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Weekly Wellbeing: Habits

Weekly Wellbeing: Habits


Hey guys!

Time for another Weekly Wellbeing activity ðŸ˜„


For this one, we thought we'd take the time to reflect on some of our habits ðŸ™‚


If you google habits, aside from getting a lot of pictures of nuns you also get this definition:
"a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up."


Which is what most of us think of when we see the word habit. But this definition focuses on the neutral-negative side of habits, and doesn't mention the way in which we can purposefully build positive habits to improve our wellbeing! ðŸ˜„
 Even a habit as small as automatically drinking a glass of water when you wake up can have an impact on your mood and wellbeing (even in tiny ways ðŸ™‚ )



So for this week, there's three activities ðŸ˜„ Heart

1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?
2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?
3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc. 😄


Have a great week! Heart

ecla34Posted 23-09-2020 04:23 PM


jamijamPosted 12-10-2020 08:08 PM
1. I have a habit of playing on my phone before bed even though I'm super tired! I'll watch tik toks or check instagram for no reason at all to the point of exhaustion. Perhaps I am procrastinating sleep as i have struggled with insomnia in the past and hate the feeling of being wide awake thinking. This week I'll make an effort to change this by putting my phone down at a certain time and reading a book instead.

2. I'd like to get up earlier i think and maybe start my day with some yoga or light exercise. I think this will give me a productive start to the day and the added endorphins are great for a positive and healthy mindset. I'll set a reminder each day so that I don't forget!

3. I'm a very fidgety person, I'm constantly playing with my hair, my jewellery or my clothes. I can't help it i always seem to moving or playing with something. Honestly, I think its a nervous thing haha
hungincPosted 06-10-2020 10:04 PM

Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?

Procrastination. Not quite sure how to change this (I've been trying for a few years now).


Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?

I want to incorporate more HIIT/circuit training in my routine. This will help me build endurance. One step I have taken is to just do it, but I still find myself procrastinating about doing it. 


Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc

I eat my food in a particular order (i.e., protein, veggies then carbs if any)


Goodvibes1Posted 01-10-2020 04:04 PM

1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?

I have a habit of laying down in bed after i've finished work. I get so excited to complete all the tasks i've set out for the afternoon after work, then as soon as i get home i think "i'll just lay down for a little to relax and check my socials then get to it" but as soon as i sit or lay down i get too tired and lazy to get back up again! It takes much more effort to begin the tasks then. I am trying to stop myself from getting into a relaxed mindset as soon as i get home and instead go straight into completing what i have to for the day with regular rest periods 

2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?

I want to incorporate taking my medication at the same times every day, as i have found i take them in certain time periods but often not at the same time. This would help me by providing my body with the same equal dosage regularly so that my body can improve safely with minimal side effects. I will set alarms for the desired times and see how that goes!

3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc. Smiley Very Happy

this was a tricky one haha! However, i always have to play netball with two pairs of socks on. I've been doing it for years because i've always had blisters but even without the blisters, it's not comfortable anymore to play or train with only one pair of socks haha


wanderingwaspPosted 23-09-2020 10:42 PM

1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?

I have a habit of checking in on my dissociation like almost all the time that I am not focused on an activity. it's getting compulsive and it's exhausting and makes me feel worse so I've been distracting myself more today and feel better (but I also feel like I'm neglecting my mental health by distraction which makes me feel guilty urgh)


Another bad habit would be to use too much tech without resting eyes. It gets to the point where i have a headache and am still mindlessly scrolling thru social media or youtube despite being extremely bored. It's just not productive and I know that getting up and doing chores or anything non-tech would make me feel better

2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?

I'd love to wake up earlier and sleep earlier because that way the day doesn't drag on in a negative note. I know that waking up at 8am is simply out of the question haha cos nothing is forcing me to but at least i don't sleep past 1am anymore!!! I think the fact that i set myself a curfew is pretty good, coupled with the fact that i force myself to go to bed earlier adn watch tiktok before actually falling asleep


I'd also love to exercise consistently (either day or evening, but never night) coupled with yoga

3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc. Smiley Very Happy

i'm always drinking water haha. its just built in my system and im so dependent on it by this point. i also have a habit of kissing my partner too much whenever i see him haha

ecla34Posted 04-10-2020 08:58 PM

@Bre-RO ahaha love it! 😄 do you get a new song every day?


@WheresMySquishy ears first? How cruel! 😛 


@wanderingwasp aww cute for the last one Heart


@Hannah-RO Smiley LOL just picturing one of those moustache twirling cartoon villains 😛


@Goodvibes1 oof definitely so easy to do! so many times i've gotten home from work at like 6, said i was going to have a 'power nap' and woken up at 8:30 pm, yikes! Smiley LOL



Hannah-ROPosted 24-09-2020 12:34 PM

This is a great thread! Love looking at habits positively Smiley Very Happy


1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?

Mine is similar to one of yours @wanderingwasp, it's the endless scrolling through my phone, particularly before bed and i'll do it when I can't sleep too - which probably doesn't help me to sleep! I think it would be good for me to get one of those apps that tells you how long you've been on your phone/on a certain app so I can track it and limit it.


2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?

I have been trying to go for a walk every day in the afternoon, but I actually haven't done it this week! WHOOPS. I need to have a plan in place so that if its too windy/raining I still do some exercise inside.


3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc. 

I play with my hair a LOT, if I had a mustache I would never achieve anything because I would be twirlin it all day.

Bre-ROPosted 01-10-2020 02:14 PM

I must say I'm glad I'm not the only one who mindlessly scrolls on my phone. Maybe we should try doing challenges? Where we can set a goal and try to support each other with it! 

WheresMySquishyPosted 23-09-2020 09:08 PM

1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?
I tried tracking my symptoms, but I stopped recently. I didn't feel like I was learning anything new by doing so, it was taking up too much of my time and I honestly feel that logging times when I'm in pain makes the pain worse because I am focusing on it. Now I just track my mood and what made me feel a certain way.

2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?
I want to do some of the physio exercises I was doing before because I find that they help when I get tight muscles. I used to do them at certain times of the day so I would remember to do them. Every day for the rest of my life, I also have to put a warm cloth on my eyes and massage it, and I've been neglecting to do that lately. It's supposed to help my eyes. I've tried using a habit tracker, but I still forget. Smiley Tongue

3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc.
I always eat the ears of chocolate bunnies first!
This is going to sound weird, but I have a dermatofibroma on my leg and I sometimes try to pinch or rub it.
I also have to finish the song that I'm listening to before I leave the room.

Bre-ROPosted 23-09-2020 04:54 PM

1. Are there any habits you have that you feel don't add positively to your wellbeing? Are there any ways to change these?


There have been plenty of bad habits that have come and gone! At the moment my bad habits are mainly around drinking waaay too much soft drink. Like..I try to have this rule where I can have it on weekends but I end up having it all week and with lunch and dinner. One way I have changed this in the past is by having soda water for the fizz but not all the sugar 

2. Is there anything you want to incorporate into your routine? How might they be beneficial? What steps can you take to make this happen?


I really want to wake up earlier (I've been saying this for approx 8 years lol) It would be so good for me to take things easy in the morning, have time to eat a good breakfast and stuff. I could probably do this if I went to bed earlier! 

3. Do you have a random habit that isn't positive or negative, but you always do? e.g. some people always have the correct earphone in the right ear, or always bite the head off a chocolate frog first etc. Smiley Very Happy


Haha! Good question..hmm... well every single morning without fail I wake up with a song stuck in my head. So, I HAVE to listen to it within at least an hour of waking up. 



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