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Live GR: Bringing in the New Year (Wednesday the 30th of December, 7:30pm AEST)

Hey there legends! It's almost the end of 2020 so we've decided on a topic to fit that! I hope you're all doing okay, and it's okay if you aren't- I hope you can reach out and talk to someone (and of course, we're here for you if you need!)


So this coming Wednesday the 30th of December at 7:30pm AEST, we'll be chatting about our reflections of the past year and hopes for the future. We'll be chatting about our experiences of 2020 and how we plan on approaching the new year. 


Of course we'll all have unique (and shared) experiences for this year and I hope we can come together to support each other and reflect on what's happened


As always, make sure you check out the community guidelines and reach out to some support if at all you need it. These topics can bring up feelings of distress and that's completely normal so please don't hesitate to seek support if you think that would be helpful


I hope we'll see you there! Looking forward to it! 😄





Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 27-12-2020 01:19 PM
celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 09:13 PM

And for our final question this evening (and for the year eeeee)


How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc). Heart


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 09:23 PM
I guess just trying to see things from others perspectives would be good, because understanding people you care about seems like the first step to looking after them! I will try my best to look after those basic things humans need to be happy (sleep, exercise, sunlight, socialising, nutrition, water, etc) because sometimes those can go out the window. I've tried making new friends but it's really hard, and it can be tempting to hang around with people who mightn't make you feel good about you because that's what you're used to
A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 09:30 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5 it can be hard to stop being friends with people that aren't good for you, once its become a habit

HozzlesPosted 30-12-2020 09:32 PM

Ooooh, are we still on? Smiley LOL

A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 09:38 PM

@Hozzles feel free to let answer some or all questions if you would like to and we all still love to hear your experiences and hopes/worries for the future. Goodnight everyone and I hope everyone has a great 2021

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 09:33 PM

@Hozzles  You're still more than welcome to join in! 🙂

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 09:33 PM
Lol @Hozzles Smiley LOL

We're just about to wrap up soon but technically yes!
featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 09:20 PM

How will you look after yourself and people you care about in the coming year? (This could be what you will do, who you surround yourself with, how you manage challenges, etc).

I should try and check on my friends more, and send more memes to them. I should also try to engage in more self-care, especially exercising since I've been slacking off recently. 

A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 09:18 PM

I will be checking in on people that I surround myself with more often and try to surround myself with positive people. I will manage challenges by taking time and adapting to the situations.

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 09:20 PM

@A_Friend  This year has also taught me a lot about adapting to changing circumstances. I've tried to connect with more people this year and want to continue to do so in the coming year.

Not applicable

A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 08:42 PM

I want to put more time to friendships and my relationships/connections. 

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:42 PM

Next year I really want to change a few things, but most of all I especially want to focus on myself and the things that bring me joy, I feel like I didn't do that at all this year and it became quite stressful to keep up

- I want to read more like I used to 

- I want to put more energy into things that give me confidence and make me feel good and reduce/stop doing the things that don't

- I want to exercise at least 3 times a week

- I want to live a bit more of a minimalist life style

- I want to educate myself more about the world, especially about privacy and being secure online

- I want to try to go to bed early and wake up early

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:37 PM
@WheresMySquishy they sound like some great goals for the new year! What are some of the things on your list that you would like to try/are there any specific things would you like to see?
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 08:45 PM

@celestialdreamer  Some of the things on my list are:
- Growing a microherb garden
- Go to a new museum or have a virtual tour
- Complete a crafting kit
- Have fun in a park
- Find a lookout spot
- Jump on a trampoline
I also want to read more! I have a list of books I'd like to read. Like you, I used to read a lot more when I was younger.

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:55 PM
@WheresMySquishy oooh they all sound like such fun things, I want to do a few of those myself! I have a massive booklist as well, going to try to get through as many as I can next year.

@lost_Space_Explorer5 good luck with your psych, I know it can be scary but you can do it, I believe in you!
celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:23 PM
@WheresMySquishy I'm sorry to hear about your worries for you and your family's health, I know how tough that can be, sending love ❤️ On the other hand, good luck for those postgraduate positions, fingers crossed for you! That sounds like a great mindset and great capabilities to have, you should be very proud of yourself for being so flexible and accepting, having a growth/open mindset.
A_FriendPosted 30-12-2020 08:14 PM

I'm looking forward to hopefully getting my p's and I hoping to start working out again. I'm worried that I will be able to go back the routine of going to university and some learn I'm going to apply are taking time for myself 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:17 PM
Getting your p's is such a big achievement to look forward to @A_Friend 🙂 It can be stressful worrying about how to get back into something like uni after a break but you've done it before! Taking time for yourself is a good goal 🙂
Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-12-2020 08:13 PM
I want to get through my last semester of my undergraduate degree and then figure out what the hell I want to do with my life Smiley LOL I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope I can get a part time or casual job as well. I have hopes that I will get better but I don't know if that will happen, so I will take it a day at a time, a lesson I learned to follow this year (and also last year lol). Something I'm worried about is that my mental health will get worse, my pain won't ever go away, and I'll end up alone with no idea what I should do with my life. I guess applying what I learnt this year, is that even when a lot goes wrong I can still make it through so maybe I should remind myself of that. I'm also worried about everyone dying or leaving me suddenly haha. How could I see this differently? Make the most of the present? Idk
WheresMySquishyPosted 30-12-2020 08:22 PM

@Lost_Space_Explorer5  I hope you can get through the last semester! 🙂  I remember I had so many plans after graduating from uni, but things didn't go the way I hoped. It was tough, but I really like the job I have now. I also try to take things a day at a time. I've found that really helpful as a carer.

celestialdreamerPosted 30-12-2020 08:18 PM

@lost_Space_Explorer5 I have a lot of the same fears as you, during the year, if you figure out anything that works, let me know! I think next year I'm going to return to doing things that I did in my first years of high school, I just remember being really happy in those times so I'm going to try to return to some of those habits like reading more, less time on my phone and see how I go, but I definitely want to try to be more present. I'm sorry I don't have any tips for how you could see it differently.

featuringmePosted 30-12-2020 07:55 PM

What are some good things that happened for you in 2020, or what’s something you are proud of achieving? What were some challenges for you or people you care about?

2020 felt like the year I "became an adult". I started going to uni, and I got my first job. I also encountered problems that I feel are common amongst adults, like sleeping difficulties. My mental health also hit new lows due to personal circumstances, and COVID didn't help either. As someone who has social anxiety and has great difficulty making friends, attending uni classes without friends was quite a lonely experience. Uni results have also been a bit more underwhelming than I would've liked, which added to my stress and anxiety. 2020, like for many others, has been ... a unique year, to say the least Smiley LOL

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