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Let's Chat: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
It’s been a big start to the year with lots of world news that can start to get a bit much. It’s no surprise that seeing updates about the Coronavirus has been stressful for some people.
If you are feeling anxious about this virus, we want you to know that you are not alone and you don’t have to struggle in silence. Feel free to have a chat about it here with us. As always, we are here to listen and support you through tough times.
What personally helped me wrap my head around the Coronavirus was getting the facts. I’d really encourage everyone to have a read through them here and check out the links at the bottom of this post for the latest, updated health information:
- Australia is taking action: There are protective measures in place including travel bans, self isolation and social distancing to reduce the transmission of the virus. You can find up to date information on the action Australia is taking here and here.
- Person to person spread of corona viruses generally occurs between people who are close contacts with one another. A close contact is someone who has been face to face for at least 15 minutes, or been in the same closed space for at least 2 hours, with a person that was infectious.
- Globally the fatality rate is 2%, which is significantly lower than other recent major outbreaks. It is important to remind ourselves that we have a good healthcare system in Australia that is working hard to make sure we’re all okay.
- It’s important not to avoid Chinese people, Chinese products or Chinatown as this can have very negative outcomes for this community. If anyone is at risk of transmitting they will be isolated. There is also a great article here about dealing with and fighting against the racism associated with this outbreak.
- Although it can be stressful sitting with the uncertainty of a new virus, know that scientists are working really hard to get on top of this.
What can help to ease the stress is working on the things we do know and can control. Read on here if you need some tips on coping with things out of your control.
So what can you do?
- Wash your hands frequently: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.
- Practice respiratory hygiene: When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with the crook of your elbow or a tissue – get rid of the tissue immediately into a closed bin and clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. Also, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- If you have a fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. Tell your health care provider if you have travelled overseas, or if you have been in close contact with someone with who has travelled recently and has respiratory symptoms.
If you’re still feeling like you need more information, we’ve got some links below that might help to reduce the stress.
- Get all the information you need on the NSW Health site here or check out the FAQ page on the Department of Health website
- If you’re feeling unwell and would like to check your symptoms you can do so here
- Coronavirus health information line, call 1800 020 080 for people with questions regarding prevention and the spread of the coronavirus
- Healthdirect helpline, call 1800 022 222 to speak to a registered nurse who can provide advice when you're not sure what to do — whether you should see a local GP, manage the condition at home, or go to an emergency department, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- This is a great info-graphic on coping with the stress of a viral outbreak here.
You are not alone, and we will get through this together
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Hi @Bananatime04, I can understand why you might be scared right now. Have you told your parents? There is also a dedicated 24/7 hotline to discuss your symptoms, if you are worried about Coronavirus It is the best avenue to ease your worries or link in with a health professional.
Aw @Bananatime04 being sick sucks, sounds like you're really uncomfortable 😞 Have you been resting at home? When I'm sick I like to make myself as comfy as possible by having a hot steamy shower to clear the sinuses, getting into pjs and setting myself up on the couch or in bed with a good T.V series or movie. What helps you?
This is very random, but I feel like I kind of have to get this off my chest, so I don't really have much of a social life, I have one friend, who I perhaps see maybe every week or every two weeks - so yeah. Anyway I am now doing uni online, and have had to put my gym membership, swim lessons and dance lessons on hold, but it still kind of feels like I'm living my normal life? It's just that I'm doing everything online now? Like talking to my employment mentor or psychologist/psychiatrist? Does anyone else have that feeling? Starting tomorrow I'll be also working out a lot more at home because I'm currently trying to do social distancing, so I've been trying to eat everything at home, and only going to the shop when it's absolutely urgent and such.
I'm gonna be honest and say I'm really struggling right now. I've been trying to take care of myself but the world is going through such a big change that I can't ignore it. I know things will probably never be the same after this, how can it be? I'm hoping there might be some good social change, like governments might recognize the importance of good health care and people might take care of the environment more. But it's unfair, we shouldn't need a pandemic to get that.
It's weird how my feelings aren't invalid, either -- everyone feels it too. It's so, so bizarre with anxiety and not leaving your house being the natural state of everyone!! I'm just really scared. For the state of the world. and for my mental health. My physical health, too -- I've said on the forums before how I've been experiencing severe fatigue every day, muscle pains, and other things. Before this all happened, doctors kept telling me it's 'just anxiety' (it isn't). Would they believe me now, when everyone else is as anxious as me? I half feel like every other aliment in the world has, impossibly, been put on hold for a while.
@Bananatime04 Good news, from my limited knowledge it doesn't sound like you have COVID19 cause it's more of a respiratory infection than a sinus one. Still would recommend calling the hotline if you're extremely worried, though! And try to stay away from infecting vulnerable people!
@Bananatime04 , hope you've begun to feel a little better.
we were supposed to open a two week run for a show on wednesday. luckily we've only had to limit performances and tickets are prioritised for actors.
so it's really good, and tonight is our closing night.
it really makes you put things into perspective, but all I can really say is that 2020 is such a sucky year and it's only march.
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Hi @trashconverters,
I can't begin to thank you enough for sharing your reflections about Coronavirus- so powerful when you put the lens on how equipped we are now in this century. We've just sent it around our team and all of us really appreciated this perspective!
You are definitely right in saying that as hard as these times are, we are more connected by our technology and our science is more advanced than ever before. Your post gave me a strong feeling of hope and a reminder that together we can and will get through this! Thank you!
