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Redheads goals

Shorr term 

Be safe until my cm gets back next week
-that means getting through each day a moment at a time. Attending appointments, getting help if needed.


Get referral to gender clinic
-that means talking about it with gp and other parties if needed.


Name change
-wait on paperwork to arrive
-sort out legal stuff and go through the process of changing everything.



Mid term
Get into therapy and focus on psychosis and suicide risk
-on waiting list


Join bridge club
-practice and get along to some sessions and read book they gave me.


Hang out with dad once a week

-this usually means attend a community group with him 


Find new accommodation
-talk to cm about options
-get stuff organised for move etc


Get more stable
-I don't know what this will look like but work on being safe everyday



Long term
Get on hormones. 


Get back to uni next year
-involves achieving other said goals


Pass my psychology degree and get into honours
-distinction average (eek)


Do some travelling


Get a job


Have a partner
-learn self love too


@Bree-RO @Ben-RO

redheadPosted 17-07-2017 10:14 PM


scared01Posted 22-07-2017 01:07 PM

thats an awesoem list @redhead

redheadPosted 24-07-2017 08:46 PM
Update on my goals.

I achieved goal 1 and saw my case manager today.
DruidChildPosted 25-07-2017 10:46 AM

Those are such amazing goals @redhead and it's incredibly well done that you've already achieved the first one. I'm so glad you're safe - hopefully your cm was helpful. 



redheadPosted 28-07-2017 08:00 PM
Update on goals: my name change is official now, I just have to figure out how to change everything now lol
DruidChildPosted 08-08-2017 11:08 AM

That's so exciting @redhead!!! I hope having your name changed officially makes you feel good 🙂 I'm so proud of you.

redheadPosted 22-08-2017 08:29 PM
Been thinking about my goals as again, here's an updated list (practically same just crossed a few off I achieved/weren't relevant anymore)

My goals
Get referral to gender clinic.

-do exercises and remind myself things take time

Mid term
Focus on therapy

Join bridge club (scrapping this goal, it's not relevant to my schedule anymore 😞 I'm gonna miss it tho, maybe another time)

Hang out with dad once a week

Find new accommodation
-get stuff organised for move
-find temporary accommodation while I wait for housing to come up.

Get more stable and reduce hospital admissions
-I don't know what this will look like but take things a day at a time
-manage suicide risk so I don't constantly end up in hospital.

manage psychosis better

Long term
Become a mod on ro

Get on hormones

Get back to uni next year

Get my psychology degree and get into honours
-distinction average (eek)

Do some travelling

Get a job

Have a partner
-learn self love too
Bree-ROPosted 22-08-2017 08:43 PM

This is simply amazing @redhead. I specifically like the last one - self love.


It's becoming more apparent to me, practicing self love really does help with a lot of other challenges in life. What does self love look like to you? 🙂 


How are you feeling after updating these goals?

redheadPosted 22-08-2017 08:47 PM
@Bree-RO self love for me is about accepting myself, acknowledging the good and bad bits, and finding good things I like about myself, having fun with my hobbies and learning my flaws, it's about being ok in my skin.

And it feels good to have some updated from last time. I like being goal oriented
honkyPosted 22-08-2017 10:40 PM

That's awesome @redhead, love the goals ! I especially love your long term goal to travel Smiley Happy What are some places you have in mind?

redheadPosted 25-08-2017 09:13 PM
@honky I want to go back to Europe, I didnt get to see much when I was there. I also want to go to Cuba, Russia, Iceland, Egypt, pretty much everywhere.
I plan to take time off after uni to travel around Australia. I guess that's another goal.
missepPosted 21-07-2017 01:50 PM

Hi @redhead!

It's such a great idea to think about short term and long-term goals! 

Changing your name sounds like it will be an exciting new chapter for you 🙂 

I'm also studying psychology! Good luck with that 🙂 It's going to be an amazing accomplishment to have a psych degree under your belt! 


redheadPosted 21-07-2017 07:44 PM
Update on one of my goals. I finally have an appointment with my new therapist. I'll be seeing her in 3 weeks 🙂
mspaceKPosted 21-07-2017 11:02 PM

That is such a great step @redhead. Well done 🙂 

Chessca_HPosted 18-07-2017 06:11 PM

These are all so good @redhead! On the point of feeling unsure aboutt you goal to get more stable, do you think it would help to turn it into a SMART goal (something specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely)? I find that sometimes helps for me if I get stuck.


Particularly loving the "learn self love too" part of the last goal 🙂

Rachelle444Posted 18-07-2017 05:50 PM

Hey @redhead,

You are really courageous to decide on some really great goals and share them with us. 

I find that writing goals down can be really helpful and make them seem more real.

I am currently in my Psych honours and my goal is to get into masters, so I can relate to the difficulty there!! If you have any questions about that part of your goal, let me know and I would be happy to help 🙂

Bree-ROPosted 17-07-2017 10:20 PM

That's a pretty awesome list @redhead well done! Good building blocks in there, kind of small mid and large goals. What would you say is the most exciting goal for you personally in that list?


Is there a way you can screengrab this and keep it in your camera roll for when you're feeling a bit lost etc? Well done, it's so good.

redheadPosted 17-07-2017 10:25 PM
@Bree-RO I wrote it on my notes section of my phone so I got a copy.

Most exciting (and prob most difficult) is name change stuff. I put paperwork in 10days ago so it's just waiting approval then actually changing everything which is going to be a pain but definitely worth it.
Ben-ROPosted 18-07-2017 04:49 PM

These are some super amazing goals @redhead i think it's particularly amazing and courageous that you are putting in for a name change. That's a big and exciting step!


What's next with these goals? How are you going to work towards them and how can we all help?

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