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GR - Resilience - Apr 1st!

Have you ever been really tested by life and come out the other side feeling like a Superhero minus the ability to fly? I'm talking the worst day/week/month/year of your life and come out stronger on the other side? 



That my friends is resilience. By definition it means: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. But to all of us it will mean many different things. 



It could mean having an argument with your BFF and learning from it. 



It could mean dealing with the loss of a loved one and healing from that. 



Resilience does not discriminate and takes many different shapes and sizes to be built. All of us here today are demonstrating resilience just by being here. 



Join us on the 1st of April 2019 at 7:30pm (AEDT) to talk about what resilience means to you and discuss how we can build resilience to overcome adversity in our lives. 

lennycat2017Posted 27-03-2019 09:33 PM


ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 06:49 PM

@lennycat2017  those gifs are BEYOND perfect!1!!! Heart

Less than 45 minutes until we get started! Who's excited? (me.. definitely me ;)) 



ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 07:30 PM

Hey everyone! 

Welcome to tonight's GR, we're talking here about Resilience, what is is, how we show it, and how we can nurture it within ourselves (spoilers, sorry 😉 )



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scared01Posted 01-04-2019 07:34 PM
hey @ecla34 😄
scared01Posted 01-04-2019 07:42 PM
@DruidChild @mspaceK @Bananatime04 @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @saltwaterdreamtime maybe you guys would like to join in?
mspaceKPosted 01-04-2019 09:24 PM

I know I am a bit late to the session. Sorry about that. I have been out tonight doing some exercise and reading my book. 


I know resilience is a really important skill to have and it has helped me a lot in the past to get through my elite sport when I was playing at 14/15/16 years of age as I had training after training and I also got bullied by my team mates. But I was able to step up and perform my best and even won an award for best team work despite being bullied and made to feel like I was not good enough. To me resilience is being able to bounce back in the face of defeat or even self-doubt. 


I suppose I am struggling a bit with my resilience at the moment because I have been having a lot of negative thoughts and negative memories have been resurfacing as well as negative situations have happened recently. I am really having to be resilient to push through everything right now. 


@scared01 @lennycat2017 @ecla34 @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @blissfulhope 

ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 09:30 PM

@mspaceK  no such thing as too late! sounds like a lovely evening 😄


Thank you for sharing your experience of showing resilience in the face of bullying Heart that's amazing that you were able to push through and even win an award despite everything!! 😄


I'm sorry to hear that things have been building up in such a negative way for you at the moment, it can be so hard sometimes to just shrug things off when they keep coming at you, can't it? 😞 I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way Heart

I really liked your point about showing resilience even facing you own self-doubt, sometimes that can be one of the hugest hurdles!

scared01Posted 01-04-2019 09:28 PM
hey @mspaceK
your alwasy welcoem to join in

i like what resilience means to you and your examples as well but im sorry you had to cope with all of that. Ive seen your resilience in the time ive been on the forums, i beleive youll be ok but its ok not to be ok too.
mspaceKPosted 01-04-2019 09:33 PM

thank you @scared01 @ecla34 . 


It is hard to bounce back when you are feeling so defeated. How do you find the motivation to be resilient when life seems too hard? 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 02-04-2019 07:17 AM
Hey @mspaceK
I find the good things in life that are happening at the time. If I feel really bad, I don't exactly know what I do...
I guess I just cry in my room for a bit, until I feel better. Or I write it down in my journal. Or what I like to call it, my feelings book...
lennycat2017Posted 02-04-2019 08:45 PM

Hi Everyone! 


Sorry I missed the session last night I had to work late Smiley Sad These responses were great and I love that we all have different perspectives on what resilience is! 


Thought I'd jump in late and answer these: 


What does resilience mean to you?

Resilience to me means growth. Resilience is not something most people are taught, I think that being resilient is built through experience and will not only change you as person, but it will also expand your understanding of relationships and perceptions of the world. 


Was there a time in your life when resilience helped you overcome an obstacle/get through a tough time 

Yes, almost always. Resilience has taught me to know my value and my worth - when I went through depression as a teen/young adult I realized I was capable of more than I gave myself credit for. As someone who struggled with family/friend relationships I realized how I wanted to be treated as person and the type of people I wanted in my life. Both of these things mean that now I don't settle for anything less than I deserve, in my relationships, in my job and all aspects of my life. 


What are some strategies you can use to help you stay resilient?

