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Introduce Yourself Here - February 2021

Hello everyone!

It's time for another Introduce Yourself thread! I hope everyone is having a great February so far. Heart

This month's questions are:
1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?


3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

4. What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?


5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 



WheresMySquishyPosted 04-02-2021 06:55 PM


Person1Posted 26-02-2021 03:18 PM

hi!!!! I'm Bella

Addie_DCLXVIPosted 27-02-2021 11:24 PM

Hello Bella! Smiley Very Happy

Hope you're doing grand! I would like to give you a heartfelt welcome to the community.

I would also love to know something and this goes to everyone who sees this,


What is the funniest joke/moment that lives in your head rent-free?




happyandhealthyPosted 05-03-2021 12:34 PM

Hi everyone! I know that it's no longer February but I wanted to introduce myself as I am a new builder 🙂 

1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I love giving to others! This includes giving affection and advice as well as giving physical gifts or acts of service I know that someone will appreciate. I love when others listen to me and support me no matter what.


2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

My favourite romantic film is Me Before You and also The Great Gatsby although both have quite sad endings (oops spoiler alert)


3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

I've never thought of my favourite type of shell 🤔 but I love the look of these two!



4. What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?

Both my partner and my mum always listen to me for as long as I need them to and no matter what time it is. I am forever grateful for the comfort and love they show me.

5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

Yes! I've just started back at university (exciting but also nerve-wrecking) for my first year of post-graduate study so I am very excited to begin learning new content and meeting new people. I am also so grateful that we are able to be back on campus after COVID-19 meant all classes had to go online last year.

Hannah-ROPosted 17-02-2021 03:24 PM

I am obsessed with how everyone has chosen different lovely ways to answer the shell question in this thread, absolutely delighted.


What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I like cooking for others and I like when others cook for me! I definitely didn't realise what an effort cooking is when I was a kid lol 


What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

Defs echo the sentiments around Jane the Virgin And that meme about the notebook made me lol Heart Make You Feel My Love is a Bob Dylan love song (with an amaze Adele cover) that always makes me cry.


 What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

Does this sassy crab count? I started to think about shellfish and got really hungry. So many good shells in the world!


Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

Hopefully going to the beach one more time!


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 22-02-2021 08:49 PM

Tagging some new users who might like to introduce themselves by answering some questions 😄 Don't mind meee


@UnderstandingBridge@EchoO@blueskies5@felfigerand also tagging our new builders @VT_Rajah12 @elta25

JigglypuffPosted 15-02-2021 09:08 PM

Hi Everyone,


1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

i love supporting people and helping them out. I love it when they do the same for me ❤️

2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

To All The Boys. I love the books and films. I watched the third as soon as it arrived on Netflix. 

3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.B37933FF-C151-4B15-819A-019C2457EE84.jpeg

Everytime I think of shells. I think of the movie Finding Dory and her mother love of purple shells. 

What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?
Brought me chocolate.


5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

Not really. 






Tay100Posted 08-02-2021 01:53 PM

Hey @aniya, welcome to the forums! Just wondering if you were doing ok? If you are not up to introducing yourself you can always feel free to create a thread to ask for support or browse through another thread that may be of interest to you. Let us know what you'd like to do, if you'd like 🙂

RattataPosted 06-02-2021 01:33 AM

1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I like making things for people when I miss them. I like being heard and understood by people.


2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

Not particularly my thing but I'd have to say One Day at a Time or the canon relationship between Korra and Asami from The Legend of Korra.


3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

Image result for cool shellsThis is a cool shell


4. What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?

Giving me space when I ask for it and being there for me when I need to breakdown and cry.


5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

I would really like to go on a little camping trip though unfortunately that probably won't happen so I guess I'm looking forward to seeing some old school friends for the first time in a year and enjoying the rest of my holidays before I start a course at a different uni.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 04-02-2021 10:31 PM

1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I like listening to others and others listening to me! 


2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

I can't really think if any off the top of my head! 


3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

Tortoise shell cat 😛


4. What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?

Oof that's a tough one. I guess people being there for me when I tried to push them away. 


5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

Not really 😞

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 05-02-2021 09:06 PM
Don't mind me, tagging new forum peeps I see who might like to introduce themselves

Hey @Addie_DCLXVI I noticed you're fairly new! (No pressure to answer at all but we've got some fun questions in this thread :p)
Addie_DCLXVIPosted 11-02-2021 05:54 PM

I love that you took notice of me, thank you for being so kind!


My name is Addie and I am ecstatic to be a part of such wonderful company. Smiley Very Happy


1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I am the type to pick up new skills and use them to create things for the people in my life. Something I absolutely enjoy is designing and printing 3D items that I know someone would need as it not only gets appreciation but makes their lives easier and I think everyone deserves that ease.

Meowximum Puwerr!Meowximum Puwerr!


2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

I have religiously been watching Jane The Virgin and it has been quite the trip. I would recommend it to anyone who loves romance with a heck of a lot of plot twists. The best character is the Narrator...


...and no, I am not dramatic :smileyfrustrated:...and no, I am not dramatic Smiley Frustrated


3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

Gosh, these questions are fantastic!

I had these amazing shell-shaped chocolates a few days ago that raised my standards on both; chocolate that heals the soul and my never ending sweet tooth. I wouldn't say no to anyone recommending their favourite chocolate to me, in fact, I'd encourage it!


I want s'more...I want s'more...


4. What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?

I hold a special place in my heart for people who make the time to remember and message me in their busy schedule. I wholeheartedly understand and respect that managing schedules and messaging can be stressful but that's what makes the gesture all the more sweet and genuine.


One of the best examples!One of the best examples!


5. Are you looking forward to anything this month? 

I love putting challenges for myself and the challenge for this month is to finish a book instead of reading it halfway (or past the third page..) and forgetting about it.


Remember.. it's all about that first step. :)Remember.. it's all about that first step. 🙂


Wishing everyone the very best~HeartHeart!


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 11-02-2021 06:07 PM

Welcome @Addie_DCLXVI, did you recently become a builder too? 😄 


3D printing sounds awesome! It still feels like something out of a sci-fi movie to me lol Smiley LOL Oh yum I LOVE those chocolates!! 

Addie_DCLXVIPosted 14-02-2021 06:05 PM

Thank you @Lost_Space_Explorer5. It's a pleasure to meet you!


Yes, I'm rocking this new hardhat and am ready to build 🙂 

heart hat~heart hat~


Tay100Posted 03-02-2021 09:50 AM

Cheers for the questions@WheresMySquishy

1. What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?

I love chilling on the couch and watching shows! Thought I would be sick of it after lockdown but I'm not.
2. What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?

Hmm.. not big on the romantic genre itself but I love Molly/Arthur Weasley's homely relationship!
3. What's your favourite type of shell? Or, post a picture of a shell you like.

Anything you can hear the ocean in!

hungincPosted 02-02-2021 08:28 PM

What's something you love doing for others? What's something you love others doing for you?


I love helping people out with things they need help with. I love it when people go out of their way to help me


What's your favourite romantic TV show, film, song or book?


I wouldn't say these are my favourite romance movies, but The Notebook, The Vow and Dear John are some that I've watched (The Notebook is quotable, haha)




If you know, you know haha



What's your favourite type of shell?




What's the nicest gesture someone has done for you to show they care about you?


Nothing comes to mind, but people who check in on me I guess


Are you looking forward to anything this month? 


I'm looking forward to making most of my free month of Stan, haha






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