPosted 24-09-2017 03:50 PM

Aww thanks @scared01. It wasn't really hard because the teacher was giving us step-by-step instructions. On my own I'm sure the Buddha would've looked more like Budai here Smiley Very Happy :



scared01Posted 24-09-2017 03:32 PM

Wow thats amazing!!! @Mona-RO

Mona-ROPosted 24-09-2017 03:23 PM

Oops sorry I meant I was giving posting a picture here a go. Yes I did that last week in a class. I don't really paint much so this was a great experience.

TOM-ROPosted 22-09-2017 07:12 PM

absolutely stunning @redhead - Sally

redheadPosted 26-08-2017 09:40 AM
@mspaceK Krita is a free photo editing and digital painting program, you could give it go. I would recommend photoshop but it's soooo ooo expensive

And thanks everyone 🙂 it felt so good to art again after at least 6 months
mspaceKPosted 26-08-2017 01:55 PM

Thank you! I might give it a try next week some time. @redhead


Yes - I'm sure something will @scared01. 🙂 

redheadPosted 26-08-2017 05:09 PM




Edit: I didn't realise I posted the previous image twice, so here's another one I did. 

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