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Help with Self-Harm Urges

I really want to self harm right now

redheadPosted 19-04-2017 03:15 PM


redheadPosted 22-04-2017 08:28 PM
I just went to my nurse, she said to try to sleep as I have barely slept for days
TOM-ROPosted 22-04-2017 08:49 PM

ok @redhead that was good to check in with the nurse. I hope you are feeling safe. I really hope you get some sleep tonight, you must be exhausted. Hang in there... Tomorrow will be a new day. You can do this! 

redheadPosted 22-04-2017 08:23 PM
Not much. I just had some meds
redheadPosted 22-04-2017 07:52 PM
I want to tear out my stitches. I can't fucking cope in here
TOM-ROPosted 22-04-2017 08:14 PM

Hey @redhead sorry to hear it's so tough right now 😞 what have you been doing to keep yourself distracted?

redheadPosted 22-04-2017 01:53 PM
Thanks guys 🙂
redheadPosted 22-04-2017 01:27 PM
@Mona-RO finally saw psychiatrist. I'm getting admitted to psych ward for a few days.
Mona-ROPosted 22-04-2017 01:49 PM

Thanks for letting us know @redhead. It's great you stayed there even when waiting to see the doctor was getting really difficult. I'm glad you're in a safe place for now. Like we say here on RO, it's about taking it one day at a time and doing whatever it takes to take care of ourselves.

Alison5Posted 22-04-2017 01:32 PM
I'm sorry you have to go to the psych ward @redhead, but I think that's great you are getting some help. Some respite and support sounds like the best option now and i'm glad you are safe.
redheadPosted 22-04-2017 10:49 AM
I'm listening to music @Mona-RO , that's about all I can do here.
Mona-ROPosted 22-04-2017 11:51 AM

@redhead panic attacks and lack of sleep sound awful. Getting help may seem pointless at times but the thing is, you've made it this far. It's about getting through one day at a time (I know it can feel excruciating sometimes). The future is unknown and full of possibilities. Showing up for ourselves a day at a time is the best and bravest thing we can do. You're really strong and brave redhead. You have it in you to get through this. 


Music is wonderful. Life would be really barren without it. What kind of music are you into? Also, are there any games you could play (on your phone or maybe the game threads on RO)?

redheadPosted 22-04-2017 10:49 AM
I just want to go home. They wouldn't let me leave last night and now I still have to wait see crisis team. I saw them yesterday, what's the fucking point. Nothing changed just more panic attacks and no sleep. The voices and talking which isn't helping.

Why bother stay safe. I'll die eventually, so why not today.
redheadPosted 22-04-2017 09:47 AM
I'm sick of waiting in emergency. I want to go home. They won't tell me when the doctors coming.
Mona-ROPosted 22-04-2017 10:29 AM

That's very frustrating @redhead. I understand wanting to leave the hospital but that's where you're safest for now. And your safety is the most important thing. Hang in there please.


Maybe you've tried different distracting activities already but could you keep finding ways to keep yourself occupied until you can see the doctor? What's something you can try for now?

redheadPosted 22-04-2017 12:22 AM
I've been here nearly 8 hours and I still haven't seen psych Dr. This stupid fucking place is shit.
redheadPosted 21-04-2017 05:51 PM
I can't fucking breathe
Why is everyone staring at me.
I want to go home
TOM-ROPosted 21-04-2017 06:16 PM

Hospital can be a scary place @redhead ðŸ˜ž I'm glad you are there though. Is there something you can do while you're waiting to take your mind off everyone around you? Maybe some of the games threads?


- Hayley R/O

redheadPosted 21-04-2017 04:23 PM
Uni counsellor is taking me to hospital 😞
redheadPosted 21-04-2017 02:50 PM
I'm about to see uni counsellor maybe I'll calm down a bit
letitgoPosted 21-04-2017 02:53 PM

I'm really glad to hear that @redhead! Hope it helps. I'm logging off now but I'll talk to you soon!

redheadPosted 21-04-2017 02:33 PM
@letitgo it's kinda too late now. I'm so over everything, I wish I was dead
letitgoPosted 21-04-2017 02:46 PM

Are you safe right now @redhead? Let's think about how we can get you through this. Sounds like your thoughts are being pretty nasty to you at the moment, am I right?

redheadPosted 21-04-2017 02:06 PM
I can't breathe
redheadPosted 21-04-2017 10:55 AM
I can't fucking do this anymore

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