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Let's Chat: Aging Out


This months “Let’s Chat” is about something we’ve noticed has come up in recent times. This is a safe, open space to chat about aging out of services. 


Aging out of, or being transitioned out of services is something that I and the whole ReachOut team have experienced before. We truly understand how disheartening, disruptive and sad it can be. 


There are many ways to cope with the feelings of grief, loss and disappointment that may arise when it’s time to move on - and that goes for all transitions in life. For me, it's about extending my support network and getting to know more of my strengths. 


A big part of managing inevitable changes we go through in life is finding ways to accept them and adapt to them. It’s easier said than done but it isn’t impossible and we would like for this thread to be a space we can talk about how to do that. 


We will be holding an “Ask Me Almost Anything” with our awesome guest Dr Joe in a couple of weeks which will be looking at the topic “Change” and in that chat we will be talking about this in way more detail. 


For now though, we would like to see what everyone's tips are around moving through big changes!

Bre-ROPosted 29-01-2021 02:49 PM


SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 03-02-2021 01:40 PM



I’ve been holding off to post for a little bit and just doing some of my own personal reflection. 
I have a lot of really big things happening in my life at the minute and to an outsider maybe moving away from my online forum in the grand scheme of things doesn’t seem like a big deal, but this community has shaped my journey from young person to adult hood and I simply wouldn’t be the way I am today without it, or living my life with as much as purpose and pride as I am now. It’s going to be a really big change for me leaving here, I’ve been here since I was 19, when it felt like everyone and the world was against me. But I also think now is a good time. Sometimes the hardest things to do are the best things for you. 

MB95Posted 25-02-2021 09:48 PM

@Saltwaterdreamtime I can't even imagine how you're feeling. I've only been part of this community nearly 2yrs and not finding it easy to leave. I don't want it to happen and think it totally sucks but also understand it has too. Understanding and accepting are two very different things though hey? Anyway, just wanted to let you know you're not alone in this and I really feel for you. Sending hugs! 💙 

Tay100Posted 02-02-2021 08:01 PM

@Bre-RO this is such a nuanced topic, I love it! Do we have date for it? If I plan ahead I may be able to make it!

Bre-ROPosted 03-02-2021 10:07 AM

Hey everyone! I'm really glad that this has resonated with so many of you. I don't have a locked in date just yet, but hoping to by the end of the day - I'll let you know as soon as I do. I think it will be a really good discussion to have with Dr Joe's perspective as well. 

MB95Posted 31-01-2021 12:43 PM

Thanks for the tag @Lost_Space_Explorer5 and for starting this thread @Bre-RO. I think it's a great idea. Not sure if I'll be able to join cause it's pretty triggering for me atm but I'll see how I go. You guys are just incredible with finding ways to support this community. Thank you ❤

November13Posted 01-02-2021 02:42 PM

I love @Lost_Space_Explorer5's suggestion to find closure and @hunginc's idea of organising new sources of support. These sorts of change can be quite tough and upsetting to go through. I can't wait for the AMAA!


I think it may help to think about some of the times we have had to part with something or someone important and how we dealt with it. Also having a session/thread where we can share how you feel about leaving can provide some sort of closure, and sharing them at the new service if possible can help with the transition (are these ideas for new threads? Smiley Happy).  

hungincPosted 30-01-2021 09:54 PM

@Bre-RO Thanks so much for this


As someone who is about to age out from here, I think it is important to have other sources of support than the "standard" psychologist if finances, or accessibility are an issue. These other sources include: face-to-face peer support groups, or perhaps another online forum like Sane forums, which I'm looking into right now.


Transitioning out of any service that has had so much impact on your life is hard. But it's important to remember that your experiences that you've had are because of you, and for the most part, your efforts. 


Because I'm still researching other possible support/treatment options for myself, I will keep you guys updated on what I find that could be relevant for you


"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything" - Quote from a person I don't know 

WheresMySquishyPosted 29-01-2021 11:31 PM

I think this is a great topic. I feel like it's harder to find certain services who are willing to provide treatment if you are at a certain age or close to a certain age. I think the longest I've spent with a service was 12 to 13 years and I was under the one professional the whole time. I left because I aged out. It can be bittersweet.
For me, it is important that a professional or service has links to other people who can help if they are unable to.

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-01-2021 03:17 PM
Love this idea for a let's chat! Transitioning out of services due to age or time limits can be a really disruptive and painful process. It's literally a grieving process. I think reflecting about what you've learned can be helpful and finding closure how you can (e.g. by saying thank you, goodbye, etc.). Goodbyes are an inevitable part of life 😞 I personally hate them and avoid them like the plague Smiley LOL But they're an opportunity for growth and change all the same. I look forward to our upcoming AMAA with Dr Joe! Awesome topic!
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 29-01-2021 03:25 PM

I know @MB95 and @Saltwaterdreamtime are ageing out of RO soon 😞 

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