Hey @trashconverters ,
I just had to echo what Jess said, that was such a beautiful post, and I think you've captured so beautifully the things that we do have to be grateful for.
One think I've been loving is how so many people are generously sharing the ideas they're having for what to do if they are kept at home, and I'm loving seeing the virtual music festivals, virtual museum tours, and beautiful moments of humanity being shared on social media. It reminds me just how lucky we are to be living in a world where we can experience that sort of connection from our lounge rooms.
I also thought I'd share this checklist I saw on social media this morning - it's a massive master list of ideas of things to do if you're at home, and I found it really got me inspired to think about the things I CAN do, rather than the things I can't.
ReachOut have also just put out a great list of ideas of 10 ways to look after yourself during the coronavirus outbreak - self-care is always something we are massive fans of, and now more than ever it's great to take time to think about what might work for you
Hey community!! Check out our Weekly Wellbeing: Self Care at Home
We are sharing ways of getting our needs met whilst staying home. There are links to virtual entertainment, fitness events and ways to stay connected with friends. We would also love to hear what is working for people and add to the list 🙂
sounds like some people are going through really rough times right now. It’s so cool how everyone is supporting each other!
So I’m in self isolation because I have a medical condition that effects my breathing. When I get the common cold it takes me about 2 weeks off of school to recover and I have to go on strong medications. All my friends are still at school, but I have to be at home all day, everyday. I understand why but is still feels a bit unfair, I want to be at school with my friends but I can’t.
Welcome to the forums @Dream_State!
That sounds so frustrating. 😞
I have similar medical issues. They mostly affected me during high school, which caused me to miss out on a lot of school, but I still have the problems now. When I get a cold, it is more like having the flu and there are times where I've had to go on a nebuliser and try different types of medications. Nothing I've tried has really helped that much, but some of the symptoms became less frequent on their own.
I've made a thread called Chronic Illness Support Squad that you might find helpful.
Thanks Guys!
@WheresMySquishy I’ll check out the forum, thanks. 😊
It is tricky because I just missed 3 weeks of school because of my medical issues, then I went back for a week, and now I’m in isolation. Keeping up with school work is messy at the moment!
I can completely relate to your medical issues. At the moment I’m on a wait list for an endoscopy because of the issues I already mentioned. Although I don’t think it will go ahead while Covid19 is around because it’s considered ‘elective’ although I really need it!
Normally if I get a mild cold I go on a Ventolin and Flixotide inhalers. (Even though I don’t have asthma) It seems to work okay for me, not perfect though. Although I’ve heard people are stockpiling and there are shortages🙁.
@Dream_State It must be so hard to catch up when you're missing out on so much school. 😞
Is your school supportive? My sister developed an illness where she can't physically leave the house by normal means, and we ended up having to get her to move to a distance education school because her school had no idea how to support her.
I had an endoscopy a few years ago, but to test for coeliac disease rather than a respiratory issue. Luckily, I didn't have coeliac disease, but I could still develop it in the future. I hope your endoscopy can still go ahead with the coronavirus. My family members have had appointments cancelled from it.
I've tried inhalers, but they didn't really work for me. I'm glad they helped you a bit though! 🙂
We also had trouble getting my sister's medications due to the shortages. Today, we asked the chemist to reserve some stock for us. I think there are many people in the same boat. 😞
@WheresMySquishy that sounds annoying for your sister!
My school is reasonable accomodating, they put all the resources I need online. They do what they can but missing the lessons where teachers are explaining things or doing practicals is really hard to understand. I also play a lot of sports for my school so it’s annoying not to be able to go to them😕.
As far as the endoscopy, fingers crossed. It’s a common-ish procedure for me, a couple of years ago. We will have to wait and see. I hope my regular meds don’t run out, That sounds frustrating too!
So, the country is in lockdown and I've seen so many people who still don't understand or just don't care. My friend is furious because she's still getting invited to house parties! Anyone have any tips to try to make people understand, even when they don't listen to reason?
So before the country locks down proper on Tuesday my mum is coming to get me. This is honestly a relief, to be able to deal w this around family. I'm still gunna be paying rent for my share house and stuff but honestly I've been very close to hospitalisation (for mental illness stuff) a number of times already so having someone having a close eye on me is really helpful.
Hey @trashconverters ,
I'm so happy to read that your mum is coming to get you. We all need to support one another during this challenging time. I love your maturity in acknowledging that whilst you stay have to pay for rent etc., you'll have someone keeping an eye out and care for you
So hopefully this is gunna help me, but I realised like maybe in order to feel less hopeless, I gotta do something that I look forward too!
So I'm going to start a weird little passion project to keep me going. I love recap podcasts and I love Preacher so I'm going to re-watch it again and make a little podcast! I've already had a few online friends I met through the show say my Preacher rants are super funny and they'd give it a listen! Is it super nerdy? Yeah. But if I have a script I need to finish once a week, but it's something I love, it might just help keep me going! I'm starting watching episode one tonight, I'm very excited I've always wanted to do a podcast!
Maybe podcasting might be a good idea for other people in this thread!
Hey @JazzInMay
I just wanted to check in. I completely feel you about everything being so up in the air and it all being a bit much, I have definitely had some crying time! I am sorry to hear how much you have had on at the moment that would be so hard. Thanks for checking in with everyone, and you are so right about seeing how animals and the environment having some wins without us humans impacting them!
Hey @trashconverters that's pretty bloody awesome to hear about your podcast, good on you for tapping into some proactive activities.
I am keeping myself entertained by skateboarding in my apartment, hopefully when this all settles I will be a pro haha.