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Introduce yourself here - November 2017

Wow folks! It's already November and the end of the year is coming (that includes Christmas :)) So much has been done and yet we've only just scratched the surface of what we know about each other so here's some questions to help y'all know each other a little better! GIFS are encouraged 🙂


1. If you were a food, what food would you be? Feel free to tell us why 🙂


ice cream eating GIF


2. What's the worst commercial you've ever seen? (+points if you have a video)



3. What's something that movies/books made you think was real and actually wasn't?



4. What mythical creature would you bring to life if you could?



5. Pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?

 Image result for pineapple pizza gifs



RevzZPosted 02-11-2017 11:26 AM


Hello_TherePosted 19-11-2017 08:50 PM

1. If you were a food, what would you be?

I would probably be an Apple. I just really like them.


2. What's the worst commercial you've ever seen?

Those neds betting ads. They don't really have anything to do with betting and betting isn't good so...


3. What's something that movies/books made you think was real and actually wasn't?

I used to freak out when the spider bites Peter Parker in the original Spider-Man. I'm not sure if that's because I didn't like spiders or because it made me think there was a spider on me or what, but I ran out of the room every time.


4. What mythical creature would you bring to life if you could?

Groot's species. How cool would it be to have a Groot as a friend (other than the fact you wouldn't understand them)


5. Pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?

Yeah, I enjoy pineapples on pizza. I don't understand why people don't. But i'm not gonna freak out if you eat a food I don't like (And I don't like cakes or pancakes).

scared01Posted 18-11-2017 08:09 PM

@JHawley02would you liek to introduce yourself here?

JHawley02Posted 18-11-2017 08:20 PM
Hi all. 😊
JHawley02Posted 18-11-2017 08:10 PM
Do I just reply to your post or how does this work??
FootyFan26Posted 18-11-2017 09:09 PM

Hey @JHawley02 you most certainly can answer the questions in this thread.

AschePosted 05-11-2017 05:50 PM

1. If you were a food, what food would you be? Feel free to tell us why Smiley Happy


Joke Answer: 

Image result for ice cream


Ice cream. Because while I can be cold, I'm still sweet. And also just a liiiittle bit terrible for you. Smiley Wink


(I'd like to tell you that I'm sorbet, but let's be honest here- I'm nowhere near healthy enough for that.)


Realistically, though - probably pizza? 


Cheap, affordable and really bad for you, and a complete hodge-podge mess. And yet, will also go with just about anything. Versatility's about my only redeeming trait, apart from being scrumptious. But I'd rather you didn't taste me. I have a strict "no-biting" policy. Don't want to catch rabies. Or zombies.


Image result for pizza 


2. What's the worst commercial you've ever seen? (+points if you have a video)


Probably this. 



It's honestly so bad that I kinda feel inclined to think that the people involved in making it didn't even realize how racist it was. Because seriously, how else could this possibly get approved for media release?


And to wash out the horrendous taste of that LAST ad, try this one on for size:


3. What's something that movies/books made you think was real and actually wasn't?


I'd rather not get into discussing replication crises in science. It's kind of a depressing topic.


4. What mythical creature would you bring to life if you could?


Not really a "mythical" creature, but...

Image result for the iron giant


First movie I ever cried at.


5. Pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?


 Ehhhh...Yeeeeenaaaayyy? I don't really have much of an opinion, to be honest. I don't particularly mind it, so if it's there I'll eat it, but I do think there are better things that could be on there.


redheadPosted 11-11-2017 12:32 PM

1. If you were a food, what food would you be? Feel free to tell us why Woman Happy

unnamed (5).gif


 I'd be a carrot. I'm already a carrot top and it's an underrated vegetable unnamed (5).gif

 2. What's the worst commercial you've ever seen? (+points if you have a video)

Pabs discount car parts.


3. What's something that movies/books made you think was real and actually wasn't?

God (sorry if this offends anyone but I don't believe in God anymore



4. What mythical creature would you bring to life if you could?

images (13).jpgimages (12).jpg


 Either a dragon or centaur. Dragons rock but centaur are awesome unnamed (6).gif



5. Pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?

I'm indifferent but


 (this pic is from the best pizza shop in my town) 

redheadPosted 11-11-2017 12:34 PM
Sorry how messy mine is it kept stuffing up on my phone so I had to add extra photos coz you can only edit not delete them.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-11-2017 12:44 PM
@redhead if you click after/next to/underneath the image then press backspace it should delete it. The other thing I do is highlight it (do you know what I mean? It's where you hold the mouse then move over words to highlight them... I'm pretty sure that's the right word) and it should delete if you backspace.
redheadPosted 14-11-2017 12:45 PM
@N1ghtW1ng you can't do that from your phone
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-11-2017 12:47 PM
Ah I forget phones are different @redhead 😛 They are some fabulous images! 🙂 (I love the carrot one! :D)
DiabeticAlPosted 04-11-2017 04:47 PM

1. If you were a food what would you be?

Passionfruit. Because I'm normally a passionate person 😂


2. What's the worst commercial you've ever seen?

The commercial was basically advertising a sweater, but it looked like they were condoning student/teacher relationships. Yeah, jail is just a building. 


3. What's something books/movies made you believe was real?

I lowkey thought toys had a life of its own. Thank you, Toy Story.


4. What mythical creature would you want to bring to life. 

Guardian Angels. 


5. Pineapple on Pizza?

Hell nah. Cheese please. 

basketofmonkeysPosted 02-11-2017 08:04 PM
Hey @RevzZ, what awesome questions!

1. If I were a food, I would be sushi! I love sushi, and there's so many different kinds 🙂

2. I'm actually not sure what the worst commercial I've seen is! Fun fact is I don't actually have television connection (I have Netflix and Stan though!) so I'm one of those lucky people who rarely have to see commercials. It's also a perk, because I don't get a lot of negativity from the media

3. I used to love thinking that the magic faraway tree was true! It was my absolute favourite series growing up

4. If I could, I would bring to life buckbeak from Harry Potter!!

5. NO PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA!!!! (though I don't like pineapple anyway so I'm a bit biased :P)

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