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right now I am....

Right now I am... Anxious about a job interveiw. Describe yourself right now in a few words. It can be good or not so good. Might be a good way of sort of seeing that we aren't alone. I dont know... thought it might be a good idea or something.
j95Posted 21-08-2014 07:09 PM

Comments (198 pages)

j95Posted 14-06-2015 08:56 PM
@benjamin_ no just my stupid self creating stupid scenarios and stupid thoughts in my head
moonwalkPosted 14-06-2015 09:15 PM

@j95 Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a rough night, mate. Like @benjamin_ said, you're definitely not stupid for having these kinds of thoughts. We all have negative thoughts about ourselves from time to time. Sometimes it helps to talk them out with a friend or family member if you feel comfortable doing so. And remember the RO crew is always here to chat!

benjamin_Posted 14-06-2015 09:04 PM

@j95 sorry to hear dude. I gotta say it though - you aren't stupid for having those thoughts and thinking that way. I know that it can be really tough to battle the crappy thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere and escalate, but I also know that you're a super strong and resilient guy so try to hang in there. 


Is there anything you can do tonight that might make you feel a bit better? Or perhaps plan anything for tomorrow? 

redheadPosted 14-06-2015 08:16 PM
@j95 thanks. I'm just having a rough time atm. Feeling so pathetic and worthless. I don't even know why.
The phone call to the mental health team was pretty useless, they just said distract myself until I go to bed. I was already doing that..sigh...oh well, I did the right thing by calling instead of self harming.
lovin each day
lovin each dayPosted 15-06-2015 12:17 AM

@redheadYou can definite get past this! Whenever I feel low (which is often) I either listen to stand up comedy, listening to people laughing helps my mood a lot! or just do something that makes me too exhausted to think. If all things fails... watch youtube puppies! haha Anyways, hope you will wake up to a brighter day!

benjamin_Posted 14-06-2015 08:59 PM

sorry to hear things are so rough for you atm @redhead


You should be proud of yourself for reaching out to them instead of self-harming, although it does suck that it didn't feel very helpful for you. Do you think there's anything you can do that might make help get you through tonight, or anyone else you can speak to?


Hope you're doing okay, stay strong. 



moonwalkPosted 14-06-2015 08:57 PM

You definitely did the right thing by calling the mental health team @redhead! You should be proud of the strength you've shown by calling them and not self harming. You're such a valued member of RO and you've helped so many other members when they've been having rough times, so you're in now way pathetic or worthless!


Have you gone through your survival kit and tried some of the things/activities that make you feel good and safe? Maybe painting or playing some xbox?

j95Posted 14-06-2015 08:14 PM
Feeling vulnerable 😟
benjamin_Posted 14-06-2015 08:54 PM

sorry to hear that @j95 !


has anything in particular made you feel that way? 


j95Posted 14-06-2015 08:03 PM
@redhead talk to me about it if you want. I'm here
redheadPosted 14-06-2015 06:56 PM
@j95 no I'm not...
redheadPosted 14-06-2015 06:41 PM
Right now I'm waiting for the mental health team to call me back.
hartley_Posted 21-06-2015 10:12 PM

@j95 sorry about the late reply, In Europe I am going to Paris, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Dublin, Edinborough, London! I cant waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Right now i am... full of laksa 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-06-2015 06:34 AM
@hartley_ watch out for the smell in Berlin, it was built on a swamp 😄
Paris is also lovely, and in Brussels the waffles are a MUST! (No joke, you must have a waffle there. They are pretty cheap too and you can have ice cream added on top and everything!)

OH!!! Before I forget, in Amsterdam series, Dutch Syrup Waffles. You can get them in the supermarket and they are the BEST! The absolute best! Syrupy, waffley goodness. The flower market there is also very nice, and if you like the Fault of Our Stars there's a bench. I've only been to Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels though.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything, but watch out for the crowds in Paris (especially in the more touristy areas). What are you seeing there? (Since there is so much! I spent two days there and didn't see everything).

I hope you enjoy yourself! It's SO worth it 😄
j95Posted 21-06-2015 10:14 PM

ahh @hartley_ that is soooo cool! If I had the $$ (and didnt have the 6000 other commitments) i'd love to go to all of those places. awesome!
i actually bought a continental brand laksa cup a soup and it was so nice, but then i had real laksa and it was so yuck.

j95Posted 13-06-2015 07:24 PM
I am waiting out the front of a friends place. "I'm ready" 5 minutes later "I'll be ready soon sorry" an eternity later "sorry you can come in if you want" oh that usually means I'm not dressed yet... Gonna be a long wait.
hartley_Posted 13-06-2015 09:00 PM

right now i have a cramp in my leg from sitting on it and being cold - i never get cramps in my legs so this is weird what do i DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!?


I am also excited because im about to have a yummy dinner and today i booked flights to Europe for October!

j95Posted 14-06-2015 06:42 PM
Where are you going in Europe? @hartley_
j95Posted 13-06-2015 08:22 AM
Right now I am lying in bed thinking about how great it is to not have to work today. Off to fit club I go!
lokifishPosted 13-06-2015 08:19 AM
@lovin each day @N1ghtW1ng the cynical part of me reckons those videos are all staged. I've seen a couple of funny ones nonetheless.

Right now I'm trying to work out what to do with my day. Studying? Shopping? Watching TV? So many decisions!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-06-2015 05:32 AM
@Myvo don't we all? 😛

@lovin each day yes! It's so entertaining.
MyvoPosted 12-06-2015 09:17 PM

Right now, I'm procrastinating on exam revision Smiley Indifferent

lovin each day
lovin each dayPosted 12-06-2015 10:08 PM

Right now i am watching Kids react!! 😄 great way to cheer up hahaha

j95Posted 11-06-2015 10:28 PM
I am in bed... went to bed early slept for an hour then just woke up from the most messed up dream ever, it was awful. About to use the RO breathe app to calm down (haven't used it yet!!)

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