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Awkward Moments

Hey R.O guys! XD

Let me ask uz a question ==> Have you been in a very awkward moment? I have! Here's a list in fact, share yours any time! ;D Love to hear them!


1) I was randomly looking around the room in SOSE, and just when I looked around I caught a boy full on staring at me, he didn't turn away when I caught him staring at me! It was so uncomfortable that I turned away, I think I blushed LOL!


2) It felt awkward watching a tv show my parents watch alone...  Cuz normally I would watch with them. My sister laughed at me when she caught me randoming watching it.


3) When you try to walk past a person and they block your way purposely, that happened to me like always and one day this random guy did this to me apparently knows my name!


4) When you realise people are looking at you alot and talking about you as they point at you.


Share yours now! 🙂

~ Doni99 😜

Doni99Posted 22-03-2014 06:30 PM

Comments (20 pages)

j95Posted 02-10-2015 01:12 PM
When someone makes your vegemite toast for you and doesn't understand "the ratio" so you have to pretend to like it
stonepixiePosted 05-10-2015 09:41 PM
That's because everyone has a different ratio, @j95 and @N1ghtW1ng

I can eat vegemite by the spoonful.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-10-2015 01:15 AM
@j95 you mean one of my friends.. Who will basically clump in on like you would nutella or peanut butter. He just doesn't understand that too much is too much!
j95Posted 05-10-2015 09:26 PM
exactly @N1ghtW1ng yuck
j95Posted 27-09-2015 10:40 AM
when you don't remember anything from last night and someone says "yeah I was wondering what you meant by your post on Facebook"/"your snap story was real funny" ...... what
stonepixiePosted 28-09-2015 10:32 PM
Not realising how much slang you speak until talking to someone who speaks English as a second or third language and having to explain every fifth word to them. I've only been stopped a few times with those who speak English as their first language. I guess the internet helps with that.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-09-2015 03:35 AM
@stonepixie this April I discovered that 'heaps' was an Aussie word. 😛 But I usually do a good job of avoiding particularly Australian words so that I can be understood better.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-09-2015 03:51 AM
And I've remembered my awkward moment! You guys will love this.

Right, so in English today the teacher was asking class questions relating to the topic. And he decided to ask me one. The one he chose in particular was "What do you find attractive in people". Naturally, I answered, "I don't find people attractive." This got a couple of laughs and the teacher went on to discuss.... you know what... it's story time!

"I don't find anyone attractive," I answered, a small grin appearing on my face. A few of my classmates giggled, the teacher raised an eyebrow.
"Well, that's interesting," he replied, keeping the conversation going. "What exactly is it you don't find attractive?"
"Uh, people," I answered bluntly.
The teacher made an understanding sound. "People's looks or people in general?" He asked.
I paused, thinking for a moment, then answered, "In general," in a mumbling, but understandable tone.
Many people laughed. I caught my friend's wide, confused eyes and smiled back. The exceptions to my general hatred of people were sitting in the room, but I said nothing as the conversation had already moved on.
"Well, that's not what I was expecting," the teacher said with a bemused expression.

At the end of the class, I passed my friend. "Don't like people, huh?" She asked.
I gave her a one-armed hug, "There are exceptions, of course, like you."
"Awww!" She replied, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"And the class," I added, looking around. "You're all awesome."

I spent most of the day feeling a little bit worried. It wasn't a lie, I didn't enjoy people in general, but this class was definitely an exception as they were all, most indeed, amazing. At the end of the day as I waited for the train with a trio of friends, they talked about the day. Eventually, English class came up.
"I don't like people either," said one friend, waving a carefree hand. "Like, large crowds."
"Then this school is not for you," my other friend said, a pause between each word as she put on what could've been a Russian accent.
I laughed, the stress gone from my chest as I realised that it didn't mean anything and that they didn't much like people either.

And so I have reached the end of my story. Wake up everyone! It's only 8pm 😛
j95Posted 25-09-2015 02:08 PM
I was walking to the chip shop and walked past my old work that I got fired from doing a job in the next street over from me... Oo awkward.
stonepixiePosted 26-09-2015 06:32 PM
When you delete people off your fb friends list as you haven't seen them in ages (read years) and highly doubt that you will run into them again.

