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5 random things about you!

It's time for 5 random things! Man Very Happy

Let's try and make it as random as possible.


1. Peppermint icecream is the best! I wish I could eat peppermint icecream for breakfast lunch and dinner

2. While my hair is boring-brown now, over the years my hair has been blonde, black, red, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink.

3. I love walruses!!!!!

4. Being at the beach makes me the happiest

5. I love fantasy books (and movies) Tolkien and Ursula Le Guin are my favs


Sophie-ROPosted 19-07-2012 05:36 PM

Comments (41 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-07-2017 06:11 PM
@basketofmonkeys I'm studying towards being a primary teacher. Although I really lean more towards the arts. I might do a mini-course of sorts with art units so I can become an art teacher or a music or drama teacher 😛
basketofmonkeysPosted 08-07-2017 11:19 PM
@N1ghtW1ng that sounds super interesting! I wish I had the patience to work with children, it'd be such a fulfilling job!
mspaceKPosted 12-06-2017 03:35 PM

Let there be randomness.


1. I spend ages imagining stories in my head and playing them out in my dreams. I often write about them too.

2. I get these urges to yell out and say something funny when the cinema goes quiet right before the movie starts. 

3. A warm day with a deep blue sky and the sun shining makes me feel happy straight away. 

4. I love acting out scenes from movies and creating my own spin offs like I'm a made up character and think of what I would do if I was there. 

5. I love books (fantasy, adventure, psi-fi and young adult).

KarinaskiiPosted 08-06-2017 05:13 PM
1. I am obsessed with Disney!
2. I can speak a little Japanese
3. I come from a family of 4 daughters (I'm the oldest)
4. I am a bit of an over achiever...
5. I am also really good at setting unrealistic everyday goals 😛
SkyIsTheLimitPosted 08-06-2017 10:06 AM
Five random things abou me:

1. I absolutely loved teddy bears and I still have my very first teddy.
2. I still care for the people who've done me wrong even though we don't talk anymore.
3. I give too many second chances.
4. I'm a hopeless romantic despite what everyone thinks.
5. I will risk anything for the people I care about.

Sorry for being so dramatic 😂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-06-2017 02:03 PM
@SkyIsTheLimit teddies are the greatest thiugh, aren't they? 😛 Being dramatic is fun too 😄

@Karinaskii DISNEY!! Yes to Disney 😛 Did you learn Japanese in school? Setting goals can be fun, sticking to them can be a bit harder though 😛

@mspaceK Your 1 and 4 are so me Robot LOL it is so much fun creating stories or reimagining movie scenes 😛
basketofmonkeysPosted 18-06-2017 07:53 AM

5 random things about me!


1. I can knit

2. I've taken king-fu classes

3. I used to live in England before moving to Australia

4. I'm left-handed

5. I've always liked the idea of doing archery

funi001Posted 03-06-2017 02:45 PM

5 random things here we go 


1. If you don't get this Harry Potter refrains there is something sirusly Ron with you  (Smiley LOL)

2. I've lived in 8 house in my 16/17 years of living 

3. I want to become an artist when I leave school but I don't know if my parents will let me  

4. I am most likely always dong school work  

5. I'm new to this so I have no clue what I am doing


now back to my homework (see that refrains to number 4)   

lokifishPosted 03-06-2017 05:15 PM

@funi001 awesome to see you joining us on the forums! Don't worry if you've got no idea what you're doing - we're a pretty friendly bunch and you'll soon get the hang of things 😛 what sort of art do you enjoy making?

funi001Posted 03-06-2017 05:33 PM

@lokifish I prefer painting but some times I might draw on my ipad. There both work equally as well. Thanks for arsking 

lokifishPosted 03-06-2017 06:13 PM

@funi001 nice! My grandpa used to paint and I wish I could develop the talent for it 😛


We've got a few arty threads on here if you're interested 🙂 there's one here and another one here

Rosaay561Posted 31-05-2017 02:50 PM

1. I'm scared of tiny heights, but not big ones.

2. One of my thumbs is significantly smaller than the other.

3. My dog is called Dougal.

4. My favourite song is Whiter Shade of Pale, by Procal Harlum,

5.  I look a lot younger than i am

BeautyQueen15Posted 21-05-2017 02:46 AM

I'm not really good at these things but I'll give it a go.


