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Adult colouring books



So I have to admit, I'm really digging this adult colouring book phase that's sweeping across the nation. I even have a nifty little up on my phone that lets me colour on the go! Plus, you can download free pictures you can print off as well (like the one above).


Not only is it super satisftying to finish an awesome picture (I'm way better at staying in the lines then I use to be, haha), but apparently there's been research to show that colouring in can act as a good method of stress relief which I think is super awesome!


Are any of you guys into it at the moment ? It'd be awesome to see a photo of something you coloured in! Or, if you have a favourite blank ones you've saved off the internet it could be awesome if you shared so we could collect some! If you're interested in the books you can pick them up at Kmart (oh, Kmart <3). They're pretty cheap, only like $12 for some I think!


Show me all your crafty colouring in 😄



KitKatPosted 03-09-2015 06:09 PM
redheadPosted 10-01-2018 10:51 PM



Did this one today 

redheadPosted 11-01-2018 08:10 PM



Did this one today. I love my mandala book. 

BeePosted 05-04-2018 05:22 PM


BeePosted 04-10-2018 09:47 PM

@scared01 I finished it! 😄

scared01Posted 05-10-2018 07:04 PM
thats awesome! @Bee 😄
lokifishPosted 17-10-2018 11:36 AM
It's been soooo long since I've posted in here! Will have to upload some pics a bit later 😄
BeePosted 17-10-2018 09:08 PM

thought I'd share a couple I've done recently 🙂


I finished this one last night 🙂



And this one I wanted to share because it's grown on me and I like it, I only used the 4 colours pictured too! 🙂


BeePosted 19-10-2018 06:05 PM

I saw this online and I HAD to colour it in, you know because I'm a Bee and all 😉



N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-10-2018 06:06 PM
I LOVE IT @Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!
BeePosted 19-10-2018 06:18 PM
I just had to share XD @N1ghtW1ng 😄
lokifishPosted 23-10-2018 06:36 PM

I'm in the process of this one... 3 days later and it's still not finished because it's so intricate 😛



BeePosted 09-12-2018 04:57 PM

First Christmas Colouring page this year! (Sorry the edges blurred a little) Also there is a lot of silver pencil which doesn't sparkle so well under the camera 😛



BeePosted 12-12-2018 05:53 PM

I finished this one last night, I love it! Heart 



BeePosted 06-01-2019 07:24 PM

I wanted to share my first two pages for this year! Heart The blue tinted one I started last year and finished new years day, it took about 3-4 days for me to do, but I wasn't colouring straight lol

The 2019 one is my title page for my display book! (Yep I photocopy and store in display books! - I actually find it really difficult to colour in the actual books, mainly because each book is different and I like using a mix of pencils through to permanent markers which bleed through the page!)



BeePosted 27-08-2019 04:54 PM

Colouring in one of my go to's for self-care. And I thought I would upload my recent works. I recently got these two books in the post that I pre-ordered months ago - and I'm just in love with these artists




Page I finished last night from Maria Trolle - Flora 



Page I'm working on now from the same book


letitgoPosted 01-09-2019 03:51 PM

Love those @Bee!

I'm planning to do a bit of colouring this afternoon 🙂

I've recently found out about spirographs, which enable you to draw your own mandalas to colour in. You can buy them cheaply (they're available in $2 shops) and they seem like an additional way to bring creativity into colouring! 

BeePosted 14-12-2019 10:12 PM


@MB95😄 woooo hooo Colouring for everyone!!!


Thank you! Here is one I finished tonight. I started this Wednesday when things were feeling really hard. I knew I needed to colour but didn't want to mess the owl I was working on, so printed this one. And just let the colours reflect my emotions/mood.


dec 11-14 2019.jpg

MB95Posted 11-12-2019 01:52 AM

Ah this is awesome and totally gonna inspire me to participate and colour more often!! I'm about to head home for the holidays so know what I'll be doing 😊


Also, thanks for tagging me @Bee - your colouring looks amazing!!!! Welldone, I can't wait to see more!!!! 😍😍😍

BeePosted 10-12-2019 03:13 PM

I finally finished this piece I uploaded in Today I practiced Self-care on Friday 🙂

Finished 7th December 2019.jpg


@MB95this is the thread I was talking about 🙂


BeePosted 02-09-2019 05:19 PM
@letitgo OMG I had spirographs when I was younger! I had a mini set in a little cary box which had the circle thing on the top! And I remember when I went to questacon in year 5 they had one that had a pen on a strong and it went around drew one - it was soooo cool! I wonder if I still have the drawing it made... I think I may still have the spirograph set somewhere 😛 Although I do recall seeing a HUGE one for chalk at the reject shop a couple of months back that you had to put together! I was so tempted to get it, but didn't lol

How did you go with your colouring?

I've done a couple more pages since those above. But alas I've shared them on facebook so thus can't share here.
redheadPosted 15-01-2019 10:15 AM
@annabethxchase would love to see your work 😄
annabethxchasePosted 16-01-2019 09:49 AM
ooo thank you @redhead 🙂
Mine are pretty bad hehe but I'm working on this massive (and I mean massive) coloring of London downtown or something so I'll post some updates 🙂
j95Posted 19-07-2017 08:56 AM




j95Posted 19-07-2017 08:50 AM
Omg they are so good @Bee I always start and not finish mine haha oops

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