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Adult colouring books



So I have to admit, I'm really digging this adult colouring book phase that's sweeping across the nation. I even have a nifty little up on my phone that lets me colour on the go! Plus, you can download free pictures you can print off as well (like the one above).


Not only is it super satisftying to finish an awesome picture (I'm way better at staying in the lines then I use to be, haha), but apparently there's been research to show that colouring in can act as a good method of stress relief which I think is super awesome!


Are any of you guys into it at the moment ? It'd be awesome to see a photo of something you coloured in! Or, if you have a favourite blank ones you've saved off the internet it could be awesome if you shared so we could collect some! If you're interested in the books you can pick them up at Kmart (oh, Kmart <3). They're pretty cheap, only like $12 for some I think!


Show me all your crafty colouring in 😄



KitKatPosted 03-09-2015 06:09 PM
missepPosted 14-10-2016 08:02 PM


I love adult colouring books! 

I recently purchased the Women of Marvel one and it is awesome!! 

Smiley Very Happy

peppermintpeonyPosted 24-09-2016 07:17 PM

@Bee I love the cat one! Very cool.


I love that there's a thread for adult colouring! I have a copy of Secret Garden by Johanna Basford but have not coloured very much. I think I'm put off by how ugly mine turn out Smiley Frustrated. Perhaps I'm more suited to the less intricate Mindfulness colouring books!

Chessca_HPosted 25-09-2016 05:41 PM

@Bee those look awesome! Totally need to get back into doing some in the copy of the Mindfullness Colouring Book I have now that you've reminded me 😄

N1ghtW1ngPosted 25-09-2016 09:40 PM
@Bee aaaaahhh so pretty! I don't know if I ever posted my octopus... probably not but I should really get back into doing them. I kind of stopped because I got sad that I lost my red pen 😞 Anyways, maybe I'll do some tomorrow.
Craycray17Posted 03-10-2015 11:01 PM
@j95 yes great idea! I'd love to see more
BeePosted 24-09-2016 03:04 PM

We need to get this thread running again! Has anyone done any colouring lately?

It's one of my regular self-care activites 🙂

Here are some of my recent ones


unnamed (1).jpg

unnamed (2).jpg


DruidChildPosted 24-09-2016 04:24 PM

The cat is so pretty @Bee!!!! Cat Happy (and the others too!)

BeePosted 29-09-2016 07:08 PM

@DuidChild @pepperminpeony @Chessca_H @N1ghtW1ng Thank you all! I do love me some colouring it 😄 I'll have to take some more pictures and post some more 😄


Peppermintpeony please don't be put off by how they turn out! Sometimes mine look like scribble too, which is what I love about it, because those are the times when I find I needed the exercise the most 😛 I'll have to upload some of my first ones for you, some are messy af lol


Remember everyone has their strengths, I personally like a mixture 🙂

Has anyone done any colouring recently?


This one I just finished last night or today, I can't remember lol

Excuse the the glare, it's in my display book when I took the photo


Craycray17Posted 03-10-2015 11:01 PM
I know right, @stonepixie they are the best ones I've seen!
Craycray17Posted 03-10-2015 07:55 PM
How good is it, @stonepixie!
stonepixiePosted 03-10-2015 08:24 PM
So good! But I'm scared Imma stuff it up since the pictures already look so majestic! @Craycray17
j95Posted 03-10-2015 07:57 PM
I have so many half started books!! Maybe I'll share my drawings on here too when I get a chance
Craycray17Posted 02-10-2015 03:49 PM
Thankyou @Ben-RO, it's a book by Millie Marotta that I bought from kmart a while ago, but they are also at typo currently if anyone reading this is interested! I love it too. That is an excellent idea for mod training! They are great mindfulness tools
stonepixiePosted 03-10-2015 07:25 PM
@Craycray17 I've got that book as well. You've probably already realised that from my deer picture earlier on in this thread.

I've got so many books! So many pictures have been started, but not finished. Hahaha. I guess that is just how I roll.
Ben-ROPosted 02-10-2015 02:39 PM

Also awesome @Craycray17! So much purple in that one 🙂

Are these from a book? or have you drawn them completely? Where did you get them from? Or what inspired you to creat them? I want to get a stack for our moderator workshop this year 🙂 

Craycray17Posted 02-10-2015 12:42 AM
I will try remember to take a pic tomorrow, @Bee! Feel free to remind me 🙂
Craycray17Posted 02-10-2015 01:35 PM

Here it is!

Ben-ROPosted 02-10-2015 01:54 PM

OMG. that's amazing @Craycray17

Craycray17Posted 02-10-2015 02:03 PM

Thanks @Ben-RO, heres another one I did more recently!

Craycray17Posted 22-09-2015 10:55 PM
Thats awesome, I did one of an octopus with tentacles covering the page, and i used a silver pen which added so much depth to it! It looked professional 😉
BeePosted 01-10-2015 09:53 PM
@Craycray17 I'd love to see your octopus! I'm intrigued!
Craycray17Posted 22-09-2015 10:14 PM
Wow I love the elephant one!!! @Bee
BeePosted 22-09-2015 10:46 PM
Thanks @Craycray17 its gorgeous. I dont think thenimage shows it well, but i put gold sparkle pen throughout her trunk and ears 🙂 ☆
Ben-ROPosted 21-09-2015 12:17 PM

Wooooooowwww @Bee




You could frame those! 

stonepixiePosted 21-09-2015 10:36 PM

Stealing my gif@Ben-RO







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