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Join an event. Happening today.

18th October: FB LIVE CHAT, Naked Farmer!

We have a VERY exciting guest for October's Infobus: 


Ben Brooksby, aka The Naked Farmer! 

Join us on the 18th of October at 7pm AEDT 





For the first time ever, we will hosting this event as a Live Chat on Facebook, between myself, and Ben! 

This way you get to see the faces, hear the voices, and interact! 

This is our first time doing this, so we are excited to learn and see how it goes. 

You will be able to ask questions , and be able to interact in real time, while we are chatting. 


So who is this Naked Farmer and why is he nude??? 

His name is Ben, and he has decided to do something to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health! 

Ben reckons that "it takes guts to get your gear off as it takes guts to talk about mental health."

Specifically, mental health issues in rural areas, and in the farming industry are the focus of his work - with hopes to increase awareness and access to services. 
To do this, Ben is collecting photos of farmers who have the guts to get their kit off, and using them to create a calendar!  Check out his website here . He also has an awesome collection of photos on the gram, and on facebook

Please keep to the guidelines.

Don't forget to tune in!


Submit your questions here to be asked on the night! They could be about Ben, his work, this project, mental health, farming... whatever! 

gina-ROPosted 27-09-2018 04:39 PM


gina-ROPosted 10-10-2018 10:05 AM

Thanks to everyone who's already posted questions - we are getting v excited to go live with this one! 


Just a reminder that this is happening next week! keep the questions coming, and put it in your diary! 


gina-ROPosted 15-10-2018 12:27 PM

Link to the Facebook Live event!: 


Note about annonymity. 

This is an event run on our social media, and not on the forum. Therefore there are very different things to consider around your privacy and annonyminty 

Please remember that if you engage in the event, it will be through your FB name. We ask that you do not mention you username on Facebook at any point - including in comments, in the event, or on the event night itself.  Keep yourself safe and anonymous. 


If you are a mod or a builder, please do not mention this on Facebook either. 🙂 


Please engage and click attending to the event if you would like to watch the live interview, but remember that your facebook profile will be visible in the event (noone will know who you are on the forums if you don't tell them). 



mrmusicPosted 17-10-2018 06:02 PM

This is going to be so awesome! Really good to get involved, and talk about some of the issues facing rural communities, and some of the great work which is being done by this initiative! 🙂

lokifishPosted 17-10-2018 06:32 PM

Did anyone see @gina-RO testing out the live feature on the RO Facebook page earlier? (I think the videos have been deleted now 😂)
gina-ROPosted 18-10-2018 09:35 AM

hahah @lokifish we were indeed testing it out... 3 times! I think we have it down pat now! 

Excited for tonight! 

Has everyone seen the video I put up in this thread (original post?) 

Smiley Happy

mrmusicPosted 18-10-2018 06:40 PM

Hi everyone, a reminder that this Facebook live chat with the Naked Farmer will be starting in 20 minutes, at 7pm AEDT.



This is an event run on our social media, and not on the forum. Therefore there are very different things to consider around your privacy and annonyminty 

Please remember that if you engage in the event, it will be through your FB name. We ask that you do not mention you username on Facebook at any point - including in comments, in the event, or on the event night itself.  Keep yourself safe and anonymous. 


If you are a mod or a builder, please do not mention this on Facebook either. Smiley Happy 


Please engage and click attending to the event if you would like to watch the live interview, but remember that your facebook profile will be visible in the event (noone will know who you are on the forums if you don't tell them).


@lokifish @annabethxchase @Brendos94 @ecla34 @Birdeye

mrmusicPosted 18-10-2018 07:03 PM

Welcome everyone to this very special FB Live Chat with Ben Brooksby, aka the Naked Farmer!


If at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone, about an issue then it's time to get some help! You can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!


@gina-RO Will be on soon to post the direct FB link! 😄


@lokifish @ecla34 @Brendos94 @annabethxchase @Birdeye @litgym @Anonymous @Puppies026 @seadreamer @LeoTheLion

litgymPosted 18-10-2018 07:11 PM

yes can’t wait ! currently downloading facebook...and it’s taking its time !

mrmusicPosted 18-10-2018 07:13 PM

Hello @litgym!! 😄

Should be great!

ecla34Posted 18-10-2018 07:31 PM

Some really interesting discussion going on on facebook right now!
What are everyone's thoughts so far on the chat? I'm really loving the concept of using a bit of humour (and a lot of guts) to get dialogue going about mental health. 

BeePosted 18-10-2018 07:37 PM

Yeah it is so interesting @ecla34
I'm enjoying listening to the caht so far 🙂

litgymPosted 18-10-2018 07:42 PM

im getting some vibes that @lokifish is asking most of the questions hahahaha

lokifishPosted 18-10-2018 07:52 PM
HAHAHAHA... I may or may not be behind most of the questions

I am also a 100% anonymous presence on the chat right now
litgymPosted 18-10-2018 07:54 PM

BAHAHAHHA @lokifish

ecla34Posted 18-10-2018 08:03 PM

That was such an awesome discussion to follow! Such an important point was raised at the end of the chat as well, it's more than okay to ask for help before reaching a breaking point, it's the perfect time to do so! 


@lokifish and @Bee gotta love those social media algorithms Smiley LOL

lokifishPosted 18-10-2018 07:56 PM
What an awesome chat! Can't believe it's been an hour already though - time flies when you're having fun
lokifishPosted 18-10-2018 07:57 PM
Okay so Facebook decided to autoplay more live videos... first up: "The real reason Will and Kate broke up in 2007"

litgymPosted 18-10-2018 07:58 PM

ooo fun haha @lokifish

BeePosted 18-10-2018 08:00 PM
@lokifish mine went to a video about humanising moana 😛
lokifishPosted 18-10-2018 08:01 PM
@Bee Hahaahhaha

I know this is super off topic but can we pls just make this a discussion about how stupid Facebook's algorithms are? 😂
mrmusicPosted 18-10-2018 08:05 PM

Hey everyone, thank you once again to Ben Brooksby for his time this evening with the chat, and thanks to everyone for participating! 🙂


We do have some further questions planned about the topic, so please feel free to stick around and add your insights!


Time for the first question:

Are you from a rural / regional part of Australia? Do you know any farmers?

BeePosted 18-10-2018 08:21 PM

Are you from a rural / regional part of Australia? Do you know any farmers?

I'm from a rural part of NSW, my family moved to rural NSW from rural Vic the year before they had me. Both my extended families are from farming backgrounds too. 

I'm related to farmers, and I wish I grew up on a farm, but I grew up in town away from the family farms so I missed that upbringing my parents and the rest of the family had...

lokifishPosted 18-10-2018 08:24 PM

@Bee Yeah, that's a good point... you can still live in a rural area without the associated rural lifestyle. I know for me, I'm only a 5 minute drive away from a Woolies and a Maccas - one reason why I don't feel like I can call myself a country gal 😂


Had you heard of the Naked Farmer before this chat?

I'd heard of the name but had no idea what it was about. I assumed it was probably an immature gimmick tbh (which it kinda is, but in the best possible way 😛 :))

annabethxchasePosted 18-10-2018 08:41 PM

Are you from a rural / regional part of Australia? Do you know any farmers?

I wouldn't consider myself 'rural' but I am definitely on acreage area (About 3-4 acres) They're used to be kangaroos and there is some koalas sometimes!

Had you heard of the Naked Farmer before this chat?

Yes! I remember when he first became popular and my mum would cover my sisters eyes lol I knew it was for some worthy cause (Drought maybe?) but I didn't think it was mental health related!


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