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Yeah i took a little break from RO but I'm very excited to be back and return to being an active member of this awesome community 🙂 I am also hyped to resume my volunteering role as a bob...


(please appreciate that seamless segway)


I know a bunch of you guys are volunteers in one way or another (have a high five you legends) and I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about your experiences volunteering, how you found your positions, and what you get out of it. I'm thinking about volunteering this year but I'm not really sure how to go about it or how to find a role that I'm passionate about, especially in a relatively small regional area.


Thanks everyone 🙂 Happy Friday!

roseisnotaplantPosted 18-01-2019 05:06 PM


dncinginthedirtPosted 04-02-2019 08:07 PM

Hi! @roseisnotaplant ðŸ™‚

Great to hear you are so enthusiastic about volunteering! Have you have a look at your local council website? Usually they have a volunteer section. 

Other websites are Seek Volunteer and Go Volunteer

DruidChildPosted 15-02-2019 02:41 PM

Hey @roseisnotaplant so good to see you back! Smiley Very Happy Heart

I used to volunteer for a St Vincent De Paul program and then for an organisation that helped families and children. My advice would be to figure out the area you’re interested in (like, working with children, working with animals, running a group) first, then check out charities or organisations from your area of interest! Hospitals, nursing homes, and schools all often need volunteers. 

roseisnotaplantPosted 30-01-2019 12:47 PM
@Saltwaterdreamtime HELLO!!
ecla34Posted 04-02-2019 03:58 PM

Hello @roseisnotaplant!! 
A nice way to find to find a volunteering opportunity could be to attend some volunteer info sessions with any organisations that interest you! It can be a cool way to meet some current volunteers/staff, see what's what, and find out about any available roles 😄 

missepPosted 19-01-2019 10:31 PM
Welcome back @roseisnotaplant !
You are doing, and have always done, amazing volunteering work here on RO 🙂
I have worked at a mental health ward in a hospital which was an eye-opening experience, specifically to make sure that people weren't isolated or lonely. It was actually so rewarding and nice to see people open up to you and really enjoy just sitting next to you or colouring.
I found out about it on a psychology facebook group but I have found a lot of other options just by searching for 'volunteering in x'
What kind of fields interest you?
letitgoPosted 19-01-2019 11:53 AM

Hey @roseisnotaplant and WELCOME BACK! 🙂

Hmmm sure. I volunteer at the moment for a publishing company and I loooove it! I would suggest volunteering in an area that interests you. e.g. I love books, so it made sense that I'd volunteer for a publisher.

What I get out of that is great experience. I learn a lot and I've made some friends and it gives me such a great feeling of belonging and purpose.

Volunteering online would be especially useful, I would imagine, in a regional area - what do you think? 🙂

Welcome back!

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