1. I've been a type one diabetic for twenty years this year.

2. I'm a really girly girl and into makeup and beauty, but I LOVE afl.

3. My nostrils are shaped like love hearts.

4. My hair has been literally nearly every colour under the sun. (Black, brown, blue black, purple, orange, red, yellow, blonde, white, bronde)

5. I'm obsessed with having perfect eyebrows. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-06-2017 10:17 AM
Hi @BeautyQueen15 and welcome to ReachOut 🙂 What's your favourite hair colour?

Hey @Rosaay561 and welcome! 🙂 What breed is your dog? That's an awesome name 🙂
eish_223-scoutsPosted 21-02-2017 06:57 PM

Hi! im new to and im finding it good. could someone pleases tell me how to start a chat on the forum?

ok 5 random things about me...


1. I want to dye my hair a kinda burgandy red colour

2. I have 2 friends

3. I have 1 crush and he possibly likes me back

4. My Pa has passed away from strokes & cancers

5. I still sleep with my 1st teddy called Monkey (no guess to what type of animal he is!😝


thanks for reading this!

loves netball
loves netballPosted 21-02-2017 07:15 PM

Hey @eish_223-scouts welcome,

if you got to a section and click new message. Add a title and say what you need to within guidelines 🙂

j95Posted 16-02-2017 06:15 PM
1. I still look about 14, in both height and facial features, maybe 15 when I've grown facial hair, and almost always get asked for ID.
2. I really like different types of socks, I've even considered signing up for that thing where they send you a couple of pairs each month of different patterns etc
3. I really like pasta
4. I use Relax Melodies app to sleep
5. My surfboard is 5'9
RedKombiPosted 19-01-2017 11:03 AM
1. I am in love with vintage cars and think they're far more beautiful than our modern cars. I especially love kombis as my name suggests.

2. I have an fascination or what some call obsession with insects. I particularly adore cicadas and praying mantis and have a collection of insect specimens.

3. I love anime, Hayao Miyazaki films and the Japanese culture in general.

4. I often jokingly get referred to as a hippy for my clothing, hobbies and various interests. I don't mind this.

5. My all time favourite things to do include paddleboarding, swimming, hiking and skiing (I couldn't narrow it down any more than that)
Illusionmaster8Posted 18-12-2016 06:17 PM
1. When i was born my tongue was stuck to the bottom of my mouth.
2. For some weird reason i have small hands
3. I love rock music
4.i hated primary school
5. I have bad teeth
DruidChildPosted 29-12-2016 01:01 PM

What kind of rock music do you reccomend @Illusionmaster8? 🙂 


1. I'm mildly obsessed with the character Morgana Pendragon

2. My left hand hurts really badly for some reason? 

3. My favourite drawing medium is lead pencil or sometimes coloured pencil

4. When I was a kid I tried multiple times to invent a time machine/portal

5. Last week I made a bowtie out of a napkin, bobby pin, and duct tape just 'cause I could

GentleGiantPosted 01-01-2017 07:12 PM

1. I was born with a tooth

2. I am a big Batman fan!

3. I have lost a lot of weight

4. I don't drink, smoke or use drugs

5. I am double jointed in my fingers

lainey-may212Posted 16-12-2016 11:00 PM

1 i have a giant teddy on my bed his name is snuffles

2 i have a fasination with baloon animals

3 i love cookie monster and elmo

4 i love climbing trees

5 i love pranking my dorm adviser just to see her reaction 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 17-12-2016 04:23 PM
Hey @lainey-may212 and welcome to ReachOut! 🙂
Cookie monster is the absolute best. I've been wanting cookies for awhile 😛 Do you have any favourite kinds?
Ella303Posted 11-12-2016 11:33 PM

i am a little random so sorry guys


1: My Nickname Is Bubbles

2: I Love Unicorns  

3: Chocolate Is My Best Friend

4: I Am A Big Science Geek

5: I Capitalise The First Letters In All My Words

stonepixiePosted 13-12-2016 02:24 PM

Science geeks unite, @Ella303! What is your favourite branch?


You should totes check out our science thread, perhaps even share your favourite news about science. 🙂 I know it isn't the same as the nitty gritty stuff of science, but still kind of cool and an awesome way to share the more popular side of science with the rest of the community.

Welcome back!

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