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Weekly Wellbeing: Spicing Up The Mundane (Making lockdown lifestyle a little more fun)




Being at home all day because of lockdown can be very boring. It's easy to get into a cycle or routine that makes the hours go by yet it feels empty or time wasted especially with chores and housework.


This week's wellbeing activity will be to find an activity (one to three) that you find mundane and boring 😴. It's this week's task to then spice things up and find a creative way to make it fresh, fun, enjoyable, or even a healthier activity 😁 , and then share it below to help out the rest of the community to have a better time at home.


For example:

1. When doing dishes - get your phone and play some music and have a dance party doing dishes! 💃🕺

2. When hanging laundry - do some squats for every piece of clothing 💪

3. When making your bed - set a timer and see how fast you can do it (still neatly), and try to beat your previous record 



*try to avoid being like SpongeBob here^

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