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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

mrmusicPosted 03-04-2018 09:36 PM

1. I had an okay sleep last night.

2. It was a much cooler day today than yesterday (warmest Easter I can remember).

3. I have so much support here on RO. Heart

letitgoPosted 03-04-2018 05:12 PM



1. Went out for dinner with a friend from high school

2. My new friend texted me to ask how my long weekend went 🙂

3. Finally got my work roster for the rest of the week.




1. My best friend asked me to come to her place in the evening!

2. Treated myself to a new book (You Belong Here) and I love it already!

3. My aunty gave me some KitKat for Easter. 🙂  

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-04-2018 05:49 PM
1. Started going through my drawers (my floor is such a huge mess right now :P)
2. more cookies! (yum yum)
3. malteaser easter bunnies! I freaking love them 😄 😄
4. Spent some time outdoors
5. Pretty chill
BeePosted 02-04-2018 03:40 PM
1. Slept in
2. Re-read my readings with the form they explain and found it so much easier to understand with a visual aid in front of me
3. Have had a quite and cruzy weekend 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-03-2018 12:37 PM
1. ate breakfast (maybe, don't remember for sure)
2. did the dishes in the morning
3. cuddled with the cat
4. started watching bondi vet (which is on netflix, woo)
5. played outside with the puppers
T4ilsPosted 30-03-2018 10:36 PM

Hopefully something comes up quickly for you @Blueeyes, it sucks that it is the nature of the job but at least you’re in the same boat as everyone else! Feel free to make a thread if you are comfortable and others can jump in too 😌

BlueeyesPosted 30-03-2018 10:30 PM

@T4ils I work in traffic control, its just the nature of the job and pretty standard. I just can't schedule anything in the week in stone 😞 basically an on call 24/7 style job. It's only temporary (I hope) until I can find another major constructing project to jump onto. Guess I'm just holding onto that thought

T4ilsPosted 30-03-2018 10:21 PM

Hey @Blueeyes, glad to hear that you are enjoying your new job! Is there any reason why your work is so unpredictable? My roster used to come out a week before hand and I found that annoying so I couldn’t imagine how that makes you feel 😪 how have you been managing the late notice?


P.S if you want to talk about this a bit more, you are welcome to make a thread and tag me just so we don’t flood this thread and you can get better support 😌

Nightruner23Posted 30-03-2018 10:19 PM

Oh that sucks do you enjoy your job @Blueeyes

BlueeyesPosted 30-03-2018 10:15 PM

@Nightruner23 I am enjoying it so far, however the unpredictability of when o will be working next is super stressful. The only form of roster of schedule I get is a text at 2pm the day before saying to be in the depo for a certain time. I never know who I'm working with, who I'm working for or where until I get there in the morning 😟😟

gina-ROPosted 20-03-2018 02:17 PM

@Blueeyes I agree!! This is such an uplifting thread - a powerful exercise in deciding how we'd like to frame our days (as positive!) 
I've never contributed before - but I think it would be good for me! 

Three positives of today: 

1. The weather! It feels like a perfect temperature today. 

2.  I remembered to bring my phone charger to work (go me)

3. I've planned to have a night in tonight which I'm super excited for. 

Keep the positives coming everyone Smiley Happy

BeePosted 30-03-2018 08:39 PM
1. It was warm today ❤️
2. I got washing done
3. I got a job application sent off
4. I went out to get my cats this afternoon and saw one across the road, when I got to him, he jumped up on his back legs and stood up, he nearly fell backwards before I grabbed him under his front paws 😄 it was funny
5. I got purring cuddles from my little black and white cat when feeling upset. It's like she knows ❤️
6. Haven't had too much foot pain today 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 30-03-2018 11:32 AM
This week:
1. I went to one day of uni.
2. Sorted out tutoring for the holidays (I get two weeks holiday from work 😛 hopefully I get some lego shifts though)
3. Got my hair cut, love it.
4. changed my bed sheets
5. organised stuff for later this year
6. cupcakes
7. rainy days
letitgoPosted 30-03-2018 11:02 AM


1. Saw my psychologist, which helped me reframe things and counter the negative thoughts I've been having

2. Finished watching The Sinner

3. Had a nice conversation with a new friend. Most importantly - I actually made a new friend!

4. Visited my grandma and my aunt, and they made me laugh.

mrmusicPosted 29-03-2018 08:22 PM

1. I've been getting up at a reasonable time the last few days.

2. The window of my car has been fixed.

3. Had a nice cup of hot chocolate earlier today, made the day a tiny bit easier.

j95Posted 28-03-2018 08:37 PM
Haven’t done this in a while so #1 is that I’m doing it
Got ribs with my mentor and he bought me a new footy we went for kick before dinner
BeePosted 27-03-2018 05:03 PM
1. I did the washing of towels that were piling in the bathroom, I just have to put them away
2. I had a nice conversation with my mum over the phone earlier - I can't wait for her & dad to get home tomorrow night
3. I got a start on my next unit of my course. Hello Payroll! 😛
BeePosted 26-03-2018 03:38 PM
1. One of the places I went to was babysitting an adorable little puppy:)
2. It's nice outside 🙂 The breeze is chilly
3. Submitted my assessments for this unit. (I forgot this one I could submit each event singularly oops!)
N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-03-2018 03:36 PM
1. Went to the science festival and it was awesome.
2. My dad drove into the city so I wouldn't have to a. drive or b. ride a public bus for an hour. (go dad)
3. Had some yummy chocolate
4. Doritoes!!!
letitgoPosted 26-03-2018 03:07 PM

For yesterday:

1. Did some de-cluttering of my bedroom when I was feeling stressed

2. Sleep in!

3. Got a high-five from my adorable 3 year old cousin



1. Heard from someone about a volunteering gig I'm really excited about!

2. Sent an email enquiring about some overseas work/volunteering (Me: 1; self-doubt: 0)

3. Practised some Italian

N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-03-2018 10:53 AM
Since Wednesday:
1. Actually socialised with people (although now I feel so dead :P)
2. Nice dinner
3. More nice dinner
4. Ran ju jitsu and it went well
lokifishPosted 22-03-2018 06:11 PM

1. Drove my sister (and mum) to the hospital for her appointment

2. Went on an impromptu beach trip!

3. Got some study done at the beach

4. Had a nice lunch on the way home

5. Weather today is perfect

letitgoPosted 22-03-2018 03:57 PM


1. Work

2. Went to a social thing I'd been feeling anxious about and I coped so well and had a great time!! Also treated myself to some rice/tofu and delicious ice-cream! 

3. Had a chance to read my book and write in my journal before starting my co-facilitating job.



1. My brother went to McDonalds with some friends - I am so proud of him!

2. Slept in

3. Saw my grandma, mum and I took her grocery shopping.

4. Watched a couple of episodes of Riverdale and painted my nails 🙂 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 21-03-2018 08:23 PM
1. Tutoring went well
2. I socialised for about 20 minutes!! 😄 Adult conversations! Woo
3. Ju jitsu was great

1. Finished one assignment!!!! (a bazillion more to go)
2. spring rolls for dinner
3. nice weather
roseisnotaplantPosted 20-03-2018 02:54 PM
1. did my psych sac so it's OVER and i think i did at least okay 🙂
2. finished this weird drawing of a fluorescent pineapple
3. had cuddles with the doggo

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