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[CHAT] Valentine's, Schmalentine's

With Valentine's Day coming up and the stores being filled with flowers and chocolates to sell, it's time to get a little romantic. Valentine's Day makes itself very apparent when it near arguably rivals Christmas even though it's celebrated by a lot less people.


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"What if I don't have a special someone to celebrate it with?", some of you are surely thinking. Ever felt the pressure heighten particularly on this day or see it as a stark reminder of what you're missing? Well you've found the perfect discussion!




So how do you feel about Valentines Day and the pressure from Cupid? Just a meaningless holiday or a nice reminder to appreciate the people we love in our life? Share your thoughts by joining us here on Valentine's Day Eve at 8pm AEDT on Monday, February 13th to discuss what is truly important on Valentine's Day!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-02-2017 02:23 PM


AlexandriaDPosted 10-04-2017 07:05 AM
I'm honestly not sure why we have a Valentine's Day. Shouldn't it be every day that we value the people in our relationships? It's also really awkward when I've been asked out (by jerk heads) and had to really awkwardly dis them. You're also under a lot of pressure to ask someone else out (espesh for all the guys out there). I guess to me Valentine's Day is kinda boring. And you get all these really sappy notes in your locker that you just wanna burn. Ahhhh good old life. I guess cheaper chocolate is always a good thing tho!
roseisnotaplantPosted 10-04-2017 09:28 PM
I totally agree @AlexandriaD! (Especially with the cheap chocolate bit :P)
Trikle Trade
Trikle TradePosted 31-03-2017 10:14 PM

this is the most serious case.

Trikle Trade
Trikle TradePosted 25-03-2017 04:58 PM

this is the best option.

JiaPosted 13-02-2017 10:07 PM

Well it's past 10pm which means the end of the GR session, but it doesn't mean it's the end of conversation 🙂 Please do keep answering our last question or just contribute to the discussion!

Goodnight everyone :)!!



JiaPosted 13-02-2017 09:33 PM

I see a recurring theme is extending it from just romantic relationships to pretty much all relationships which I really love cause I would say they're just as important as romantic relationships

Stealth_ninjaPosted 13-02-2017 09:35 PM

Thanks fot all your help @letitgo ! yeah i agree with a lot of what everyone is saying, also maybe reframing so that its less about spoiling and being with one person and more about spending time with people you love regardless! And just maybe being grateful for the love we have

JiaPosted 13-02-2017 09:23 PM

Time for the next question!! 🙂


What are some ways we can reinvent this “holiday”?

FootyFan26Posted 13-02-2017 09:30 PM

What are some ways we can reinvent this “holiday”?

Encourage people to make up their own unique way of showing their loved ones how much they care and not having expectations put on other people.

DruidChildPosted 13-02-2017 09:26 PM

What are some ways we can reinvent this “holiday”?


Maybe make it more about community feeling, everybody supporting one another and genuinely caring and showing love? And other important things like showing love for the environment and stuff. Also making it more educative, learning about healthy relationships and communication skills and stuff. 

Also bees. It needs more bees. 🙂

letitgoPosted 13-02-2017 09:26 PM

Some ways to re-invent the holiday might be to change the way we talk/think about it, to challenge the expectation (whether out loud or in our minds) that we need to be in a relationship.


I think also showing affection for others in our lives e.g. friends/family on that day could be one way of shifting the focus from romantic love to all kinds. But I'm stumped when it comes to other ideas, to be honest... 

letitgoPosted 13-02-2017 09:29 PM

It's just about my bedtime, so I shall be off! Wishing you all a happy Valentine's Day/Galentines Day/OverCommercialised Holiday! Smiley Happy 

Stealth_ninjaPosted 13-02-2017 09:44 PM

Flowing on for some of the things everyone has been saying about reframing valentines day, 


What are some positive ways to celebrate friendship and companionship, whether romantic or otherwise?

FootyFan26Posted 13-02-2017 09:54 PM

What are some positive ways to celebrate friendship and companionship, whether romantic or otherwise?


  • Having a fun day out
  • Going out for dinner
  • Spend time out with friends
Ben-ROPosted 13-02-2017 09:50 PM

What are some positive ways to celebrate friendship and companionship, whether romantic or otherwise?

 So many ways! And i actually am kind of chewing on this idea in my head, i am not sure if it's correct... but maybe there's like a spectrum of intimacy? Some people we are like super close to, like partner close and then on the opposite end there would be people who we are not close to at all and would prefer not to be around at all. Some people might be in between those two extremes and get  handshake or some kind words, someone you're a bit closer to might get a hug, and some people aren't cool with being even that close with anyone, which is also totally okay. 
Anyway what i am rambling on about is i think intimacy is at least one way of celebrating friendship or other kinds of relationship too. I think just spending time with someone would be a form of intimacy and i think I'm going to just try and do more of that over the next week 🙂 
Wow that was quite a ramble, even for me 😛 
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-02-2017 09:57 PM
I think of intimacty of a subtle way of showing love, any kind. @Ben-RO it's definitely a neat, rather unnoticed(It is noticed, when you engage in intimacy but it's not really discussed as much, which is why it's unnoticed) to show someone how you feel about them.
Ben-ROPosted 13-02-2017 10:00 PM

Agreed @N1ghtW1ng! And perhaps we focus on intimacy at the super romantic and sexual end of the spectrum and forget that just spending time watching TV with someone, going out to dinner, having a good chat, could all be intimacy too...or at least my definition of intimacy hehe

N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-02-2017 10:07 PM

I suppose intimacy can be both physical, emotional and verbal. 


Speaking of intimacy and other kinds of other attractions, Do you think that Valentine's Day is unfair to those who love in different ways? For example asexuals and aromatics?


roseisnotaplantPosted 14-02-2017 04:34 PM

Do you think that Valentine's Day is unfair to those who love in different ways? For example asexuals and aromatics?


To belatedly answer your question @N1ghtW1ng, I do think that Valentine's day is super unfair for aces and aros, and kind of to a lesser extent the LGBT+ community as a whole. It seems to be very focused on traditional het relationships and gender roles, but I think this'll change over time 🙂

Ben-ROPosted 14-02-2017 05:45 PM

@roseisnotaplant what do you reckon an inclusive Valentine day might look like?

roseisnotaplantPosted 15-02-2017 09:55 PM

Hmm @Ben-RO. I think...


  • Less of a focus on romantic love and more of a focus on things like friendship
  • I see a lot of like 'him and her' stuff, so like altering that to be inclusive of like all sorts of people and relationships
  • Removing stereotypes (like gender stereotypes and the expectations that come with them etc)
  • Probably some other things, it's the end of a long day and I can't really think 😛

I'm not sure how we get there though.

roseisnotaplantPosted 13-02-2017 09:55 PM

@Ben-RO I think that an intimacy spectrum is totally a valid idea. On one end you have your enemies (very extreme - I don't think I have any enemies lol), and on the other, if it's like a platonic intimacy spectrum, you'd have like your best best friends. And then there'd be everything in between. That totally makes sense.


That idea sort of reminds be of terminology in the ace/aro communities, but I don't feel super qualified or knowledgable in those areas 😛

FootyFan26Posted 13-02-2017 10:05 PM

Well, this is the end of this GR for tonight but feel free to hop on later if you missed it and add your answers!  Thanks for coming and have a good night guys!


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