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Say hi to some new Youth Ambassadors!

@Myvo and I are up with @Billy-RO in Queensland talking to some new Youth Ambassadors. We want to show them the forums!



What better way than to start up a conversation with them? 


Use this place just to hi, tell them something about what makes these forums a good place to visit, or ask a question.


We'll be getting them to log in and introduce themselves tomorrow at around 12:00 🙂


Update: So we got a little bit crazy busy and ran out of time... So we're sending them a link to this post to look at when they get home instead!


Ben-ROPosted 04-09-2015 09:44 PM


AllyJanePosted 07-09-2015 06:12 PM

Okay awesome! I'll definitely try to throw in a comment here and there. 


Thanks so much for your advice! 🙂 

lokifishPosted 06-09-2015 07:59 AM
Clearly RO HQ is only in Sydney because they're too intimidated by the awesomeness of Melbourne 😉
j95Posted 05-09-2015 09:50 PM
@Ben-RO your use of GIFS is the best haha!
Ben-ROPosted 05-09-2015 09:47 PM

Update: So we got a little bit crazy busy and ran out of time... So we're sending them a link to this post to look at when they get home instead!



Bay52VUPosted 05-09-2015 06:18 PM

Welcome new YA's 🙂 See you around the forum.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-09-2015 12:43 AM
Hey new Ambassadors! You're not here yet but we're looking forward to seeing you around! It's pretty awesome here on the forums, I'm kinda jealous of you guys but I hope you enjoy whatever it is you'll be doing!
@Myvo and @Ben-RO And I hope you're enjoying Queensland, but NSW for the win! (Birth state vs residence state... always birth state :D)
lokifishPosted 05-09-2015 07:44 AM

Hello peeps!

The forums here are a pretty great place to be and we can always use more posters. The more the merrier! 😛 Hopefully you enjoy your time with RO and I look forward to meeting you on here. What made you all decide to get involved with RO?


P.S. I adore Queensland but currently Victoria beats all the other states because I'm here! Smiley Very Happy

j95Posted 05-09-2015 12:45 PM

Hey new ambassadors! 


I agree with @lokifish Victoria rules!! Sorry not sorry haha

stonepixiePosted 05-09-2015 06:04 PM

So you guys never logged in .... That is okay, we all get anxiety over new things. Just know that RO is a wonderful environment and no one knows who you are, apart from those at your training day.

What made you want to become a Youth Ambassador?

Do you like Kmart?

What is your favourite thread so far?

Where did you get the idea for your username / what does it mean to you?

I've got so many questions! Hahaha.

To everyone, clearly NSW is the best state! RO HQ is located here. Do you need any other reason?

j95Posted 05-09-2015 06:10 PM
and myself and @lokifish are in Victoria so that makes it pretty great
j95Posted 05-09-2015 06:10 PM
Liking Kmart or at least appreciating its existence is a pretty important factor in whether or not we like you... just saying... I'm kidding, we like anyone, but Kmart is a pretty big deal on here. @stonepixie i was waiting for someone to mention it cause I forgot for once!

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