I often reflect on things that I have already overcome, nothing reminds you of how strong you are like lived experience. 

Another strategy is asking yourself what advice you would give your friend in this situation? Would you let your friend being treated like this? We can so easily encourage our friends out of their darkest days but be so hard on ourselves.


All round - it is just a HECK YEAH from me @ resilience. 


Hope you guys enjoyed these answers Heart 






ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 07:40 PM

why hello there @scared01 !!  Heart 😄 and to all the others Heart

Let's get ready for our first question!

*drum roll please*

What does resilience mean to you?


ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 07:56 PM
What does resilience mean to you?
If we're asking our dear friend Mr Google, than resilience is:
1. the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
2. the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
and the springiness of our joints aside, i agree more or less with point number 1.
I think resilience doesn't mean we can't be affected by the curve balls that life throws our way (2nd sports metaphor for the evening, who am i? Smiley LOL), but that we just.. keep on keeping on. Like you said @scared01 , you learn and you keep moving forward, with more knowledge to guide you than you had before Heart
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 01-04-2019 08:01 PM
These are all really good meanings. I don't actually know what it means to me yet. But I am still a bit young... maybe...
I guess I havmd the ability to bounce back in year 4-6, after a really bad anxiety issue, but I haven't fully recovered yet. Maybe when I fully know what it means to me, I can explain better.

//You are strong, You are beautiful, You are enough//
ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:05 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  i agree with you there, it can be a bit hard to put into words, i know i still struggle to do so even now. I think your example definitely shows resilience! Even though you're still struggling you fought your way up from a low point Heart I love your new tagline by the way! it's really beautiful 😄 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 01-04-2019 08:08 PM
Thanks @ecla34.
It's from Vanessa Pawlowski.
I have it on my pinboard in my room.

//You are strong, You are beautiful, You are enough//
scared01Posted 01-04-2019 08:03 PM

hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx nice to see you 🙂

thats ok, you dont have to know what it means to you yet, its all a learning process 🙂


do any of the meanings others have posted make sense or resonate with you or help you to understand what it might mean?

scared01Posted 01-04-2019 08:00 PM

Question 2:Was there a time in your life when resilience helped you overcome an obstacle/get through a tough time?

ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:11 PM

Was there a time in your life when resilience helped you overcome an obstacle/get through a tough time?


I think for me first year uni was a time when i really needed to show resilience, and things didn't really start improving in my situation until i did so. I let a lot of things start falling down and i had to really dust myself off and set myself back on my feet and work on fixing things.If you're sitting in a bad head space it can be pretty hard, and i know i'm definitely not as resilient as i'd like to be. 

scared01Posted 01-04-2019 08:09 PM
i cant think of one specific example of where ive used resilience to help overcome an obstacle. i find my life in general is an obstacle esp the past few years and having the ability to build upon my mistakes and seek out the extra support ive needed has helped me to be able to bounce back when things are tougher than usual
ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:15 PM

@scared01 really lovely self-reflection Heart i've definitely seen you show a lot of resilience with what is thrown your way non-stop Heart knowing when you need that support is also such a good and important point xx

ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:22 PM

Time for question number 3!


What are some strategies you can use to help you stay resilient?


ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:32 PM

What are some strategies you can use to help you stay resilient?


Definitely interested to see what everyone else thinks, but i guess some ways we can stay resilient is to take care our ourselves and nurture ourselves so that we're at fighting strength when things go pear-shaped unexpectedly or get stressful



so making sure we practice self-care, stay connected with those around us, and being kind to ourselves could be good places to start 🙂

scared01Posted 01-04-2019 08:30 PM
What are some strategies you can use to help you stay resilient?

somethings ive learnt along with way are to aks for help whenever i need, know when to increase my self care, sometimes challange myself to try new things that i can use my skills in such as going out in a social setting and practicing my communication and my anxiety coping skills.

the big one though is to remember that its ok not to be ok, being not ok doesnt make you weak and that jsut becasue todays a bad day doesnt mean tomorrow cant be good. just keep on, keeping on.
ecla34Posted 01-04-2019 08:35 PM

@scared01 i love love love your last point Heart 

@scared01 wrote:

the big one though is to remember that its ok not to be ok, being not ok doesnt make you weak and that jsut becasue todays a bad day doesnt mean tomorrow cant be good. just keep on, keeping on.

not being okay isn't weakness it's being human Heart


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