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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

annabethxchasePosted 06-01-2019 06:52 PM
1. done some drawing - haven't done it in ages
2. Working on a henna right now 🙂
3. Had some spaghetti for lunch
unwindPosted 06-01-2019 07:21 PM
1. cooler today so was able to go out
2. went to a shopping centre and was able to control my anxiety somehow
3. finally found migraine medication which actually works for me
litgymPosted 07-01-2019 07:54 PM

1. a year 7 girl going into year 8 reached out to me and told me how terrified she was to go into year 8. she also asked me how to handle panic attacks 🙂 it felt so good to be able to help her out and ive never spoken to her in my life !!

2. today has been up and down but currently feeling alright and i feel like i might have a purpose 🙂

3. loved talking to you today !! Heart @annabethxchase

j95Posted 20-01-2016 11:31 PM
1. Synced my entire iTunes library to my new phone and found some songs I listened to religiously two years ago then forgot about.

2. Got a letter from my sponsor child (well I actually received it on Monday but my housemate forgot to tell me and I didn't see it

3. Two minute noodles for dinner yum yum
ClClPosted 21-01-2016 12:45 PM
I love that moment when you rediscover a song and get to enjoy it again!! @j95

Im sooo jealous @N1ghtWing, the amount of times I tried getting my brother to go for walks with me and he never would 😞
N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-01-2016 01:04 PM
I could not believe it when he agreed @ClCl! He said so long as it's before seven, but he still came with me
Chessca_HPosted 21-01-2016 03:55 PM

1. Homemade mac and cheese Heart

2. Coffee

3. Going to watch a movie after I've gotten some work done 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-01-2016 12:42 AM
1. Started rewatching The Batman animated show, which I haven't seen in FOREVER
2. Began catching up on The Flash tv show. (I think the next episode has Gorilla Grodd!!! :D:D:D)
3. Pizza for lunch
4. My brother came walking with me!
WestWingPosted 20-07-2012 04:26 PM

1. Mastered the first lesson of beginners Russian

2. Finished a design and tech assigment

3. Started a new piece on the piano  by mozart

MaggaPosted 19-07-2012 11:46 PM

Three positives, woo!


To be honest I haven't had the best day, so this should help me bring out the best of it. 


1 - Drummed for a few hours - I have a gig coming up, so it was good to finally get a chance to sit down and practice!

2 - Cleaned my room, which always seems to de-stress me.

3 - I have a party tomorrow - alright, it's technically not today, but I'm counting the looking forward to it as something 🙂

jamijamPosted 11-09-2020 04:52 PM

1. Went for a 3.5km run this afternoon

2. Practiced self-care by doing a hair mask

3. Caught up on all my psychology lectures!

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 12-09-2020 08:08 PM

1. Despite being worlds worst day for moving we made it happen, well nearly there anyway.

2. Actually sorted through our pantry and I can’t believe how much random crap we have in there that we can’t eat anymore because sesame/sesame oil etc. We put it in a basket to donate to somewhere that helped us when we needed it during lockdown 1. My idea of moving the pantry was to literally just scoop it all up into a box, the classic one arm push all this crap into a box and deal with it at the other end but my partner disagreed so that’s how I spent much of the afternoon. 


3. the warm heater  

JanaGPosted 13-09-2020 08:35 AM

1. The weather is getting warmer.

2. I was not woken by an alarm today.

3. I'll be catching up with my Godmother today. 



scared01Posted 31-12-2018 05:00 PM
1. its raining and we definently need it
2. ive been able to watch some of my greys anatomy dvds
3. ive managed to clean the house up which has been bugging me all week but no energy to do so
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 10:15 PM
I have returned for more positives! I am super tired though, so I wonder how far I'll get through... 😛 Let's find out!

1. FREAKING SPIDERMAN INTO THE SPIDERVERSE. Wait... I think I said this one before... BUT I don't care! Because I LOVED it.
2. What's Up Danger is such a beautiful song, I am in love. 😄 😄 😄
3. I finally went through all my shirts! My wardrobe looks so much neater now. (of course, I do have a ton of coathangers on my floor... but I'll get to them!)
(hah I forgot I had this open)
4. Can I say What's Up Danger again? Because it's currently on and I love it. So I'm gonna say it again 😛
(oh I'm so tired)
5. Fun dinner with my parents.
6. My brother and his gf were gone the entire day, so I had the house to myself.
7. Cleaned the entire kitchen today.
8. Watched more Ben 10, the classic.
9. HTTYD 3 COMES OUT IN THREE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. Young Justice's new season comes out next year!!!!!!
11. So does the final season of Star Wars the Clone Wars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Nerdy me is SOOO happy for next year.

I'm too tired, that's as far as we're getting today 😛
scared01Posted 27-12-2018 09:23 PM
1. our air con! to hot today
2. i was able to clean most of my house up
3. i will have a few days off this coming week
annabethxchasePosted 27-12-2018 09:36 PM
1. Spoke to khl
2. Ate some jelly wish made me feel a bit better
3. My nails are growing and they make a clickity sound when I type 🙂
litgymPosted 28-12-2018 08:38 AM

HAHHAHAHHA love the sound ! @annabethxchase



1. made it through another day

2. spoke to lifeline 

3. had some amazing people check up on me 🙂

litgymPosted 28-12-2018 07:14 PM

1. kesha music 

2. lovely chats for hours with someone beautiful members of RO :)Heart

3. very unstable for most of the day but right now feeling stronger and being able to manage the thoughts more 🙂

Taylor-ROPosted 28-12-2018 08:13 PM
So proud @litgym, go you Heart
annabethxchasePosted 28-12-2018 07:39 PM
1. Had a lush bath bomb in bath
2. Had some violet crumble
3. Chilled out
j95Posted 04-11-2015 07:14 AM

It's only 7:15 in the morning!!

1. Had a pretty nice sleep which has made me feel pretty good about the day
2. I'm eating avocado and vegemite on toast for breakfast
3. It's going to be a beautiful day outside, lots of work to do!

4. Listening to awesome tunes to start my day 

Stealth_ninjaPosted 04-11-2015 05:59 PM
I LOVE avocado and vegemite! Good choic @j95

1. I started a new job! I think it went pretty well
2. I found an excellent decently priced coffee place near my house
3.I didnt let the rain get me down even though i got completely soaked coming home.

Welcome back!

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