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right now I am....

Right now I am... Anxious about a job interveiw. Describe yourself right now in a few words. It can be good or not so good. Might be a good way of sort of seeing that we aren't alone. I dont know... thought it might be a good idea or something.
j95Posted 21-08-2014 07:09 PM

Comments (198 pages)

j95Posted 21-06-2015 12:27 PM
Buying materials so I can draw my mandalas on nice paper, frame them up to sell. Taking some time out from moving house for a couple hours.
j95Posted 21-06-2015 10:20 AM
Watching Gary the goat videos and thinking no wonder people from other countries think we are all hicks haha, so funny though!!
KitKatPosted 21-06-2015 12:10 PM

Right now I am.... complaining to Optus about how no one can recieve my texts at the moment. *shakes fist at their direction* 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-06-2015 11:11 PM
Right now I'm going to update my blog... or at least try to.
stonepixiePosted 21-06-2015 10:13 AM
Right now, I am wasting some time before I have to catch a bus.
j95Posted 19-06-2015 07:52 PM
About to head home after a quiet dinner and drinks out with some of my favourite people. Now going to pack the rest of my things.
redheadPosted 19-06-2015 06:28 PM
Right now I'm waiting for psych team to call so I can go to bed.
lokifishPosted 16-06-2015 07:44 AM
@lovin each day not pharmacy but nursing. Sometimes I feel like a bit of an outsider here, with all the mods being psych students haha 😛

@j95 how'd you end up going?
lovin each day
lovin each dayPosted 16-06-2015 03:36 PM

@lokifish wooo its a tough profession. I am impressed. have you been doing a lot of placement? or is this your first?

N1ghtW1ngPosted 16-06-2015 01:29 AM
@j95 Hope you're doing okay. I often struggle with overwhelming thoughts and I find that listening to background noise helps. I prefer rain (there is an app for it) and it helps me relax. The Smiling Mind doesn't help me much either.
j95Posted 15-06-2015 10:31 AM
@lokifish things sorta just got worse and worse for me last night 😞 so I'm in bed and I'm going to see how I go later if I feel like going
Chessca_HPosted 16-06-2015 01:58 PM

@j95 Sorry that you had a rough night Jay, hope you're doing better today 🙂

lokifishPosted 15-06-2015 10:15 AM
@j95 thinking of you man. I've been there before (no energy to go to appointments) and it sucks, but like @moonwalk has said you've shown a lot of strength here already. Is there anything that helps with motivation?

Right now I'm a bit stressed about uni. Trying to study for my final exam on Wednesday, and am off to the doctors tonight to (hopefully!!) finalise all my medical documentation for placement. I've left it a bit late which is stressing me out. Deep breaths! 🙂
lovin each day
lovin each dayPosted 15-06-2015 01:45 PM

@lokifish wooo do you by any chance study pharmacy? 

j95Posted 14-06-2015 10:35 PM
@moonwalk maybe.. i just hate it 😖 think I'm going to stay in bed all day instead
j95Posted 14-06-2015 10:09 PM
Could give it a shot @moonwalk there is no solution to some of them though.

It's so overwhelming one knock after another when I'm still dealing with the previous ones 😟 wish I had the energy and willingness to go to headspace tomorrow afternoon though because I know it will be good for me but. My stupid brain keeps telling me otherwise.
moonwalkPosted 14-06-2015 10:26 PM

Going into headspace will help dude! I know right now you're not feeling up to it, but try to muster up some of that @j95 inner strength and will to get there. You'll thank yourself afterwards!

redheadPosted 14-06-2015 10:00 PM
@j94 thinking of you.
redheadPosted 14-06-2015 09:59 PM
@moonwalk @benjamin_ I took my meds and spoke to lifeline. Things are a bit calmer right now. I'm gonna go to bed. I see my therapist tomorrow morning.
moonwalkPosted 14-06-2015 10:05 PM

I'm really glad to hear that things have gotten calmer after speaking to Lifeline @redhead. Enjoy your rest and let us know how you're doing tomorrow after the appointment with your therapist. Take care and stay strong, redhead.

j95Posted 14-06-2015 09:31 PM
@benjamin_ the smiling mind thing doesn't work for me, tried it before, never really helped. @moonwalk thanks, but I'm just over everything, so much going on so much to think about, it's stressing me out, I feel like things are never going to get better and be stable there is always something to worry about. I hate being the way I am.
moonwalkPosted 14-06-2015 10:01 PM

@j95 I'm so sorry you're feeling this way dude. Is there anything in your survival kit that might help ease your stress a bit tonight?


I've seen you show a lot of strength and perseverance on here mate. Not just for yourself but for others too. So I definitely think that you do have the strength to get through this too. You mentioned that you have a lot going on and a lot to think about at the moment - do you think it might help to sort these out by writing down each thing and then writing a list next it of possible solutions or things that could help the situation?

j95Posted 14-06-2015 09:17 PM
Working all day tomorrow then my headspace appointment @benjamin_ and I don't want to go to either of them. Really don't want to. I thought maybe just going to bed would help but it only makes my brain keep going not stop and I'vd been having constant nightmares which makes me too anxious to go to sleep. I'm such a mess why do I have to be like this 😖
benjamin_Posted 14-06-2015 09:23 PM

that really sucks @j95 !  It can be hard to sleep when your mind is still racing. Have you thought about trying anything to relax, or anything that you can do to pass some time before you feel like you can go to bed? 


I'm also wondering if you've ever tried the Smiling Mind meditation stuff? There's an article about it here if you're not already aware. 

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