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Toolbox of coping

This has probably been done before but it would be cool if we had a list of threads/articles/etc that have helped us stay calm. I'll start us off


Got more links to awesome threads/resources for calm? Please share them 🙂


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 10-12-2020 11:59 AM


Kaylee-ROPosted 15-12-2020 11:35 AM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 This post couldn't have come at a better time! I think with this time of year, a lot of people have a lot of spare time and it can often be a gift or extremely overwhelming, so being able to have self-care tools at your finger tips can change everything! 

I really like the staying calm and self care kit tools that you linked in, and could see some inspiring tools myself when I looked through others posts, so it would be pretty cool to see what other threads/posts people could link in that they find helpful Smiley LOL

Tay100Posted 14-12-2020 05:35 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5  thanks for this genius post, much needed for the holidays! The safe space thread looks awesome!

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