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Weekly Wellbeing: Support Networks

Wellbeing Activity: Support Networks

Hi everyone! We’re back with another weekly wellbeing activity.

Happy Season 9 GIF by The Office

Something that I think is so important, is knowing who is in your support network. Knowing who you can go to for help or advice when you’re feeling down and knowing you can rely on them to help make you feel just that little bit better can be really helpful. Think of the people in your support network as being part of your ‘team’. Everyone wants to do well together and is willing to support each other when one person is down.


Opening up to people and letting them know how you feel can be really calming and help you release all of your worries. Having somebody who you know cares can make all the difference on an off day. Opening up to someone can be scary at first because it’s a new level of intimacy and vulnerability you share with that other person. But once you do it you will feel so much better knowing you have someone to support you and that you’re not alone! Also, anybody on these forums is already a champion! Well done for either being so brave and asking for help on here or being so caring and giving people advice and comfort!! Woohoo!


Share Love GIF


Support networks can be made up of anybody you trust. It can be from your immediate or extended family, close friends, close teacher, professional psychologist or psychiatrist, even neighbours, anybody from an extracurricular club you’re in and of course- us on ReachOut!! 


This week’s wellbeing activity is to write down who is in your support network. Remember that even if you feel you are alone, there are so many of us on these forums who care about you and want you to feel beautiful, empowered, happy and amazing 🤗 In other words, you already have an army of people behind you! 😎❤️


Huddle Up Go Team GIF by MANGOTEETH

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