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Following through on our resolutions

As 2016 draws to a close, a new year is fast approaching.


party pup

(awww yeah!)


Part of the new year is making resolutions. Whether it's to exercise more, get started on that novel or story you're writing or something else, resolutions can be hard to follow through on.




Join us next Monday, 19th at 8pm AEDT where, we'll be talking about how to get started on any changes that you might like to make, either now or in the new year, and make them stick.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 15-12-2016 11:04 PM

Comments (6 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-12-2016 08:40 PM
So I am going to head off because I'm tired 😛 I hope you all have a good convo!
letitgoPosted 19-12-2016 08:48 PM

Good night @N1ghtW1ng! Talk to you soon! Smiley Happy

Ben-ROPosted 19-12-2016 08:44 PM

This is a bit nerdy, but we always use SMART goals at ReachOut, and I have kind of started using them in my own life too 😛 


SMART can stand for a few things, but they all kind of help you decide the best thing to aim for, @letitgo it seemed like your answer was leaning towards a SMART goal? 


S - specific, significant, stretching

M - measurable, meaningful, motivational

A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented

R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented

T - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackable

letitgoPosted 19-12-2016 08:47 PM

yep, that's definitely where I was going @Ben-RO

letitgoPosted 19-12-2016 08:23 PM

I'm late but I'm here!! Had to drive to get dinner. Sorry, going to jump into the party now!! Smiley Indifferent

May_Posted 19-12-2016 08:24 PM
hey @letitgo! 😄
May_Posted 19-12-2016 08:26 PM

Next question....


In the past, what do you think contributed to you following through/not following through on your resolutions?

Ben-ROPosted 19-12-2016 08:39 PM

In the past, what do you think contributed to you following through/not following through on your resolutions?


Most things that are worth doing in life take a while to do. It's not often that we can just walk into the shops and buy the solution to the things that really matter. Like that'd be nice, but unfortunately it's just not how it works. Unfortunately our brains aren't really set up to think like a month, or 6 months ahead, we kind of suck at thinking more than a week ahead a lot of the time 😛 


Sooooo for me at least, it's about breaking the solution into tiny chunks, making a habit out of doing those chunks, and setting some stakes i.e a reward or consequences (you MUST be kind to yourself!)  for doing those chunks. 


So for example, i decided I wanted to get a bit stronger, i realised the best "chunk" to help me towards that was to get into the habit of exercising every day. So I joined a fundraiser (for ReachOut actually 🙂 ) where i challenged myself to work out every day and post a video proving it. Knowing people were checking in on me was enough to get me exercising, and after a month i was in a routine and it felt weird NOT to exercise for a little bit every day. Now I'm still doing it 6 months down the track 😛 


Oh and a note on being kind to yourself, I reckon that means it's okay to stuff up when you're learning to form a healthy habit or replace or stop a bad habit. It's okay to stuff up, it's how we learn! 



May_Posted 19-12-2016 08:48 PM
@Ben-RO thanks for sharing 🙂 I totally agree about chunking. With diet/exercise things I often get thrown off by eating junk food once and giving up, however I need to view it as an ongoing challenge I suppose.

I think my brain does think ahead a lot though which makes me feel less pressure to act on my goal "now" because I think I have heaps of time?

Congrats on exercising everyday that's a fantastic achievement!
loves netball
loves netballPosted 19-12-2016 08:44 PM

So @Ben-RO if you've been getting stronger can you leg press more than me yet? And if you can my new resolution will be to run a marathon (me going to hide in case I don't like the answer hahaha)

Ben-ROPosted 19-12-2016 08:48 PM

Haha, i am not sure! I have been focussing on a thing called Gymnastic strength at the moment so i haven't even done a press for a little while. I will have to go find a thingy and have a go! I can almost lift my legs off the ground doing an L-sit though, which is surprisingly tricky if you're a n00b like me !

loves netball
loves netballPosted 19-12-2016 08:52 PM

Oh now I don't feel so strong @Ben-RO................  I'm so going to hide, 42km is torture 😞

j95Posted 19-12-2016 08:49 PM
I have to go, sorry, I hope the rest of the chat goes well, I'll read it tomorrow.
May_Posted 19-12-2016 08:53 PM

neeext questiooon


Do you think you have set resolutions in the past that are too difficult to achieve?

letitgoPosted 19-12-2016 08:59 PM

Do you think you have set resolutions in the past that are too difficult to achieve?


definite yes to this one. In regards to fitness, I went on the treadmill today. Only for 25 minutes but I was super proud of my self anyway!

But if I were to set myself a goal of, say, becoming a weightlifter, I'd be dreaming. I'm not built for that kind of thing, and that's okay.

May_Posted 19-12-2016 09:06 PM
25 minutes is ages! I retract my "I have high standards" comment after reading that haha @letitgo 😄
RevzZPosted 19-12-2016 09:02 PM

Do you think you have set resolutions in the past that are too difficult to achieve?

Yep. I think I can speak for everyone where we plan to write an essay in small chunks but end up having an "all-nighter" Smiley Tongue

letitgoPosted 19-12-2016 09:07 PM

Sleep is beckoning to me, so I shall bid you all farewell for tonight. Thank you for a lovely conversation!

Ben-ROPosted 19-12-2016 09:01 PM

You've done long distance before right @loves netball i reckon you could do it! Maybe it's just a question of how much time, and the type of chunks you need to think about? 

loves netball
loves netballPosted 19-12-2016 09:07 PM

Yeah sure @Ben-RO I'm only doubling the distance I can run Smiley Surprised

If I'm doing this, then you have to keep me motivated every week till next October!!

Ben-ROPosted 19-12-2016 09:10 PM

Make a thread, break the goals into chunks and tell us what we can all do to support you @loves netball we will all cheer for you! 

loves netball
loves netballPosted 19-12-2016 09:08 PM

I agree with @May_, 25 minutes on a treadmill is boring for me, @letitgo try outside, so much easier

Stealth_ninjaPosted 19-12-2016 09:11 PM

Hey everyone! I'm back from my intermitent adventure! Sorry. Glad the discussions been going well! 


I'm lost with regard to the other questions so im just going to jump in here - hope that's okay! So i kind of alluded to it before but when i set resolutions they seem to be kind of vague instead of really specific. I have set specific goals for myself and they're usually something i work towards over a long period of time and it feels kickass when i achieve them.


With resolutions I don't think i take them seriously, they're always really simple and not very measurable so I can't actually say whether i've accomplished them or not. I think my answer is alaways "kinda" haha

May_Posted 19-12-2016 09:11 PM
goodnight @letitgo!

@loves netball I think I do just find gyms and exercise for the sake of exercise pretty boring. I much prefer sports like netball or tennis!

Welcome back!

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