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that takes the cake

what is yourFavourite cake ?


my personal Favourite cake is chocolate cheese cake .. yum!

JJRPosted 11-08-2013 08:11 PM


EloiseRosePosted 09-03-2015 08:05 PM

I only just saw that the beer cake convo continued...

YAY it was delicious 

Student94Posted 19-02-2015 11:52 AM

Has anyone mentioned mooncake yet? 🙂

safari93Posted 14-02-2015 09:15 PM

I once had a sticky date chocolate cake (sticky date pudding cake? sticky chocolate date pudding?) with caramel sauce that was the greatest thing my mouth had ever witnessed.

jvknPosted 15-02-2015 08:36 PM
Never salivated so much in my time on the forums! mmmm cake my favourite cake would have to be Banoffee.. so much banana goodness!
benjamin_Posted 16-02-2015 01:43 PM

WOW thanks @Sophie-RO 


This is happening!

EloiseRosePosted 12-02-2015 01:25 PM

i made beer and chocolate cake the other day!!

Very manly

Very yum 

benjamin_Posted 14-02-2015 06:46 PM

I've never had that @EloiseRose 


Where can I get!?


I love beer & chocolate. Not a big fan of cake but I imagine anything that combines beer & chocolate would be magical. 

Nat8Posted 09-02-2015 01:07 PM

Chocolate bravarian cheesecake! yuuummmmm

Bronte9Posted 09-02-2015 04:32 PM

German Beesting!!!!

AMPosted 20-02-2014 04:26 PM

Every cake is good cake

Chessca_HPosted 20-02-2014 06:27 PM

I couldn't agree with you more @AM ðŸ˜›

hartley_Posted 07-02-2014 11:51 AM
Anything with cream cheese
Carrot cake mm

Just a tub of cream cheese
lokifishPosted 16-02-2014 03:36 PM

@hartley_ Beetroot and chocolate?!?! Then again, sounds like something my sister would pick 😛 Was it nice?

hartley_Posted 18-02-2014 01:59 AM

@lokifish it was so nice! You couldnt taste the beetroot, it was a secret delicious ingredient mmmm

ZosoPosted 17-02-2014 02:46 AM

Chocolate mud cake covered with thick custard

Chessca_HPosted 07-02-2014 12:18 AM

Red velvet cake with cream cheese icing... Mmmmmmmmmm... 😛

dreamcatcherPosted 20-01-2014 10:39 AM

I'm with you  ,  @Cheekyone, not really a fan of cake but I loooooove to bake.


But if I must pick one, it'd be cookies and cream cheese cake. 

hartley_Posted 06-02-2014 07:39 PM

This thread is making my mouth water!!!!

I want cake now


So my friend had a cake for her 21st and it was beetroot and chocolate?! and it had cream cheese icing and mmmm...

KirdybirdyPosted 19-01-2014 10:31 PM
Oh my goodness everyone! You are certainly making me drool with all this cake talk!

Black Forest is one of my favs
florenceforeverPosted 15-01-2014 11:12 PM

Raspberry cheese cake!!

MAJORminorPosted 17-08-2013 10:37 AM

At my sister's wedding, we had this weird cake, it was sour cream something...


It was THE yummiest cake I have ever eaten!!


I'll find the name of it one day!!

(then I'll order boxes and boxes of it!!!!)

CheekyonePosted 17-08-2013 01:14 PM
I don't like cake I love making it but hate eating cake! 🙂
KelPosted 12-08-2013 10:16 PM

A lady at my TAFE bakes the best cakes for morning tea for us every week. She even manages to make the things you dont like in a cake taste  awesome!

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