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@ayrc_1904 Welcome back!!

Let Me Love You GIF

You're definitely tempting me with an oodie now 😂 And now I'm craving a hot drink too!


1) My work room is usually bloody cold because of the air conditioning but now that it's winter they're letting it be warm and toasty. Today isn't perfect but it's getting there!

2) The black milk tea latte with caramel pudding that I've been ordering on Saturdays 😋 But today I think I'll go with a vanilla tea latte because it's so cold!

3) When my friends get so excited that I have free time because they want to see me

4) when I have a nap in the middle of the day and I take my cat in and we snuggle for a couple of hours

5) spotify sending me new music every Friday, although sometimes it misses the mark 😅

6) Heaters and fluffy clothes. Need I say more?

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