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Favourite quality about yourself

Hey everyone! I feel like it is hard for a lot of us to recognise our own strengths and positives especially without negativity. I thought I'd make this post so we can share at least ONE thing that we like about ourselves. Reply as often as you like to give a boost to your day 🌺. I'll kick it off!

Favourite: I like my work ethic because I am really responsible, considerate of others and I have a lot of attention to detail (that probably counts more than one).
T4ilsPosted 01-10-2016 06:55 PM


missepPosted 30-10-2016 07:27 PM

I have already posted on this thread but I feel like thinking positively about ourselves is important to do on a daily basis! Smiley Very Happy


I really like that I am a very family-oriented person 

T4ilsPosted 22-11-2016 12:54 PM

I agree @missep, this can help daily by reminding ourselves just how great we are! Being family orientated sounds really special.


My favourite quality is that I always try to be fair, honest and to do the right thing. It isn't always easy and at times it can be hard to know what is 'right' but I consider it and work on it anyway and I like that!


tomo_13Posted 25-10-2016 08:22 AM
I like that I'm a loyal person and dedicated to my studies! (Well, except maths :p)
missepPosted 23-10-2016 08:26 PM

I like that I am a loyal friend Smiley Happy

stonepixiePosted 24-10-2016 05:34 PM
I like that no matter what is happening in my life, my outlook remains the same. Sometimes, I am too optimistic for my own good. But at the same time, it is a great quality to have.
SnowyxpPosted 23-10-2016 05:43 PM

Wow, what a good idea!


I like how I can make anyone laugh, all my friends say I'm the funniest person they know and that I can always make them smile.


I feel better already : )

T4ilsPosted 23-10-2016 01:49 PM
That's a real cool thread @lokifish, thanks for bringing my attention to it and making everyone else aware too!
peppermintpeonyPosted 19-10-2016 10:44 AM

This is a brilliant thread idea!


My favourite quality about myself is probably my capacity for empathy. I think this serves me really well... I'm also quite level-headed, which aids me in not getting overly, unhealthily absorbed by other people's emotions.

lokifishPosted 23-10-2016 12:27 PM

I LOVE this thread! It reminds me of this old thread over on the Games section.


My favourite quality is how caring I am of others - young or old, human or animal. It means that I get a lot of happiness out of helping people which is always a good thing 🙂

BirdeyePosted 25-10-2016 04:10 PM
I completely forgot about that old thread @lokifish, thanks so much for bringing it up again!

And also yes, @T4ils, lovely idea.
BirdeyePosted 25-10-2016 04:32 PM
I had to sit and think on this for a while. And I've ended up coming up with something that I wouldn't have expected myself to say, because I don't think I've ever realised it before:

I am resilient. When things are tough and when there are things that I need to do, I do them. I handle it, I get through it, and right when things really need to be acted upon I'm able to do it calmly.
I would not be in this body, in this room, in this sort of situation if I hadn't been resilient.
Alison5Posted 25-10-2016 04:49 PM
That's such an excellent quality @Birdeye! 🙂
wethesinnersPosted 16-10-2016 10:42 PM

What an awesome thread idea - I think that's completely true that we sometimes get bogged down in our own insecurities and only see the negatives about ourselves, it blinds us from seeing all the good qualities. 


My favourite quality about myself is that I'm completely non-judgemental, so it makes it easier for people to approach me and talk to me about things bothering them because they know I won't be quietly thinking badly of them. 

T4ilsPosted 16-10-2016 09:22 PM
I am so glad that a lot of people love this idea! Let's keep it going ☺️ I think sometimes we learn a new positive quality each day. Today I realised that I love how easygoing and chatty I am to customers, family and friends. It always makes my day being super friendly to everyone!
letitgoPosted 11-10-2016 08:28 PM

@T4ils Love the positivty of this thread! And I agree, it can definitely be hard for a lot of us to recognise our strengths and I think it's great that you've created an opportunity for us to do just that.


I would say that I like my politeness. I always try to treat others with courtesy and respect. Smiley Happy

missepPosted 08-10-2016 01:41 PM

Great idea @T4ils!

I like that I am hardworking Smiley Very Happy

May_Posted 05-10-2016 08:04 PM

@T4ils I love this because for many people it's actually really hard to think about what we like about ourselves as so often we focus on things we don't like and what we need to improve on!


I like that I am kind, honest and really genuine. It's interesting how our strengths can also be our weaknesses....Eg being really kind can make you a push over and being too honest can make you seem less interesting than someone who exaggerates all their stories - there's good and bad to every trait I guess and having a balance is always good Smiley Very Happy

ms_xtPosted 04-10-2016 01:24 PM

Best. Thread. Ever!


My fave quality would be my loyalty. I'm crazy loyal to my loved ones Heart 

OrchidPosted 04-10-2016 01:03 PM

You are so right about people not recognising the good things aboaut themselves and this is a great way to get people thinking.


You have really got me thinking and its difficult to pinpoint my favourite quality about myself. I'm really caught between my strange and warped sense of humour and my resilience when it comes to dealing with what life throws at me as I believe that without one I dont know if I would have the other.


Great topic Woman Wink

safari93Posted 01-10-2016 10:27 PM

Such a good idea for a thread @T4ils!!


I think my favourite quality about myself would be my creativity Smiley Very Happy

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-10-2016 04:29 PM
I second @safari93, this is an awesome idea for a thread @T4ils 🙂

My favourite quality about myself would have to be my randomness. No matter how weird I feel, I don't let it stop me. 🙂
DruidChildPosted 03-10-2016 08:34 AM

I third everyone, cool idea for a thread @T4ils! My favourite quality about myself is how I'm gentle when I'm looking after young kids. 

dustb0wldancePosted 03-10-2016 07:07 PM

This is such a cool thread! Thank you for starting it. Smiley Very Happy


I think my favourite quality about myself is my resilience. I really have been through so much and every time I pick myself back up and access support and end up back on the straight and narrow 🙂

Mona-ROPosted 01-10-2016 08:08 PM

What a fantastic thread! I'll go next.


I like that I am considerate of other people and take responsibility for my actions (well, I try 🙂 )

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