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Jan 26 - I’m really hurt
Today is January 26 or as most people know it as Australia Day. yet again I’m upset but not surprised by what I’ve read on the internet, it shouldn’t upset me anymore but it does.
Some things people have said to me in person or online today
“so damn entitled”
“so they want more money even though they get given heaps and just waste it” - who said this was about money!?
“you trash the houses the government gives you why should you get more free money” - again, what?
”what now?”
“So fragile. Quit crying”
“.you people have 23 days and you want to take our 1 day off us, and where is going to stop” - I love the use of “YOU PEOPLE”....
“I can do what I want fuck you”
“move on”
Also I agree with the change the date notion but protesting in a pandemic scares the fuck out of me, as it did with the blm protest, so when I posted this comment I got a birage of hate from white teenage girls telling me to fuck off because I don’t know what I’m talking about, my opinion doesn’t matter, I need to shut the fuck up etc. When I pointed out that I am a part of the community they are protesting for they just said “I don’t care”
It’s their 5 minutes of Instagram footage that they care about, not the actual cause. This happened last year with the BLM protests as well and to be honest I’m pretty fucking damn sick of it you either care and you want to hear the opinions of people who you are protesting for or you can go fucking jump because I’m sick of people using causes like this as a trend. It’s not a fucking trend. Half the people that posted a stupid black square on their social media are out at BBQs getting pissed today enjoying their day off.
Fuck you all I’m over it.
Hey @Saltwaterdreamtime, I just wanted to check in with you today to see how you were feeling?
It seems like yesterday was quite difficult for you, so I want to let you know that you're absolutely not alone in this fight for justice and respect
Have you had any time to reflect on how the comments that the girls posted made you feel? I know that nothing on social media is ever easy, and it is a constant battle everybody witnesses and is apart of from time to time. I wonder if you were able to jump into any positive messages/videos yesterday around invasion day and the beauty of Aboriginal culture that helped you see the other side of the racial fight?
Thinking of you I see every year becoming harder and harder for the first nations peoples, you're not alone.
Every year it’s more and more deflating and the same thing happens over and over again, I get told to shut up because I what I say doesn’t matter, happens all the time every time I try and speak up. I’m over it @Kaylee-RO
I Just worked yesterday. I didn’t really see a lot of positive stuff just news articles. I did see a few things from blak business online.
@Saltwaterdreamtime it being deflating is the perfect word to express that emotion. It is sad to see that some of the world is growing and many people still are not. I believe what you are saying matters, and I know that so many people in the world, specifically Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are vouching for your words too. Do you have connections with anybody else that is also Aboriginal, or any connection to your mob or community? Sometimes finding a place to resonate with a community structure can help the isolation of your truth.
I haven't had much experience with Blak Business tbh, how did this make you feel seeing some of their stuff?
Every time @Lost_Space_Explorer5 every time without fail some smartarses come and ruin it.
@Saltwaterdreamtime I don't think some people are worth listening to or engaging with if they are being that hurtful and disrespectful while not even trying to listen themselves
@Lost_Space_Explorer5 @They are happy to chat when it’s trending though, as long as they can lead the conversation and make it about them
@Saltwaterdreamtime😞 that's really tough... Have you had any positive/supportive experiences with people talking about today?
I'm really sorry that you're having to go through all that @Saltwaterdreamtime. 😞 You don't deserve it at all.
I don't know if there is anything I can say to make you feel better, but so many of us care about you. I know a lot of us love hearing about your culture and it's awesome to see how proud you are of it.
@Saltwaterdreamtime I am so sorry you have had those experiences today, it really isnt ok. i must say i agree with you about the protests in a pandemic that scares me a lot and i remember during the BLM ones i just wished people could protest in other ways and like of course i support the cause (i am half black) but it is really hard when people wont wont listen to the voices of the people they are supposedly fighting for.
im sorry you are experiencing this, thats really horrible.
im not sure what might be helpful but im hearing you!
@Saltwaterdreamtime... people suck sometimes... that's just.. so not okay for them to say..
Is there anything you can do to keep yourself away from all that for today?
Is there anything we can do to help you cope with it?