Well, I ran into one of those people at the shops. We now live in the same area again. Hopefully they don't go searching for me on fb.
Bay52VUPosted 26-09-2015 07:31 PM

When you're meeting someone in a unit block and see them on their balcony, wave and say hi, then go up the wrong stairs that lead to the wrong unit... and they watch you the whole time.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-09-2015 05:04 AM
When you're drawing someone and then they notice that you keep looking at them... At least, I hope he didn't realise I was drawing him 😛
stonepixiePosted 26-09-2015 07:18 PM
Just had another one. Hahaha. Went to turn off my lamp so as I can watch my tv shows without a light on. Only thing is, it is not my lamp on, but rather the ceiling light.
Ben-ROPosted 25-09-2015 12:54 PM

Somehow dunked my headphones in my cup of coffee... 


They still work! 


Ben-ROPosted 24-09-2015 12:22 PM

Long story: 

I generally walk a different way to work every day because there's soooo much amazing street art in all the random alleyways between home and work. The problem is i generally end up getting a little lost. Today i walked past this older lady who was watering her plants. She gave me this really stern look. Then i ended up kind of looping back somehow and walked down the same little alleyway again. She was still watering her plants. She started giving me the stern look again and then must have recognised me from the first time. She dropped her hose and hurried inside without even turning it off. Now i feel bad, she's probably terrified and all i wanted to do was instagram a nice piece of art stuck to her back wall by an artist called Will Coles 😞 


Chessca_HPosted 24-09-2015 12:52 PM

When you walk out of a shop without picking up the loyalty card you just got... For the second time.


Luckily this time the guy from the store went after me as I was leaving the store 😛

j95Posted 24-09-2015 09:55 AM
When my housemate asks where all four packets of cheesels went ( I ate them all in one sitting). I couldn't really blame it on anyone else so I sat there in shame.
j95Posted 24-09-2015 09:53 AM
our job site for the day is 6 houses down from me and I still had to drive there because my tools and stuff, my elderly neighbour who was watering her garden this morning must of thought I was so lazy!
Ben-ROPosted 23-09-2015 10:58 AM

When you're at work with the headphones in. And you start humming along to a tune. And then your boss who sits next to you gives you a heaps weird look 😛 



N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-09-2015 03:00 AM
@Ben-RO or when people ask what you're listening to and you can't decide whether or not to tell them you' (aka me) are listening to the Transformers (1, 3 and 4 movies) soundtrack.
j95Posted 22-09-2015 10:27 PM
tonight my housemates mum bought over a really yuck chicken curry and i think we both pretended it was ok but it was not but neither of us wanted to say what we thought about it. was a bit awks
j95Posted 22-09-2015 05:03 PM
When you see someone in a shop that you sort of know but don't and you're like.. Do I say hi? Will they know who I am? are they thinking the same thing
j95Posted 21-09-2015 01:58 PM

When your food gets forgotten about in a restaraunt and everyone on your table is tucking in to their food so you're like... so, can I try some?? 

j95Posted 16-09-2015 09:00 AM
Stupid magpies!
I was walking up from the shops yesterday to go back to work and three magpies appeared in front me. They were in a triangle and were actually intimidating me into giving them food. I ran past them and they start running behind me. I was not under any circumstances given them any of my food so I kept pretending to throw bread so they would look away, they didn't fall for it. So here I was being chased by three magpies who I was scared were going to fly up and peck my eyeballs out + take my food. There were people behind me and I'm sure they were laughing/judging. I could see my four work mates about 15 meters away having a good laugh.
j95Posted 02-09-2016 08:46 AM

@j95 wrote:
Stupid magpies!
I was walking up from the shops yesterday to go back to work and three magpies appeared in front me. They were in a triangle and were actually intimidating me into giving them food. I ran past them and they start running behind me. I was not under any circumstances given them any of my food so I kept pretending to throw bread so they would look away, they didn't fall for it. So here I was being chased by three magpies who I was scared were going to fly up and peck my eyeballs out + take my food. There were people behind me and I'm sure they were laughing/judging. I could see my four work mates about 15 meters away having a good laugh.

Hahahaha throw back, almost a year ago, this hasn't happened this year but it will at some stage. 



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